NECA: Alien Movie Franchise Figures

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... I loved the trailer. It didn't leave me in awe like the first trailer for Prometheus, but it did get me excited. The Alien's got a scorpion sting again! I do love blade style more but it was pleasant to see that back. What I don't want is that the actual Aliens to be created in this movie. They were already hinted at in the mural in LV-223 and the eggs and Space Jockey in the first movie were already "fossilized" so they should be ancient right?

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comparing it with avp is going overboard.

P. can be a bit extreme at times, but I don't think he's too far out of the ballpark on this one. Sure, it looks pretty, and Ridley gives it more credibility than the AVPs had, but I don't feel like that alone should make it immune to criticism. To me it's looking like it's gonna be on par or only slightly better than Prometheus at this point. The narrative still seems like it's a disjointed mess trying half-heartedly to connect with the original Alien film with some really ham-fisted shoehorning of what would amount to astronomically improbable coincidences into the mix. The whole "Ripley's mom" thing shouldn't even have been a consideration.
P. can be a bit extreme at times, but I don't think he's too far out of the ballpark on this one. Sure, it looks pretty, and Ridley gives it more credibility than the AVPs had, but I don't feel like that alone should make it immune to criticism. To me it's looking like it's gonna be on par or only slightly better than Prometheus at this point. The narrative still seems like it's a disjointed mess trying half-heartedly to connect with the original Alien film with some really ham-fisted shoehorning of what would amount to astronomically improbable coincidences into the mix. The whole "Ripley's mom" thing shouldn't even have been a consideration.

Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not saying AC should be immune to criticism. It's not the greatest trailer (Prometheus trailer was much better imo), but let's wait and see before condemning it entirely. And to me, comparing it to avpr is extreme. I'm fairly lenient when it comes to alien movies, I even grow to appreciate alien 3 and resurrection for what they are over the years. But avpr, I didn't get pass 30 mins after multiple tries.
Whether the final movie will be good or not remains to be seen, but judging an unreleased movie on 2 minutes out of maybe around 120 is crazy.

Exactly. It's like someone took a look at your fingers and deem you to be fugly before even seeing your face.
just watched it, too.
a cheap reuse of old scenes, blah. like in avpr.
Yep. Scott's not only ripping himself off this time, he's also ripping off Cameron:



(and/or William Gibson's unused script for Alien 3, with this whole body-bursting, bacterial xeno infection thing).
Yep. Scott's not only ripping himself off this time, he's also ripping off Cameron:
Heaven forbid they try to keep the universe, its style and composition... consistent. :horror

Update shots of my Queen/Aliens display:






I have to agree with P. on that. The trailer just reaffirmed that the backstory to Alien is one that probably never needed to be told - and certainly not in a way that simply retreads everything we've already seen...

But you're not supposed to think, you're supposed to enjoy!
I wouldn't judge so hastily based on a 2 min trailer. Yes I could see why some people would be disappointed, but comparing it with avp is going overboard.
the trailer shows a direct reuse of scenes already shown in older movies. it was the same in avpr. both rape dead franchises for summer money. what else to compare to? :dunno

Update shots of my Queen/Aliens display:

i recognize that lair, your previous photos made me buy multiple aliens and several marines, i didn't even plan to go into Neca before them :) the moment i saw them decided to do something like this, so cool.
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Which scenes are you referring to?
that's an interesting situation, because:
a) if you didn't notice stolen scenes of the A1 moving egg guts, the A1 hugger jump, the A1 Lambert tale rape, it means you wouldn't notice more subtle quotes before somebody names them - or you would argue about that, which would be dull.
b) if you did notice them, you wouldn't even ask that question without planning something bad :dunno
that's an interesting situation, because:
a) if you didn't notice stolen scenes of the A1 moving egg guts, the A1 hugger jump, the A1 Lambert tale rape, it means you wouldn't notice more subtle quotes before somebody names them - or you would argue about that, which would be dull.
b) if you did notice them, you wouldn't even ask that question without planning something bad :dunno

I'm not planning anything bad don't worry about that, genuinely curious. We are all passionate about the franchise (in v diff ways) so I'm not gonna make the convo nasty or anything.

