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Sideshow got back to me.

Upon inspecting a few of our on hand pieces for comparison, we've found that the portrait should display without issue once properly inserted into the neck as you have it pictured. Please know that a little give and 'wiggle room' on this portrait will be completely normal as we cannot make the key and socket for these pieces super tight for risk of them not fitting together. This is intentional and the magnet used will be strong enough to hold the portrait to the body, once fitted into the neck.
Sideshow got back to me.

Upon inspecting a few of our on hand pieces for comparison, we've found that the portrait should display without issue once properly inserted into the neck as you have it pictured. Please know that a little give and 'wiggle room' on this portrait will be completely normal as we cannot make the key and socket for these pieces super tight for risk of them not fitting together. This is intentional and the magnet used will be strong enough to hold the portrait to the body, once fitted into the neck.

What a BS response.
They've probably come up with that because they aren't prepared to offer the $200+ credit buyers deserve. Like to hear what they say in a few months time when collectors get up one morning to find their heads have dropped off.
From SS- "...Upon inspecting a few of our on hand pieces for comparison, we've found that the portrait should display without issue once properly inserted into the neck. Please know that a little give and wiggle room on this portrait will be normal as we cannot make the key and socket for these pieces super tight for risk of them not fitting together. This is intentional and the magnet used should be strong enough to hold the portrait to the body, once fitted into the neck..."

They then said that I could return mine and get another one.

My response- "I know you’re just saying what’s been told to you to say, but that’s a load of BS. If that’s true, then you are telling me that you guys fully intended to design and sell a $1,250 statue in which the head falls off because it was not ideal to create a better fit.
After this hack, lame response (read: excuse), I do not want another statue back. I mean, seriously. Lol You guys have to be ****ing with me. Is Ashton Kutcher being BCCed on this email?
I buy A LOT of items from you, and this is no way to treat a customer. I want a FULL refund, including my $40 in Sideshow bucks back upon the return of this statue."

In a voice mail they went on to say that it was also intentional to make it not fit properly for ease of swapping portraits and so that the owner doesn't scuff or mark up their statue...:slap

I don't want it anymore. They can stick it where the sun shines (I hope he has his bio-mask on).
From SS- "...Upon inspecting a few of our on hand pieces for comparison, we've found that the portrait should display without issue once properly inserted into the neck. Please know that a little give and wiggle room on this portrait will be normal as we cannot make the key and socket for these pieces super tight for risk of them not fitting together. This is intentional and the magnet used should be strong enough to hold the portrait to the body, once fitted into the neck..."

They then said that I could return mine and get another one.

My response- "I know you’re just saying what’s been told to you to say, but that’s a load of BS. If that’s true, then you are telling me that you guys fully intended to design and sell a $1,250 statue in which the head falls off because it was not ideal to create a better fit.
After this hack, lame response (read: excuse), I do not want another statue back. I mean, seriously. Lol You guys have to be ****ing with me. Is Ashton Kutcher being BCCed on this email?
I buy A LOT of items from you, and this is no way to treat a customer. I want a FULL refund, including my $40 in Sideshow bucks back upon the return of this statue."

In a voice mail they went on to say that it was also intentional to make it not fit properly for ease of swapping portraits and so that the owner doesn't scuff or mark up their statue...

I don't want it anymore. They can stick it where the sun shines (I hope he has his bio-mask on).

That does suck Brutail.

Having said that.. I don't really have an issue for they way the offered to resolve the issue.. (I got basically the same response) They made a suggestion to help fit it in better (sculpting clay) offered a replacement, or a full refund.

While I think the excuse for the head not fitting is not the best one
I think companies sometimes count their losses.

A replacement or full refund is fair.. Its disappointing that we don't get the product we wanted but fair to get our money back because you are unhappy. If they offered for you to return it and not cover the cost of shipping and keep your non refundable deposit then that would be a major issue.. This is just a case of retuning something you don't like.

If they lose a customer in the process that is on them... But I think with the amount of bitching fans did on this and the not so stellar sales (I assume) they probably just figure to eat it on this piece.

IMO SSC response may be better taken if they just offered a replacement or a refund and skip the excuse because that is what seems to have most people upset.

