1/6 Hot Toys - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Ghost Rider Collectible Figure

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Il never get why if AOS was going to use Ghost Rider, they didn't use Johnny Blaze.

That's like getting permission to include Batman and going with Jean-Paul Valley. These alternative versions of characters are just never as cool or iconic as the real one with the famous alter-ego. This is part of the reason I'm really scared for whats going to happen to the MCU after Infinity War.
Il never get why if AOS was going to use Ghost Rider, they didn't use Johnny Blaze.

That's like getting permission to include Batman and going with Jean-Paul Valley. These alternative versions of characters are just never as cool or iconic as the real one with the famous alter-ego. This is part of the reason I'm really scared for whats going to happen to the MCU after Infinity War.

AOS did use Johnny Blaze tho..... made a cameo in the Reyes origin story they showed
Il never get why if AOS was going to use Ghost Rider, they didn't use Johnny Blaze.

That's like getting permission to include Batman and going with Jean-Paul Valley. These alternative versions of characters are just never as cool or iconic as the real one with the famous alter-ego. This is part of the reason I'm really scared for whats going to happen to the MCU after Infinity War.

Il never get why if AOS was going to use Ghost Rider, they didn't use Johnny Blaze.

That's like getting permission to include Batman and going with Jean-Paul Valley. These alternative versions of characters are just never as cool or iconic as the real one with the famous alter-ego. This is part of the reason I'm really scared for whats going to happen to the MCU after Infinity War.

It was explained that they liked the "family dynamic" that Robbie Reyes and his brother brought that parallels with AOS. Johnny Blaze is the only Ghost Rider IMO. But that's what the PC Marvel comics have been pushing as of late, which is why their comic sales have plummeted.
Very exciting news, I really enjoyed Ghost Rider on AoS this season :yess: I do enjoy the show, quite a bit actually, and I wish those that have dismissed it would give it another shot.

Oh, and Hot Toys...don't forget about Daisy! Chloe Bennet has done a wonderful job playing Quake.
It was explained that they liked the "family dynamic" that Robbie Reyes and his brother brought that parallels with AOS. Johnny Blaze is the only Ghost Rider IMO. But that's what the PC Marvel comics have been pushing as of late, which is why their comic sales have plummeted.

I completely agree. Males are becoming females and they are replacing white characters with others. I don't care if New characters are whatever gender or race. Please don't replace classic characters just for diversity. Make something new.
I completely agree. Males are becoming females and they are replacing white characters with others. I don't care if New characters are whatever gender or race. Please don't replace classic characters just for diversity. Make something new.

I like it, I have started reading some comics i have not read in years just because of changes (like thor). It's good to mix things up sometimes as long as it's a good story.
I like it, I have started reading some comics i have not read in years just because of changes (like thor). It's good to mix things up sometimes as long as it's a good story.

Yeah, you gotta keep things fresh. Even icons need to be refreshed. Remember they killed Cap...brought him back. Killed Batman...brought him back. Killed Superman...brought him back. This is nothing new. Superman was substituted by an "other". Cap was substituted by an "other". Batman was substituted by a white...so I guess that was ok :horror

All characters will get refreshed from time to time. Replacing them with "others" is just Marvels way of getting the most shock value out of the reboot. Cool thing is you get some great looking characters like the new Thor, Iron Man, Ms. Marvel, Falcon/Cap and Captain Marvel. Also have to understand this involves merchandising as well.

All the classic characters will be back. Rest assured.
Oh great, we're getting into oppressed white male talk.

Il never get why if AOS was going to use Ghost Rider, they didn't use Johnny Blaze.

That's like getting permission to include Batman and going with Jean-Paul Valley.

You're vastly overestimating how much anyone in the general public knows or cares about Ghost Rider. Ghost Rider is a character who most people know from a pair of really crappy Nicholas Cage movies from the late 2000's. There is far less attachment to any specific iteration than there is to Bruce Wayne.

Most people who go to watch MCU movies or TV shows have never picked up a comic book in their lives. These are essentially new characters for most viewers.
All the classic characters will be back. Rest assured.

First of all when? Marvel seems committed to this whole "PC College Brochure Avengers" with no sign of letting up.

Secondly, how are they planning to fix it when this happens to the MCU? Unlike comic books, bringing back Steve Rogers and Tony Stark isn't as simple as deciding to start drawing them again. Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evens for some reason seem determined to jump off this money train at the next station, and once they are gone it is very unlikely that they will come back after a few years.
Damn minorities. Taking all our superhero jobs. What happened to the good ole' days when the superheroes were all white men?
This is part of the reason I'm really scared for whats going to happen to the MCU after Infinity War.

They've already been doing replacement characters. There were people mad that the Ant-Man movie was about Hank Pym and I'm sure there are people mad the Captain Marvel movie is about Carol Danvers and not Mar-Vell. Doesn't make a lick of difference.
Damn minorities. Taking all our superhero jobs. What happened to the good ole' days when the superheroes were all white men?

Oh stop it with the "anyone who has a problem with this must just be racist" BS.

The problem isn't that these heroes are black, females, minorities, ect. War Machine, Falcon, Nick Fury and Black Widow fit into these catagories and no one has problems with them.

The problem is that a famous superhero's alter ego is just as iconic as their costumed persona. Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, err...Thor, are famous in their own right and a huge part of their characters' popularity and iconography. Even with the same superpowers and code name, a new secret identity is still a brand new character, and people don't like the characters they love being replaced just for the sake of quotas.

