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Yes I agree, hence my criticism that the movie became a catalogue for 30-40 different suits, and his even his main suits were obliterated like butter.. (which seems a shame considering what MkVI and VII endured in Avengers)

Take out the end battle with War Machine, the drones and Whiplash, Iron Man didn't get much action in the sequel though. Sober action at least. The Mark V scene at least was cool. Short but cool.

I know someone some time ago did a minute per movie comparison of all the movies. I suspect from memory the first film faired the best.
Yes I agree, hence my criticism that the movie became a catalogue for 30-40 different suits, and his even his main suits were obliterated like butter.. (which seems a shame considering what MkVI and VII endured in Avengers)

Take out the end battle with War Machine, the drones and Whiplash, Iron Man didn't get much action in the sequel though. Sober action at least. The Mark V scene at least was cool. Short but cool.

I know someone some time ago did a minute per movie comparison of all the movies. I suspect from memory the first film faired the best.

Even funnier is how the Mark IV, one of the more popular armors, did basically nothing all movie- it fell out of a plane in the beginning and then later had a fist fight with the Mark II.
Even funnier is how the Mark IV, one of the more popular armors, did basically nothing all movie- it fell out of a plane in the beginning and then later had a fist fight with the Mark II.

And Mark IV was supposed to be the suit he made his name by bringing world peace in 6 months!!! I would love to see some of that!

I really like VI and VII. I thought the suits reflects Tony's state of mind in all of the movies. When he is sharp, his suits are good. When he is a piece of crap, like in 3, his suits are, well, a piece of crap. Not to say I like 3, which was a glorified toy commercial for HT, specially how they wasted XXXIII, I think the many suits serve a point.
My takeaway from IM3 was not that Tony's suits were fragile pieces of crap...it was that the suits were fighting against enemies with an ability that could destroy the suits. Recall the scene near the beginning of the film where Tony was investigating the explosion that almost killed Happy. According to JARVIS, the explosion produced a heat signature of 3,000 degrees Celsius. Assuming all of Tony's suits were made of gold-titanium alloy...a quick Google search indicates the melting point of gold is 1,064 degrees Celsius, and the melting point of titanium is 1,668 degrees Celsius...the Extremis soldiers could elevate their body temperatures to levels that could easily melt through Tony's suits.

Granted, the fact that the Extremis soldiers could reach a temperature three times larger than that of lava without instantly incinerating or melting everything they touched (e.g. their clothes, the catwalks on the oil platform, the floor of Air Force One) doesn't quite add up. Heat is diffusive...it affects the environment around it and doesn't just stay bound to the object producing it. But I digress. Despite the weird science, the fact that the soldiers could melt through the suits, or melt the fasteners holding the parts together and rip the suits apart, is perfectly valid.

As far as the Mark 42 is concerned, I didn't care much for how it fell apart all the time, but its fragility also makes sense considering it was a prototype suit. It was the first armor whose parts could be independently controlled, and it was the first armor with the prehensile function, the ability to grab and latch onto the wearer. I thought it was a cool concept, but what I took away was that Tony didn't design the parts of the suit with enough adhesion/cohesion, so they had problems sticking to Tony or to each other. I gave him a pass because he was suffering from severe PTSD. At least he made the necessary adjustments and perfected the design in the Mark 43, which got tossed around all over the place in AOU and didn't fall apart like its predecessor did.
My takeaway from IM3 was not that Tony's suits were fragile pieces of crap...it was that the suits were fighting against enemies with an ability that could destroy the suits. Recall the scene near the beginning of the film where Tony was investigating the explosion that almost killed Happy. According to JARVIS, the explosion produced a heat signature of 3,000 degrees Celsius. Assuming all of Tony's suits were made of gold-titanium alloy...a quick Google search indicates the melting point of gold is 1,064 degrees Celsius, and the melting point of titanium is 1,668 degrees Celsius...the Extremis soldiers could elevate their body temperatures to levels that could easily melt through Tony's suits.

My understanding is that they only get that hot when they lose control and vaporize themselves. They are probably much cooler than that but yeah maybe hot enough to cut through those suits.

Even then, it still doesn't explain how the Mk42 was so fragile.

Even funnier is how the Mark IV, one of the more popular armors, did basically nothing all movie- it fell out of a plane in the beginning and then later had a fist fight with the Mark II.

I always viewed the Mk VI as a Mk IV with its chest adapted to interface better with the new reactor. I wish we did get to see the Mk IV in action though. That said, the fist fight was also entertaining to watch.

That end battle scene was epic.

Yeah the end battle of IM2 is one of the best IM fights in my opinion.

As far as "Iron Man" films go, I rank them in order: IM1 > IM2 > IM3. As far as film quality goes, I'd say IM1 was the best with IM2 and 3 roughly equal. IM2 felt like promo material for the upcoming films while IM3 felt like it was trying to hard with a lot of inconsistencies and plot holes.
My takeaway from IM3 was not that Tony's suits were fragile pieces of crap...it was that the suits were fighting against enemies with an ability that could destroy the suits.

