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I worked on im1 and 2. On one in set building and in two on props.

Toycrypt-he stated the 1/4 scale proto of comiccave/PI at the screening would be 800 dollars. The one that's four feet tall, and diecast, that opens up. The one from the company that usually cost 400 dollars for a 1/6 iron man and nearly 600 for a standard 1/4 iron man. There's no way on earth it would ever cost that much.

As for me cutting anything...that's not something I would do. As I pointed out its the editors job. And there's a lot more then 20 minutes of unused film for these movies. More like hundreds of hours. Some are out takes/reshoots. Some are multiple scenes from multiple angles. Some is rewrites and cuts. My point was you said "modern directors cut more" and then went on to say they cut 1/10 of a movie. Like that's some astronomical number. They re-added like an hour to each LOTR film.

So I was right... they cut a lot off things out from a movie and I said $800 to $1000 for the toy but I change that to... I'm allowed to change my mind and opinion right?! Afterall this is an internet forum... so my new estimate of the price would be $1000 to $1500.

I was genuinly excited for that big-ass Hulkbuster before you started spewing your toxic waste around.
Jesus. Can we just give it a break. Less fighting more ooo-ing and ahh-ing about the mark 45.

I really dig the way the forearms are on the artist collection version. Obviously this isn't what the actual figure will look like but I'm sure certain things will carry over- hopefully those neat looking forearms will too. HOT10596.jpg

So I was right... they cut a lot off things out from a movie and I said $800 to $1000 for the toy but I change that to... I'm allowed to change my mind and opinion right?! Afterall this is an internet forum... so my new estimate of the price would be $1000 to $1500.

I was genuinly excited for that big-ass Hulkbuster before you started spewing your toxic waste around.

No you where not right. First, that would be 1/3 not 1/10. And that's not all that was cut. Nor does it compare in anyway to non modern directors. Every movie shoots HUNDREDS of hours of film. From the 1930s wizard of oz, to ant man. They shoot for months. Usually. (Low budget vs big budget is a separate thing but since you are taking about marvel and tent pole films I'm just addressing big budget). They shoot for a min of 6 hours a day. I've never worked on one that shot less. Nor heard of one. For between 4 and 7 days a week. Most (90 plus percentage) have at least two units (two teams filming at the same time). So each day there is at least 6-12 hours of footage shot. For at least 4 days a week. For an average of two months(lord of the rings shot for 9 months, infinity war will shoot for 9 months, wizard of oz shot over 6). There's lots of others over the years that are in that range. So 12 hours a day, times 4 days a week times two months. All low end. That's what, just shy of 400 hours. Low end estimate. The movies are 2-3 hours max. How exactly does that equate to a modern, or ancient or any director cutting 1/10 of anything? So no, you are not right.

As for your excitement about the hulkbuster. Great. It's an amazing piece. But everything i said was true. And 1000 dollars is still a CRAZY low number. Think logically. Hot toys is selling a 1/6 (about half the size at 2 foot tall) HB for just under 1000. It has NO animatronics. CMC/PI the company making the 1/4 four foot tall with animatronic HB was more expensive at the same scale for equal product then hot toys (the CMC/PI 1/6 Mk 7 cost more then the hot toys 1/6 Mk 7 for example). So, if the CMC/PI HB is twice as tall and ten times as complicated how is it AT LEAST not twice as expensive(and I bet it's three or four times as expensive IF it ever gets made which it probably won't), at just shy of 2k? Also, people complain about hot toys having shown maybe ten prototypes over 15 years that have never made it to market. In 2013 alone PI had 140 prototypes shown at NYCC and have released 2 or 3. You can be as excited about it as you want, but when your running around screaming about how it's going to cost less then a 1/6 HB and there's a new company, all of which was untrue, someone needs to be telling people you are incorrect.
I do wish the art book had more pics and stuff written about the armor ... those are definitely my favorite pics in the book. Amazing armor.
Nice find. I really dig the little ports on the thighs, lower chest and back.

They really make the suit unique. I also like the ones on the triceps but for me, one of the best parts is the multiple small circular holes on the thighs, lower chest and back. (almost exactly where those ports are)

I also like that this suit uses it's back thrusters a lot more, like the MK7. In a lot of flying scenes with the 45, you see flames coming out of the back instead of the hands.
They really make the suit unique. I also like the ones on the triceps but for me, one of the best parts is the multiple small circular holes on the thighs, lower chest and back. (almost exactly where those ports are)

I also like that this suit uses it's back thrusters a lot more, like the MK7. In a lot of flying scenes with the 45, you see flames coming out of the back instead of the hands.

Those holes, I don't know what it is about them, but I love em'.