Understand? Or are you still going to call people a racist for preferring a Spider Man movie be about Peter Parker over Miles Morales.
No Peter Parker is an icon, like Batman. There's a reason you wouldn't replace him (even though they are doing an animated Miles movie in addition to the Homecoming flick, so it's a moot discussion anyway). Ghost Rider is not Peter Parker. Just like Ant-Man or Captain Marvel. That's my point. When you're aiming at a mainstream audience once you get past a certain level of recognition the only people who give a crap about that are a small sliver of the audience.
No Peter Parker is an icon, like Batman. There's a reason you wouldn't replace him (even though they are doing an animated Miles movie in addition to the Homecoming flick, so it's a moot discussion anyway). Ghost Rider is not Peter Parker. Just like Ant-Man or Captain Marvel. That's my point. When you're aiming at a mainstream audience once you get past a certain level of recognition the only people who give a crap about that are a small sliver of the audience.

True I could not have told you anything about GotG a couple years ago. IM, Wolverine and Cap are my favorites in the MCU but i want to see them go before i get sick of them. I'm looking forward to new heroes like Black Panther, Captain Marvel, GotG, etc to carry the MCU for the next few years but that's just me
But Riri Williams is also not Tony Stark. And Tony Stark and Steve Rogers are icons just like Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent. And that's my point.

These alternative versions of characters are just inherantly always going to be lesser. Anyone who says different is kidding themselves.

Given the limits of the MCU (only two or three films a year, a group film every other year) and actors wanting to move on and do other things, once these characters are gone they are most likely gone forever, and we may be stuck with these "lesser" versions of the heroes we love for a decade or more.
But Riri Williams is also not Tony Stark.

And Riri Williams is gonna be Iron Man for a year or two at tops before they spin her off under a different name. They did literally the exact same thing with Rhodey and when they replaced Captain America with Bucky and before that with John Walker. Or when Thor was replaced by Eric Masterson, who was later made into the new hero Thunderstrike. How people have not cottoned on to this is beyond me.

These alternative versions of characters are just inherantly always going to be lesser.

When you're replacing an A-list character, sure. My point is not everyone being replaced is an A-list character, so trying to position Johnny Blaze as an icon on par with Bruce Wayne is simply untrue. Heck, the longest running Ghost Rider book? It was the one in the 90's starring Johnny's first successor, Danny Ketch.

Given the limits of the MCU (only two or three films a year, a group film every other year) and actors wanting to move on and do other things, once these actors are gone they are most likely gone forever, and we may be stuck with these "lesser" versions of the heroes we love for a decade or more.

That's why the MCU has been increasingly launching new franchises. They know they can't ride the same 6 Avengers actors forever so they're diversifying their universe with other superheroes with characters like Spider-Man, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Captain Marvel and Ant-Man.

Either way it's not a problem. If they want to continue with these characters then there is nothing stopping them from recasting. James Bond has been continuing with new actors for 50 years. We've had at least 5 different Batmen. We're about to have a new Han Solo. Audiences can accept new actors playing the same characters.

And if they do try to use replacement heroes? This is the studio that made a hit out of Rocket Raccoon. I'm sure they could successfully market legacies.
As long as it's a different person wearing the uniform they can be any colour they like.

But changing the ethnicity of an established person is just silly. With Nick Fury it's also insensitive because it erases the fact that the US Army was segregated during WWII.

But then, America did rewrite itself as the land of the free.

As for Ghost Rider I'm only interested in the appearance of a guy with a flaming skull for a head.

It's all just fun fantasy for me. Not looking for history lessons from hollywood or comic books.
That's your opinion :lol

I feel the same way about "Gotham" but i'm constantly bombarded by people that just love it... the show is an abortion of batman lore.

It's funny because I really like Gotham more than AOS. Yes it's very different than the comics, but than again, DC has established a ton of great Elseworld tales so they can take any liberty they'd like imo.

Wasn't Ghost Rider one of the first like, explicitly magical things though? They didn't do what they did in Thor and say his powers are just really advanced science or that he's an alien.

Both Ghost Rider and Dr. Strange are the first Magic/Mystical stuff they've touched on, but I got the impression from Dr. Strange that his power is bending dimensions that can be perceived in a pseudoscience kind of way or magic to someone who doesn't understand what it is.
When it came to the Darkhold and Ghost Rider, There was a lot of skepticism by the Shield Agents about the whole magic/mysticism of the Darkhold and an assumption by most of the Agents that Ghost Rider was a Inhuman (alien/human hybrid) and not a guy that made a deal with the demon Mephisto to embody a Spirit of Vengeance.
That was my main problem with the cinematic Marvel universe, they're very anti fantasy and pro science fiction when it makes no difference in the comics.
When it comes to the alien version of the Asgardians, I strongly feel they didn't want to piss off modern religious nut jobs by having the Asgardians be actual Deities living in a complex universe where there are many true religions, so they avoided it by trashing Jack Kirby's creation. I've never been comfortable with what they did there despite how much I like the rest of the Thor movies.
Gotta remember the Sam Jackson Nick Fury started in Ultimates. The fan reaction to him was so positive, he got retconned into Marvel continuum and subsequently into the movies. The whole Ultimates ideal was to tweak and rewrite the MU. And again, I'll state it has more to do with shock value and merchandising than being PC. The only color they care about is GREEN. If they can pull in a broader diversity in their audience be it comics or movies, that increases their bottom line. We all get wrapped up in the black and white geo political stuff and argue amongst each other overlooking what is most important to these companies...MONEY! Sure sales are in the tanks but they ain't losing money or they would have abandoned this approach a long time ago. Think about how much sales will increase when all the icons return? $$$. I bet that coincides somewhere between Avengers 3 & 4.

The reality is these forms of entertainment should be as reflective as possible of the greater society but it would get ZERO traction if it didn't make money and have us common folk talking about it. All publicity is good publicity.