1:6 Commander Gree Product Page Up!

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The paint works so-so, nothing some airbrushing won't fix.

Or maybe it's the pic. Or just that the prototype's paint is a bit off the mark. I ain't gonna worry about the paint apps until the final product is in hand. I'm just stoked they're doing Gree! :yess:

Like any new clones announced, I am looking forward to the next clone already!!!

Send in Bacara, Neyo, Thire! Oh, and some troops for Bly and Gree would be nice, also! (Do you think we're getting a little ahead of ourselves?)

No, no, Gent - Rizzo must be in a jawa cloak! Where are the Photoshop gurus when you need them?:dunno
So a 1/6 scale Dewback is the same old fig? The new Battle droids are the same old fig? When we see Fett and Grievous at SDCC they will be the same old fig? I get that you hate the clones, that's fine; but don't make generalized statements based upon your dislike of them.

To me the 1/6 line is one of the most varied, I' m not sure how you can say that SS are alienating their fans with it. We're seeing figs from the Clone Wars series, Ep4, EP3, EP5 all within 4 weeks. To me that seems pretty spread out.

Just a note...the Dewback is not an action figure. It is a statue. To include it in a debate about action figures is the same kind of double speak that politicians are often rebuked for.:)
Agreed. While there's been plenty of clones, SSC has also recently released a really great mix including Yoda, Greedo, Hammy and Gammy.

Dude, they didn't just do Yoda, they did his whole ____ing HOUSE! Momaw Nadon (and his table and chairs!) were an awesome, unexpected surprise as was the Gamorrean guard (more Jabba baddies, please! We need an Oola, Slave Leia and indentured servant Jawa with fan, too!).

Ultimate Vader and Fett figs are also obvious winners, and the Battle Droids are a nice sign that SSC is willing to do a 100% new figure

If the most reliable rumors are true, this year will BLOW last year out of the water: Ultimate Vader, Fett, Grievous, Snowtrooper, e-web cannon, IG-88, Star Destroyer bridge enviro, STAP(???)...and that's in addition to the already revealed battle droids, Dewback, and Cantina environment. Cripes, if SSC releases any more cool stuff this year, we'll all be sleeping in cardboard boxes in the street, clutching our figures! I certainly don't feel like SS is sitting on their laurels with the SW line. I share in the pain that some of main characters haven't been done, but if you don't include costume variations, you can actually count the number of major omitted characters on one hand: Chewie, Artoo, 3-PO, Dooku, Tarkin (I take that back, you need one more finger for Nute Gunray, the main villain from TPM - you choose which finger you want to give him!) And if you want the droids badly enough while you're waiting on SS, Medicom did really, really beautiful, screen-accurate versions of them.

And clones like Gree and Cody are unique, distinct designs, not at all just redecos.

I have to concur, especially for fans of the CW series, where we get more of their backstories leading up to Ep III. Oh, and don't forget Rex (with rocketpack, no less!) and Bly - though Bly cannibalizes many of Rex's uniform components. The swap out heads and helmets are aces, also! SS tends to choose their redecos wisely, for the most part. The only ones I've been 'meh' about were Coruscant clone, clone Sargent, stormie commander, and blackhole trooper. Not a bad track record!

They certainly still do their redecos and a few duds
Thrawn with giant chair for $225?

(Bith bandmember for $100...!)

Oh, THAT. We shall not speak of THAT again.:pfft:

Easy pass...far from accurate. The pink bow should be on the right side of his/her helmet, not the left; and there are too many polka-dots on the shirt. Man, SS is really slipping in the accuracy department.


LOVE this post!
I'm a huge Gree fan... and the forearm and thigh armor is just wrong. Even if it's because the photo is over saturated there's still nowhere near that much tan and brown in Gree's armor.

What picture of all of those that are available of Gree could the guys at SS have been looking at when they come up with that paint scheme?

If this is how he turns out... I'll have to display him standing behind something so you only see his top half.

Truly a mind boggling goof up on SS's part. He looks like he's wearing partial desert camo stuff it's so wrong.

I went to their product suggestion page and asked that they please change it if it's not too late. Fingers crossed this is just a bad paint sample.
^that's what I was saying. I've always been completely happy with how the Clones they've given us have turned out so far and I was expecting the same level of satisfaction with Gree since he's one of my favorites and I would've never guessed I'd be underwhelmed by how he looks. I'll wait to see pics of him from SDCC as well though and will probably send them a suggestion too if it still doesn't look right to me
Dc and sideshow joined up
!! Hold onto your wallet my savings acount balance 2 dollars my shelves of awesome collectibles awesome .......dont like this guy only the helmet looks cool cmon sideshow you can do better......
Ya know...complaining about the forearm and thigh armor really is kind of...well...I don't want to sound insulting...but...it's kind of...pathetic...really...:peace