HOT TOYS - DX15 - Batman Returns KEATON BATMAN

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I dunno why, that just felt like the right response :lol

I saw the second one recently yeah, I thought it was alright. I'd watch it again.
It was, I totally got it.

I thought it was okay for what it was too. Nice little nostalgic trip.
The completely random snot bubble part :lol

Yeah I think it was all it needed to be for that kind of movie. The whole reason it was made was for nostalgia and that's what it delivered what with the repeated gags and so on *insert George Lucas 'poetry' vid here*
I think ht are being a little of a tease here. I mean I guess they have other priorities with the marvel line so heres hoping after they finish that(if they ever do) they'll release the br figure along with ripley.
OMFG, these posts. So much snark, so much fun. The masochistic/playful/troublemaking side of me kinda wants DX15 to remain elusive, just out of our reach. Solely for the entertainment value. :lol
I think ht are being a little of a tease here. I mean I guess they have other priorities with the marvel line so heres hoping after they finish that(if they ever do) they'll release the br figure along with ripley.

My only concern is that when they'll finish the Marvel line they'll move to the Star Wars line and release both the original and prequel trilogy figures first. I am afraid that if this figure doesn't get released by this year, than it will never be.

I hope the delay is caused by some copyright issue. I wonder for how many years they got the license. At the time of the announcement they where still interested in this line, I think when it expires they won't renew it. See what happened with Smooth Criminal Michael Jackson. That figure was also in prototype just like the BR Batman but licence expired before it was approved and Hot Toys dropped the figure.

But who knows miracles (like Commando Matrix) still happen so fingers crossed.
I could see Returns Batman and Ripley being half assed releases that are simply thrown out there to get it over with like the Arkham Bats and Ichabod Crane. Unless the production figure of Arkham Batman takes everyone by surprise, by 2014 standards, those two aren't very impressive. Depp's head looks like something their 2009 resume would contain. Batman is in a cheap looking rubber suit and they didn't even bother making all the crazy gadgets (or his Titan toxin face) that he has in the game.

At the start of the announcement, I think we all imagined a well thought out line. In reality, I do wonder if it was just a PR stunt to cash in on the 2012 Batman hype (the '89 figures were just starting to ship and TDKR was a few months away). Same deal with Ripley. They had to have had the Alien 35th anniversary in mind. Why they didn't act on it for 2014 is beyond me. Just look at that random anime Alien chick they pulled out of their butt a few months ago just in time for the Alien 5 concept art that was shown a day before. Why that?

Batman and Ripley will come out, but it probably won't be because of their own merits as cool figures from cool movies. Probably be like "hey, our Batman v Superman merch isn't ready yet, but here's that Batman from 3 and a half years ago, enjoy and get Bat-hyped!" After the "no plans for Penguin or Catwoman" when they said "Penguin in December 2012", I have no hopes for Batman Returns as a well rounded line. I've got this sinking feeling that it's going to be a barebones Batman with less "stuff" than the DX 09. No Keaton Bruce head, no glider, think Arkham Batman. It'll be this "here's your obligatory Batman fig, now get the hell out of here".

Those Ripleys on the other hand could be used as Blomkamp fodder. Then again, those Prometheus figures never even materialized. It makes you wonder why they bother with this stuff at all.
My only concern is that when they'll finish the Marvel line they'll move to the Star Wars line and release both the original and prequel trilogy figures first. I am afraid that if this figure doesn't get released by this year, than it will never be.

I hope the delay is caused by some copyright issue. I wonder for how many years they got the license. At the time of the announcement they where still interested in this line, I think when it expires they won't renew it. See what happened with Smooth Criminal Michael Jackson. That figure was also in prototype just like the BR Batman but licence expired before it was approved and Hot Toys dropped the figure.

That'd be lolz. Most contract deals are three years too, so as each month passes, that scenario does look pretty good. Lets be honest, if we all saw "Batman Returns, cancelled" on a QnA or on facebook, I think there would be more relief than anything.

Thing with the Michael Jackson figure sucked for those fans, but they got over it. We'd get over Returns too.

While there weren't that many differences between the '89 and Returns suits, there doesn't appear to be many differences between the Iron Man suits. I would have a look at the Iron Man figure to see exactly how different they all are, but there are too many, and there isn't enough time to look.
While there weren't that many differences between the '89 and Returns suits, there doesn't appear to be many differences between the Iron Man suits. I would have a look at the Iron Man figure to see exactly how different they all are, but there are too many, and there isn't enough time to look.