Most of the suits were not designed for combat in the first place, it was a sequence of armors made for testing every possible contingency by Tony who was losing his mind after Avengers, that he could hope to exert some control in a world that was now threatened by other planets and not just other people. High velocity suits (XIII, Shotgun), lightweight stealth suits (XI, XIV, Sneaky, Nightclub, Disco), high altitude suits (Python, Midas), heavy combat suits (HB, Tank) construction (Striker, Gamma, Fiddler, Igor) high energy suits (Blue Steel, Pison, Romeo, Centurion) disaster rescue (Southpaw, Snapper) riot control (Peacemaker), deep sea diving (Hammerhead), space travel (Starboost), modular prehensile suits (Bones, XLII). They were all boutique prototypes, it wasn't an army. That was kind of the point, and that even without armor or all his vast resources, he could still save the day with his cunning and wits. In the end, the man made the suits, the suits didn't make the man.
They where trying to hammer home the points from the previous films. Tony Stark is iron man. Not the suits. They showed Rhodey lose in the armor. All the armies lose without tony. And tony win without them. He's the hero, the suit is just a tool. Like a marine or soldier, they are the fighter and their gun is just a tool, and just because you have a gun doesn't mean you can do the same as the best Marine. Same with Stark. Just because you have the suit, or it's not tony in it, doesn't mean it can do all the same.

And the manic can't sleep, nightmares, and ocd with work or hyper vigilance is very typical of ptsd. Like the above poster said..he was trying to control every aspect of life by creating a specific suit for every scenario he could imagine.
waiting is always a major aspect of this hobby.. but man, the wait for this is brutal. it's far FAR too long.

i'd at least like a reveal of an ultimate ultron in the meantime.

Most of the suits were not designed for combat in the first place, it was a sequence of armors made for testing every possible contingency by Tony who was losing his mind after Avengers, that he could hope to exert some control in a world that was now threatened by other planets and not just other people. High velocity suits (XIII, Shotgun), lightweight stealth suits (XI, XIV, Sneaky, Nightclub, Disco), high altitude suits (Python, Midas), heavy combat suits (HB, Tank) construction (Striker, Gamma, Fiddler, Igor) high energy suits (Blue Steel, Pison, Romeo, Centurion) disaster rescue (Southpaw, Snapper) riot control (Peacemaker), deep sea diving (Hammerhead), space travel (Starboost), modular prehensile suits (Bones, XLII). They were all boutique prototypes, it wasn't an army. That was kind of the point, and that even without armor or all his vast resources, he could still save the day with his cunning and wits. In the end, the man made the suits, the suits didn't make the man.

you're absolutely right. if all of the suits had been developed for combat, i'm sure they would've been decked out with a bit more weaponry.

After the trailer shown with Cap & Bucky going to town on Tony and Bucky practically ripping out the chest arc reactor, the MK46 looks likely to get pretty trashed. The same armor has never been fixed then re-used on screen in any IM/Avengers movie so far so it is a safe bet we'll be seeing a 2nd MK47 armor. Every movie has had at least 2 armors as well. So definitely safe assumptions here about a 2nd suit for CW.

yeah, i'm definitely going to be getting the 46 at this point. hot toys haven't even revealed one yet, and once they do, it'll be at least another year until it's actually released. so, by that time the 45 will have been out for a bit and i'll be jonesing for a new iron man armor. i however don't think there will be a 47 in the movie. i'd be happy to be proven wrong. but i would think they'd show it off in one of the trailers, even if it were for just one quick sequence. we'll find out soon enough. i sort of hope the 45 makes an appearance in the beginning and that there's some sort of rundown of the abilities of the 46.. but i think that's HIGHLY unlikely.




To be brutally honest, I think the armour designs have been a series of diminishing returns past the Mk IV and Mk VI. I wish they would pick one and stick to it for longer than one film again, give it some room to breathe.

i'm going to have to disagree. i like how many suits he has. i think him developing new ones is necessary. now, maybe it would be cool if he used the same base body and added different features throughout the movies. but i prefer the way they've handled it. we've learned that they're not indestructible, so it makes sense that he'd continue creating new ones and improving them.

plus, personally i like the variety, the different takes on the armor, and the different features they include. also, it's very rare that the look of any character stays the same throughout their movies.. the marvel characters have all changed looks in each movie (for the most part), the ninja turtles have changed, the transformers change in each movie, wolverine, etc. the only one off the top of my head that wasn't changed was the batman it was assembled in the dark knight and was used for the dark knight rises as well.

Iron Man 3 is actually underrated in my opinion. I liked that it took a different approach to a superhero film by showing that Stark could be heroic without the armor.

yeah, i distinctly remember how much i enjoyed the movie as i was leaving the theater. i think all of the iron man movies have focussed more on tony rather than tony in his iron man suit. i really liked that he had to figure out a way to accomplish his "mission" without his suit. it was neat. i also enjoyed the mandarin twist. it's a shame that the character wasn't used properly, but i still thought it was an interesting decision and made the movie more enjoyable. and then at the end you get an awesome sequence with what, like 37 different armors?

my only complaint about the movie is that some of the armors didn't really get their own little sequence at the end.

And Mark IV was supposed to be the suit he made his name by bringing world peace in 6 months!!! I would love to see some of that!

I really like VI and VII. I thought the suits reflects Tony's state of mind in all of the movies. When he is sharp, his suits are good. When he is a piece of crap, like in 3, his suits are, well, a piece of crap. Not to say I like 3, which was a glorified toy commercial for HT, specially how they wasted XXXIII, I think the many suits serve a point.

i'm going to have to disagree with the hot toys commercial comment.. it's not like transformers where the toy company owns the franchise and viola, nothing stays the same. i think it made sense in the story they were telling. i mean, the overriding theme of the movie was about the armors.