1/3 Alien Big chap maquette - Coolprops

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Re: Prime 1 & Coolprops 1/3 Alien Big chap maquette

If SS sells this I might finally have a purchase worthy of using my reward points. :yess:
Re: Prime 1 & Coolprops 1/3 Alien Big chap maquette

And I may regret having used mine. I may have to cancel a few bits for this, as much as I really don't want to. This trumps everything though...
Re: Prime 1 & Coolprops 1/3 Alien Big chap maquette

So I made a few comparison pictures between this and the real suit. The angles aren't perfectly lined up, but it's close enough to show that this thing is very.... Very good.


Re: Prime 1 & Coolprops 1/3 Alien Big chap maquette

The paint application is going to be the deal breaker. I really hope they pull it off and learned from the lifesize warrior domes. I've always been a fan of the museum pose especially the Sano, but the size and secondary market value have been killer.
Re: Prime 1 & Coolprops 1/3 Alien Big chap maquette

Holy *hit this looks good, finally some alien 1/3 love, I like the pose, the detail is insane , I'm guessing the price tag will be as well
Re: Prime 1 & Coolprops 1/3 Alien Big chap maquette

First I thought this really looks like a bigger Sano one. but I found one difference: the .... upper tail (dont know how to call it) over the tubes is much shorter here. it was much loner at the Sano version. I really like the museum pose! they make a very good job in japan! 10 years before there were no screen accurate alien statues out there. now we have at least 2. the artfx+ is also very close, especially for the price!!! great days!
Re: Prime 1 & Coolprops 1/3 Alien Big chap maquette

All the accuracy in the world won't make up for it looking like someone threw a suit onto a mannequin and didn't give a **** how it looked.
Re: Prime 1 & Coolprops 1/3 Alien Big chap maquette

well... for me its the alien not in action but as a statue. a statue in an archaic greece style. more or lett symmetrical and static. the origin of statue. makes absolutely sense to me, especially because it sets the creature in an art kontext and because it was a piece of art. but everyone got another taste, of course. for me its just perfect.
Re: Prime 1 & Coolprops 1/3 Alien Big chap maquette

well... for me its the alien not in action but as a statue. a statue in an archaic greece style. more or lett symmetrical and static. the origin of statue. makes absolutely sense to me, especially because it sets the creature in an art kontext and because it was a piece of art. but everyone got another taste, of course. for me its just perfect.

Yup..I love the museum pose too..every alien posable figure I have is in the museum pose. Would rather have museum pose than that stupid pose the SSC maquette has.
Re: Prime 1 & Coolprops 1/3 Alien Big chap maquette

All the accuracy in the world won't make up for it looking like someone threw a suit onto a mannequin and didn't give a **** how it looked.

That's what it is, though. I prefer the sculpt and pose of this to Sideshow's Nosferatu-gesturing Big Chap from a few years back. Better to go simple than to give it an improper pose.

Having that said: according to some folks on StatueForm, this isn't part of their collaboration with Prime 1. And Prime 1 won't unveil any Alien stuff until Wonderfest -- where they'll be showing a single statue from the line. What we have here is a solo CP product.
Re: Prime 1 & Coolprops 1/3 Alien Big chap maquette

This looks good.... But man I wish they would start making Big Chaps with the Blind dome that we see in the film and not the see through dome. I think its much creepier when you can't see the skull.
Re: Prime 1 & Coolprops 1/3 Alien Big chap maquette

Looks amazing. This will likely knock off a few orders for the 1:1 head.
Re: Prime 1 & Coolprops 1/3 Alien Big chap maquette

This looks good.... But man I wish they would start making Big Chaps with the Blind dome that we see in the film and not the see through dome. I think its much creepier when you can't see the skull.

This is subjective though, I like the more transparent look as I think the human skull beneath makes this creature design incredibly eerie and menacing. There is no correct look as the dome changed throughout the movie. It started off clear, fogged up to varying degrees and was tinted black for the later scenes. So all looks are technically accurate and down to personal opinion as to which you prefer. I will suggest this, it is much easier to add a dark tint to the dome, than it would be to remove it. And you can add the perfect amount to suit your tastes.

For those complaining about the pose, you may be in luck. Word is that Prime 1 are working on their own after all (not confirmed) But you can bet they'll inject a little life into the pose on theirs. This one is intended to replicate the real prop accurately as it appears in the Giger museum, and it does that almost perfectly. I love this thing, but I also look forward to seeing what P1 may come up with. I do think a little artistic license on the base would finish this off nicely though. Even something as simple as shrinking the depth slightly and adding some Nostromo style floor panels.
Re: Prime 1 & Coolprops 1/3 Alien Big chap maquette

That tiny thing is one of my favorites, I'd love Koto to make that beauty in 1/4. This coolprops is a different beast entirely though, they went in aiming to faithfully replicate the real prop, and they did that very well. There's certainly room for both on my shelf if Koto are listening and wish to produce a more artistic statue with some added life injected...
It's funny you said that. I sent pics of this 1/3 to a friend and he likes it for pretty much the same reasons you did. I then sent him a pic of the new warrior and he hated it. Then the koto with no reference to scale. Again, he liked it. I told him what it was and he was bummed. Lol.

It really bothers me that effectively the best currently available alien statue (yes, highly subjective statement, I know.) Is a 1/10 scale. Why is it that Koto managed to cram an amazingly crisp sculpt and good pose and immaculate paint job onto something that small and companies like SS are getting destroyed for something 5x bigger with crappy iterations (also, highly subjective) of all of thr above?

I'm with you. If koto did a 1/4 I'd be on that like white on rice on a paper plate with a glass of milk in a snow storm.

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Re: Prime 1 & Coolprops 1/3 Alien Big chap maquette

It beats me, I imagine Koto sculpted it digitally, Sideshow are hit and miss. Sometimes they really seem to inject some love, such as with the Thanos maquette and Wolf Predator LSB. Other times they just seem content to get a product out such as with the new Alien Warrior which is a very poor sculpt and design in general. I'm not sure what kind of license Koto have, have they ever even made a 1/4 polystone/resin statue? If they have the ability, they need to make it happen!! I did message them when the 1/10 version was released, they just said they'll take it into consideration. It would definitely sell like hot cakes if they made that exact thing in 1/4. I love how they added the wrinkles in the suit, they weren't ashamed to replicate the man in a suit look and I love that...

If Prime 1 are making one, I bet it'll have a similar look in the sense of a subtle pose and a very good sculpt, but it will likely be 1/3.
Re: Prime 1 & Coolprops 1/3 Alien Big chap maquette

So I made a few comparison pictures between this and the real suit. The angles aren't perfectly lined up, but it's close enough to show that this thing is very.... Very good.



Thanks for these pics. This statue is absolutely amazing. I don't think I've ever been this excited for a statue.

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Re: Prime 1 & Coolprops 1/3 Alien Big chap maquette

I'm not one for statues but this looks great. They did a great job, I'm sure it will be out of my price range though. I have the bust on preorder so i'm tapped out for a bit. If its under a grand (which I am pretty sure it will not be) I may try to get it. I guess it depends on how forgiving the payment plan is. At least they are consistent, they consistently keep $*%&ing up the poor chaps teeth.....and chin. I guess the upside is its the same as the bust/head.
Re: Prime 1 & Coolprops 1/3 Alien Big chap maquette

One of Michael Crawford's photos shows this alien is indeed the carbon copy of the original Giger sculpt with the elbow discs and splayed fingers.

This looks every bit as accurate as the Sano and artfx from kotobukiya ( though that one represented the mechanical head also used on the Neca sculpt) vs the Giger skull