They're a buncha crap. All the same thing very slightly redressed - perfectly valid if you are an intense, hardcore Iron Man fan but a waste of time and resources outside of that. A Batman Returns Batman has at least as much validity. But apparently all that really matters is what the locals want. The locals are the bottom line and they want red and yellow cartoon robots plus infinite sorts of minor variations therein.
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They're a buncha crap. All the same thing very slightly redressed - perfectly valid if you are an intense, hardcore Iron Man fan but a waste of time and resources outside of that. A Batman Returns Batman has at least as much validity. But apparently all that really matters is what the locals want. The locals are the bottom line and they want red and yellow cartoon robots plus infinite sorts of minor variations therein.
It's not locals, it's sales. Among other things. Look at the volume of Europe and usa collectors that post and buy. Sorry bud, but hot toys is a company that's largest concern is profit.
I kind of love that the Marvel fans are actually starting to get rambunctious. A few years ago, you'd get a Returns or Arkham picture in the Facebook comments and a bunch of Avengers fans would tell them to "**** off" and that "Hot Toys is a business" or some bull**** like that. Now, you're getting pictures of Drax in there, and you wonder how long it will be before the house of cards that Howard's built will start tumbling down as the MCU starts to expand. I mean what's going to happen when this stuff starts to overlap, and they're going to have to pick a side. I mean what happens when Justice League and Infinity War start going down?

Hell, what about next year? You're getting at least half the Justice League in BvS, an entire team of Supervillains in the form of the Suicide Squad, and probably new versions of all The Avengers and Spider-Man for Civil War, on top of what I'm sure will be an enormous amount of Force Awakens figures. You have to wonder if Howard's eventually going to overwhelm himself and a large contingent of collectors (which he's already seemingly well on his way to doing).
It's not locals, it's sales. Among other things. Look at the volume of Europe and usa collectors that post and buy. Sorry bud, but hot toys is a company that's largest concern is profit.

I could see your point, but nothing about these figures indicated they were poor sellers. They sold out right away in HK, and the 89 Batman relatively quickly in the States. The only reason I could assume the Nicholson figures have stuck around for so long is because Howard's hubris got the better of him when they nabbed the likeness rights and they probably overmanufactured based on potential demand, just like with the Reeve releases. Point being: nothing about these releases indicates they would sell any less than these Marvel figures, if given the same opportunity.
I know DiFabio was only being snarky when he posted about it, but there are far more differences between the 89 and Returns suits than there are between Marks IV and VI -- and yet you'd see a lot of people asking for these armors to be remade and even get the 1/4 treatment. Possible sad truth why Keaton Bats is filed under least priority.
Right now Howard is surrounded by Hong Kong fans who just want Marvel items. I actually get jealous they get that massive movie display for Age of Ultron doing the Asia tour, when I think to myself that damn, I know marvel comes from the usa, but you don't see any of that around here for the movie promo.

They even get the movie premiered ten days earlier than we do. All I know is that I ain't buying marvel hot toys just for that reason, too many figures, unless I strike it rich.

I mean in reality one can hope that Howard watches Saturday night live and see how much attention Michael Keaton is getting

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Michael Keaton was in the limelight for 4-5 months straight with the success of Birdman and the Academy Awards/Oscars. The guy was headlining big time. If that didn't get their attention (if they even follow that stuff or if it holds any significance to them, which I doubt), some American skit show certainly won't.
Im gone for two months from here and I come back only to see the exact same thing all over again. Pretty sad indeed. Everyone said "oh they will release it when Keaton is in the limelight" Well that didn't happen. People continue mindlessly to have the utmost faith for Hot Toys. Everything I have been saying has only come to pass. Expect a 2017-2018 release for this fig.

Firstly, sad but not surprising to see they didn't work on that McFly sculpt a little more. Take it off the body and I doubt those outside of the know would know who it is. I may still pick it up though because I know, and I am craving a new figure.

Second and most important, look at the picture. Why would DC want to have anything to do with these guys at this point?

Conclusion, There may be some merit to the theories that DC may be holding this figure back more than HT is. Maybe they simply don't want to be associated with what has now become Marvel Toys. It makes their brand look pathetic if say, that Marty figure up there were Batman returns instead.
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