Anyway yes I notice some parallels with the original movie. Didn't like the shower scene much myself. But are you really expecting an alien movie without moving egg guts and jumping hugger? :dunno
it means you wouldn't notice more subtle quotes before somebody names them - or you would argue about that, which would be dull.

That's one of the major things that irritates me about movies today that are either sequels or remakes. The apparent need for the screenwriters to put in quotes from the old classics so they can say "See, remember how awesome it was in the old movie when they said this line? We remember cause we're fans, too." It's like trying to score brownie points with the fans. But, like Predators or AVP:R, when your whole movie is just littered with lines and situations copied from previous films it ceases to be a movie in itself and becomes a 90 minute homage to greater movies. And at that point, why not just watch the originals.

One thing Cameron did with Terminator is have those kinds of touchstones between the first and second film, but they made narrative sense. Obviously, the T-800 and T-1000 are going to have canned dialogue, because they're robots. But, the quotes were also situational. They say them at times that make contextual sense. They don't stand out like sore thumbs as quotes for the sake of it.
Was Hoping to get the Ripley two pack around Xmas..nada...Didn't find it at my TRUs..they had crap :gah:

Hope to see the two pack in the stores on the upcoming weeks :pray:
I'm not planning anything bad don't worry about that, genuinely curious. We are all passionate about the franchise (in v diff ways) so I'm not gonna make the convo nasty or anything.

Anyway yes I notice some parallels with the original movie. Didn't like the shower scene much myself. But are you really expecting an alien movie without moving egg guts and jumping hugger? :dunno
erm, you don't get it i think.
there is a difference between "famous characters used in new scenes" and "copied famous scenes". copied scenes always look like "hmmm those dumb fans loved those scenes, i'll just show it again and make them drool like Pavlov's dogs".

oh and everything that Alice said, which he did a lot better.
erm, you don't get it i think.
there is a difference between "famous characters used in new scenes" and "copied famous scenes". copied scenes always look like "hmmm those dumb fans loved those scenes, i'll just show it again and make them drool like Pavlov's dogs".

oh and everything that Alice said, which he did a lot better.

I would get it if you are more specific. So far you only quoted the tail scene (which isn't even that similar), and the face hugge scene. And based on these two scenes, you went on to condemn the movie. That to me is illogical.

While what Alice said is valid, he/she did not mention any specific example as well. It's just generalisation about sequels / remakes.

Look, I've only watched the trailer once so as not to spoilt myself too much. It would help me if you can be more specific instead of making sweeping statements. It makes you sounds like you are just hating it for the sake of it which I think (hope) you are not.
While what Alice said is valid, he/she did not mention any specific example as well.

To me, the biggest culprit is the "replacement Ripley" syndrome these prequels have. Scott went as far as to cast Noomi Rapace, who looks strikingly similar to young Sigourney in terms of facial structure, in Prometheus. And in this one, he's not only casting a woman that also looks similar to the last two female leads, but also going as far as to literally make her a Ripley.

This whole thing would make about as much sense as having a prequel to Terminator where we find out Sarah Connors mom was also chased by a T-800 from the future.
I would get it if you are more specific. So far you only quoted the tail scene (which isn't even that similar), and the face hugge scene. And based on these two scenes, you went on to condemn the movie. That to me is illogical.

While what Alice said is valid, he/she did not mention any specific example as well. It's just generalisation about sequels / remakes.

Look, I've only watched the trailer once so as not to spoilt myself too much. It would help me if you can be more specific instead of making sweeping statements. It makes you sounds like you are just hating it for the sake of it which I think (hope) you are not.

wait, your questions are very strange.
the movie will suck because it tries to use a completely dead franchise.
even a short trailer shows scenes directly copied from older movies. but that's just a proof and not a reason.
you watched the trailer, you didn't see them, i named the ones i could remember and describe clearly (as i saw it only once this morning, seconds before my comment).
to name them all i need to get home and watch it again... wait, but i don't need to do anything. you can watch it yourself as many times you want.

So far you only quoted the tail scene (which isn't even that similar),
that tail. scene. in A1. is a widely discussed scene for many years. was Lambert raped by a tail, where are her clothes, did it mean something or was just another ****up by scott. and you call that tail NOT a direct stealing from the original movie?
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