Looks like the first Force Awakens HTs will be sold next week in HK!

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I've said it before and i'll say it again. If the movie is good, then i'm in trouble $.


Yeah, thought I'm the only one who thought so... Donald Duck trooper.
Absolutely dislike this new Stormtrooper's design. 38 years on and still nothing beats the OT Stormtrooper's design.
I don't see how those Troopers are any more gimmicky than the variants in the Original Trilogy. I think it's only natural that over time the Trooper armor would see a redesign and considering the new film takes place around thirty years after the events of Return of the Jedi it makes sense.
I think the OT troopers have the best armor design ever made. More than Fett or even Vader.

For the clones i really didn't like the MK 1 but i do like the MK 2 a lot.

First Order troopers I'm not crazy about. Not terrible but something is off. They look like they were designed by Apple running the latest iOS. With a couple of alterations they could have been much better like removing the black lines between the eyes and mouth and removing the duck beak.

I dunno, I like the sleekness / evolution if you will of First Order Trooper. Granted as most fans nothing beats the original. I'd expect iFirst Order to be one of if not the first available as HT has similar designs from OT in the pipeline.
I like the new trooper look! But I do hope we see a Donald paint job on one as an exclusive! :rock
Does seem odd that such a simple design can't be beat.

Not so odd. There are many examples of mid-century modern furniture (Eames, Van Der Rohe, Wegner)...then there's Dieter Rams and the Functional School of industrial design (Braun, much imitated by Apple) ... and much more that pre-dates what most people would recognize as "design eras" that remain iconic or - arguably - unbeatable to this day.

Historical and cultural contexts mixed with visual and/or tactile elements that resonate with us on a visceral level make iconic design.

Having said that, I like the First Order stormtroopers and have to look for the "duck" to see it. I don't like them nearly as much as the original design, but there's no reason I should; it's possible that kids growing up to this new trilogy will prefer them. Who knows? Different media landscape now.

I agree. Then again I also think the clone troopers looks better than the ducktroopers.

I used to prefer Phase 2 Clone armour, but realized I was looking for stormtrooper armour design cues. I now prefer the Phase 1 for the heroic retro sic-fi look, but the best part of the armour is the helmet. The rest is less fantastic and more sporty in many ways.

I have issues with the body armour on both the First Order and Clone Trooper designs for the same reason, actually. But no problems with the helmets; the FO troopers probably edge out the Clones by a small margin, but this without having seen the new films yet.
I'm partial to the OT design myself, but I think the ducktroopers look perfect as to what the empires goons would've evolved into 30 years later.
And I may have my geek hat on here, but I actually think the FO troops look a lot more intimidating. Perhaps is because we've seen these guys in the trailers with a crap load of them in formation. Perhaps it's all the "inspired by Nazi's" stuff. These guys look like they are going to be nasty. Chrome and cape nasty. Flame throwing nasty. And I bet they'll be able to hit the broad side of a barn. And no walking into doors either.

If I can have only 1, HT ANH Stormtrooper all day. But these guys look cool and I can't wait to see the new generation army build these guys in 1/6 or 1/12.
So in the OT did the employees of the Empire think they were the bad guys? They seemed to be doing their jobs listening to the higher ups and fighting against these rebels. But In TFA enrolling in the Empire I wonder if it means your enrolling with the bad guys?