While not ideal I don't mind using sculpting clay if I ever want to display the unmasked head... But I prefer the masked version so my level of frustration is much lower.

But I tell you what Burtail.. Your Head is way worse then mine.. I can't get over how easily yours falls off. :(

I personally will be keeping mine.. I like it. The helmeted head fits fine and sculpting clay is good enough for me if I want to extra secure the other head..

But I can see why the disappointment is so great on this.
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They didn’t offer me a replacement or refund and linked me to the video to find the missing part as if I didn’t check all the styrofoam before I emailed them.
Well that's just great. We've got no money, no food, OUR PREDS' HEADS ARE FALLING OFF!! :cuss


:lol :lol :lol

That is funny
I have seen people having no problems with the heads on facebook, so I guess it is a lottery.�� I mean they did offer to replace the piece and they pay for the shipment i guess?
I have seen people having no problems with the heads on facebook, so I guess it is a lottery.�� I mean they did offer to replace the piece and they pay for the shipment i guess?

If you really like the piece that is what I would do and if the other one was no better I would send it back for my refund.

Brutail may have burned that bridge :lol
Just stand back for a second and realize you are being asked to use modeling clay to hold your new $1,250 statue together, and tell me if you think that's even remotely acceptable.
My concern is, for those of us who are buying this internationally, what do you do if you have loose heads also? Sure, you can get a replacement statue, but you've lost funds on import taxes to get it in the first place.

Side note, but the next batch has been delayed until Feb 21 due to Chinese new year.
Just stand back for a second and realize you are being asked to use modeling clay to hold your new $1,250 statue together, and tell me if you think that's even remotely acceptable.

To be honest it's not and I totally get why you want to return yours, but if I loved the piece and doing this would make it fit perfectly I would just do that and accept a partial refund from them for my troubles, as that's a relatively easy fix, as long as it works.
Nothing surprises me these days

I have noticed many things that have changed in recent years in regards to statues and general collectibles, and yes I agree with you, I have also gotten to the point where "Nothing surprises me these days" - one of the most concerning things I have noticed is certain pieces on statues seem to of recent times be made of plastic or pvc where in the past they would have always been made from polystone even when they were thin or fragile pieces. (this was always part of the beauty of a "high end collectible" in my opinion). - Advances should have been made in manufacturing and creating better, stronger packaging / boxes rather than manufacturing the products (statues) out of a less fragile (and cheaper) product like plastic or pvc.

I have some old school ssc statues in my collection that date back to 2006 and 2007 that have held up to the test of time and look like they were manufactured yesterday - I often wonder if some of these new statues containing large amounts of plastic or pvc will have problems in the future and will distort or break down. - Only time will tell.

I wish that ssc were the company that they once were.
To be honest it's not and I totally get why you want to return yours, but if I loved the piece and doing this would make it fit perfectly I would just do that and accept a partial refund from them for my troubles, as that's a relatively easy fix, as long as it works.

They did not offer me any kind of partial refund.
Just stand back for a second and realize you are being asked to use modeling clay to hold your new $1,250 statue together, and tell me if you think that's even remotely acceptable.

I get what you are saying 100%. If that was all they offered I would think it was a complete Joke.

But since they offered a replacement or a full refund.. I think that is fair.

Don't get me wrong. I get why you are upset. Its disappointing not getting what you want. But SSC collectible are holding up their part of the (if not happy send it in for a refund) deal. I am not trying to belittle your frustration... But I view these products like anything else.. If its not up to snuff it goes back. It just stings a little more because we wait so long and get excited for these things.

Some can live with the idea of sculpting clay o a 1250.00 piece some can't. I have no issues with it either way. Its not much different then having to use extra magnets.. BUT I agree that we should not have to do those things on any of the statues.. But that is when you can return it for a refund. As long as its a full refund.
Ok so I just now this second got mine and put it together. My unmasked head does move a bit but it is not just falling off in fact if I pull from the back it doesn’t even come off. The pegs looseish but no way it’s like Bs bobble head. I’ll go over it more later. I may post a video in a minute if I can but it’s not going anywhere.