Official NECA Terminator Thread

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Honestly there are times that he's more active arguing or insulting people than talking about the product. He just need to ignore the alleged "trolls" instead of engaging them. It doesn't help him any, it just makes him look bad.
I think Randy means well and he definitely goes above and beyond by communicating with us but he gets really tired of doing everything he can and some ungrateful trolls want to crap all over the good NECA has done. I can see anybody getting tired of it and biting back. I have no problem with him at all and I would say when he does bite back its because whoever it is stirring up crap has deserved it. He's damned either way, if he takes the high road they will probably keep pushing and if he doesn't stand for it and gives it right back the trolls get offended and whine. I know there is no other company that talks and listens to its fans/collectors like him and apparently we are all fans of some or multiple lines they produce. He does get a bit snarky some time but I can't blame him.
This from August 13th

One doesn't know what to think. Could be a lie or it might not be and the previously teased endo-arm in tube accessory is for some T-800 re-release....

The Endo arm could be an accessory for a Cyberdyne BD figure that comes with grenage launcher as well.
It could couldn't it. And though the teargas launcher would be most welcome I think it'd just be annoying to see the endo-arm, what should be an accessory exclusive to John Connor, being packed with a T-800. Seems like that wouldn't bode well for John getting made if they just give one of his selling points to another figure.

Yet I refuse to accept that Newt is more important and more worthy of getting a figure. The Aliens plot did not centre around her - Newt was part of a sub-plot involving Ripley as a mother-figure. John is the singular reason for the main plot of T2, he's why the T-800 and T-1000 are doing battle - I'm sure they'd have been best buds if the T-1000 wasn't trying to kill John. Not to mention that John surely has more screentime than Newt does.
It's kind of tricky thinking of ideas for a Terminator accessory pack as it's a bit different from the Aliens line which has tons of things to include from creatures to weapons and the like - whereas options are a bit limited for the Terminator line if we're restricted to just the first two movies (not including the Resistance fighters we'll never get and their weapons). Off the top of my head:

-Endoskeleton arm (could be a hint for JC but I dunno)
-Plasma rifle
-Crushed Endo head
-Gas mask used in Cyberdyne building
-MM1 grenade launcher (used by SWAT during the Cyberdyne siege)

What else could they throw in there?

At some point I do feel the line could expand to other movies, even if it means getting something from T3 or Salvation, which I take Randy doesn't want to approach. Even if I'm not a fan of T3, I would not pass up on a T-850 with a coffin loaded with weapons because I'm a Terminator fan and I'll pretty much buy anything Terminator related from NECA.
-Crushed Endo head
i wonder what could crush an endo head, if a direct truck hit in T1 couldn't do it and repeated hits with a giant metal piece in T2 couldn't do it.
every time i see a crushed endo head, it looks the same as a rusty endoskeleton (made not from iron): poorly thought through.
John is the singular reason for the main plot of T2, he's why the T-800 and T-1000 are doing battle - I'm sure they'd have been best buds if the T-1000 wasn't trying to kill John. Not to mention that John surely has more screentime than Newt does.

John was pretty much the point of the entire Terminator franchise and I have to believe you could get Furlong's likeness for a song.
It's kind of tricky thinking of ideas for a Terminator accessory pack as it's a bit different from the Aliens line which has tons of things to include from creatures to weapons and the like - whereas options are a bit limited for the Terminator line if we're restricted to just the first two movies (not including the Resistance fighters we'll never get and their weapons). Off the top of my head:

-Endoskeleton arm (could be a hint for JC but I dunno)
-Plasma rifle
-Crushed Endo head
-Gas mask used in Cyberdyne building
-MM1 grenade launcher (used by SWAT during the Cyberdyne siege)

What else could they throw in there?

At some point I do feel the line could expand to other movies, even if it means getting something from T3 or Salvation, which I take Randy doesn't want to approach. Even if I'm not a fan of T3, I would not pass up on a T-850 with a coffin loaded with weapons because I'm a Terminator fan and I'll pretty much buy anything Terminator related from NECA.

I forgot about the accessory pack idea. Has randy mentioned them in relation to Terminator? I don't remember.

I can think of a lot, in no particular order and with repetition of some of yours:

-steel rod (probably bent to ***t knowing NECA :lol )
-control box for chains in steel mill
-petrol cans, explosives and yellow barrel for cyberdyne demolition
-teargas launcher
-T-800's trolley for wheeling around all his weapons in Cyberdyne
-T-800's sports bag for carrying the minigun inside on the way to Cyberdyne
-M-79 with 'reload' feature
-Sarah's ammo bag
-Sarah's opened-up machine gun from her weapons prep at Enrique's
-the AK for Sarah from the same scene (she didn't end up using it though)
-alternate hands for T-800 (relaxed hands, fist hands, shotgun reload hand like Enterbay provided*, a gloved hand for holding teargas launcher)
-alternate hands for Sarah (to carry her ammo bag)
-tools and towels for the chip removal scene (though I guess we need a figure of that first)
-alternate torso with Galleria bullet squib damage to use on Ultimate T-1000 (and Steel Mill version of same)

*right hand as seen here

And for T1, well, there's a few entire figures that could be made and haven't been so there seems no point in listing off accessories that would surely come with particular figures if they were made.

i wonder what could crush an endo head, if a direct truck hit in T1 couldn't do it and repeated hits with a giant metal piece in T2 couldn't do it.
every time i see a crushed endo head, it looks the same as a rusty endoskeleton (made not from iron): poorly thought through.

I'm trying to remember how the Terminator was ultimately destroyed in the first film.......

But if you're saying it'd be a crap 'accessory' yeah I agree. No offence Caped Baldy :lol

John was pretty much the point of the entire Terminator franchise and I have to believe you could get Furlong's likeness for a song.

I don't think getting his likeness is the problem according to a tweet I saw recently (and probably posted here in the past few weeks). It's purely that they don't think he'd sell. And maybe the Public Enemies logo is a complication.
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Ripley and Newt 2 pack confirmed.

T-800 and John 2 pack surely a no-brainer.

What about a pescadero escape 2pack: Sarah dressed in pescadero clothes and John in classic outfit, that would be great :yess:
What about a pescadero escape 2pack: Sarah dressed in pescadero clothes and John in classic outfit, that would be great :yess:

That'd be even better for us long-term collectors who already have T-800s and the previous Sarah.

Although for the impulse buyers it'd want to be T-800 and John.
John was pretty much the point of the entire Terminator franchise and I have to believe you could get Furlong's likeness for a song.


Also, you can totally get Michael Edwards likeness for nothing right? I might be in the minority that would want an older John Connor fig.