1/3 Alien Big chap maquette - Coolprops

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I'm not sure about the case. I love how it replicates the actual piece in the museum, but mine would go inside my display case as well. Case within a case, not much reason for that.
I'd like to see the case as an optional extra, but not included as it will no doubt up the price a fair whack. It looks fairly simple to make anyway if all else fails.
I like the case The Sano had a case but no one seemed to pay any attention

I bought it also and it was a beautiful display
I sold it recently statue and case but I'm loving the cool props version better :)

Somehow I feel the Sano has a better posture than the coolprops but for all I know he coolprops is more accurate to the actual Giger sculpt

So this is apparently their first production sample. Let's hope that means this beauty will be going up for pre-order very soon....

The dome could do with a little more tint, but it may be harsh lighting throwing that off anyway.


I don't like the shading cutoff on each sides of the nose and inside of the nose not shaded in. Hopefully, this isn't how the finished look will be...
I don't like the shading cutoff on each sides of the nose and inside of the nose not shaded in. Hopefully, this isn't how the finished look will be...

You're right, I didn't catch that with my fleeting glimpse. It looks silly, I'd imagine they will alter that over sight, I did send Mika a quick facebook message just in case it had been missed.
Lifelong dream to have something so high end and (fingers crossed) film accurate.

Would people estimate around $2000 for this - roughly akin to their 1:1 Big Chap head?
Lifelong dream to have something so high end and (fingers crossed) film accurate. Would people estimate around $2000?

I'm hoping for it to be a surprisingly decent price obviously, people weren't exactly thrilled with the price of the Big chap head. But I'm expecting this to cost about the same as said head at least...
Snap! Yes, I'd imagine it would be around that point, too. Although maybe even more - given the inclusion of the display case (presumably acrylic)?
You're right, I didn't catch that with my fleeting glimpse. It looks silly, I'd imagine they will alter that over sight, I did send Mika a quick facebook message just in case it had been missed.

Fantastic and thanks for contacting Mika! It's a good thing if we all let them know ahead of time of mistakes. This has to come out beautiful especially in honor of HR Giger. Side note; I'm still surprised CP put out the 2 life size heads before this guy. I imagine sales can't be good with those until this guy is up. And we all know the price tag and such. Hurry up and quit teasing CP, no one is buying anything from you until this goes up. Get at it CP:)
Overall i'm one the positive side as of this..Eventhough this definitive Giger museum pose needs some time to be used to, the sheer size and the sculpt accuracy will make it THE Giger Alien to have. Never liked the CM pose so there is no comparison to my eyes in the 1/3 scale. As 4 the price i'd guess a minimum of 2k (exl shipping) on this. We must not forget that an 1/3 Big Chap equals the 1/2 scale of normal human postured statues.
I received this reply regarding the gap in the dome tint...

"Thank you for the suggestion. we really appreciate it! this is our first factry sample so this is not with the final look of the production piece. we will show you the final production sample when we put this item on pre-order."

So hopefully that will be corrected, and the final paint may even be better..
I never noticed that they didn't include the wrist "cuffs" on this piece. Sano did the same thing.
as others also said here, this is a statue of the original giger sculpt in the museum in gruyere. its a pretty accurate copy. the pipes at the elbows are also missing. actually it is the prototype and not what we see in the movie. i guess the art fx big chap is more movie accurate in fact. its the sculpt of the guy in the suit. there you gut the wrist cuffs because he wore gloves, the cuffs at the ankles because he wore shoes and the elbow pipes of witch reason ever:lol

love both of the statues!