Hot Toys – MMS202D04 - 1/6th scale RoboCop Collectible Figure

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Thanks, guys! He's a tricky bugger to shoot if you don't want that bright-silver look. This is probably the shot I'm most happy with:


Thats a great shot. For some weird reason that picture makes the figure look much smaller (almost 3 3/4"). Also very sad when you read people say “I wish that was what the figure looked like on my shelf etc”. Seems like Robocop is the BEST and most DISSAPPOINTING figure of 2014!
Thats a great shot. For some weird reason that picture makes the figure look much smaller (almost 3 3/4"). Also very sad when you read people say “I wish that was what the figure looked like on my shelf etc”. Seems like Robocop is the BEST and most DISSAPPOINTING figure of 2014!

Each figure I've bought this year has had some major disappointing aspect to it which I feel none of them should have had. While they haven't ruined my life I'm actually not sure I'd even vote this as FOTY anymore. Nor would I vote MMS238 or ED-209. So I actually might not vote at all or I would give my vote to a figure that hasn't had such prominent negative talking points.
I do you are right.(as of late I'll admit that) They aren't angels and have plenty of times where they suck too, what do you want me to say? Ok their Mars Attacks figures suck they crack, their Hellboy figure has ok rubber but his knees break. ED 209 has rubber that is as bad as a condom, Sarah Connor has rubber that cracks Dutch had a pin head and I had to take out the plug in his head to lower it, to hide the long neck. They use a horrible sculptor Kojin who can't sculpt RDJ no matter how many tries he's been given, or Harrison Ford. Hot Toys makes way to many IM but surprises us with John Matrix. Hot Toys has gone to the well to many times with Joker and Batman, but can't sculpt a Christian Bale. Their Ben Kingsly looks amazing but other figures just look like stunt men of who they are supposed to be.

But to me personally the good figures that I have owned of theirs Joe Colton, Robocop and soon BD T1 make up for their bad ones to me. Before that in 2008 I owned Robocop V1 and was happy with that like it was a real Peter Weller despite looking nothing like him. Then I had Predator 2 City Hunter V.1, BR Joker V.1 the Chinese release of BB suit Batman, Dutch, Predator Jungle Hunter, and finally my favorite figure of all time HT Godfather. All those figures to me let all their BS crap pass cause those things I listed brought joy to me every time I looked at them in a detolf.

Hot Toys is very flawed but compared to SS who I haven't bought a figure from since their Raiders of the Lost Ark figure is behind by 5 years so what other company am I going to defend? Is it biased? yes cause I have never owned the flawed ones so I can't get mad at them they have only brought me good memories, with the exception of Dutch's neck which I fixed by removing the plug. I've never had a problem with them, never even have had a broken wrist peg. Am I a minority of people that has never had a problem? Maybe but can you blame me for liking them? But they are not perfect and do **** up and you are right that shouldn't be ignored. But the only reason why I suck their balls is cause I've never have had a problem with them and that's the honest truth.

Collectorguy I don't hate you and I hope you don't think I do, thank you for calling me out, it takes a lot of balls. And if my post sounds like I'm mad I'm not its just my opinion and only that. I actually really enjoy reading your posts :duff and hope you don't cancel you PO for John Matrix but if you do that's ok too but sometimes their rubber lasts and has no problems. Plastic can fall apart too just look at Medicom and EB's Game of Death V.3 but not all companies are perfect.

Each figure I've bought this year has had some major disappointing aspect to it which I feel none of them should have had. While they haven't ruined my life I'm actually not sure I'd even vote this as FOTY anymore. Nor would I vote MMS238 or ED-209. So I actually might not vote at all or I would give my vote to a figure that hasn't had such prominent negative talking points.

I only purchased one HT this year….Elder Predator. With only one figure I had QC issues. One of the three jaw whiskers on left side was missing and one of the chin whisker was crushed and bent (looked odd). :dunno
Re: My Robocop Photos (1 of 2)

That looks incredible.

Wish it was what we actually got. But what do you do.

Great stuff Bauer!

So great, thanks Span.

Thats a great shot. For some weird reason that picture makes the figure look much smaller (almost 3 3/4"). Also very sad when you read people say “I wish that was what the figure looked like on my shelf etc”. Seems like Robocop is the BEST and most DISSAPPOINTING figure of 2014!
Thanks again, fellas! It's funny you say that, Bo; I always try to make the figures look 1:1 scale, but apparently I'm making him look smaller instead! :lol Maybe the very shallow depth of field is what's giving it the illusion you're seeing.
I just watched video review yesterday only thing im not liking is way the arm's are done all blocky. Over all he look's very cool and living in Detroit burbs i must pick him up 4 my collection soon.
So how many of you guys who had their figures for awhile play with the sound feature?

I do, along with Ed
I enjoy the "come quietly or ........" Line the most
Then I think of the Asian guy cocking his shotgun and saying, " aw, *** you"

I will say getting it to the point of using the sounds is somewhat cumbersome, a competitors version is much easier
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Happened to me too, that right arm popped right off for me. I used some strong krazy glue on it to keep it in place since I didn't feel like returning it. What I found odd was that instead of finding any kind of glue residue on the arm it felt like there was grease there instead. It almost appears to me that they used the wrong substance on the arm which resulted in the arm falling off.

To answer Pop Collector's question, the joint where his forearm meets the elbow was incredibly loose so that when I posed him with the gun, the weight of the plastic gun was almost enough for the arm to fall right off. I used as little glue as possible so as to avoid any damage that the glue could cause and now the arm is holding in place. I didn't lose any mobility in the forearm either but I'm making sure not to put any unneeded pressure on it. Generally though, once I pose the figure, I very rarely move it around (Man of Steel Superman being the only exception).

So its near the joint? Or at the joint?, or the little plastic ring connected to the gauntlet? I have mine in my box still cause I need a detolf to properly display him.
But this does worry me a little.
I see a picture like that and have a hard time to understand exactly what people are complaining...
That's a very nice thing to say and I'm flattered, but yeah as others have said that is sadly not how the figure appears when standing before you. I deliberately shot the figure with the light and camera settings I knew could give me the look I wanted, and then pushed it the extra step in processing. I'm lifting up the curtain here a little bit, but if I take the same photo and alter it in the opposite direction - more toward realism instead of stylization - the result is this:

DSC_0149 - alt.jpg

And for comparison:

Ohhh, you dirty bastard, Span! :lol

I still love the figure and can't wait to get it in-hand, but no doubt the stylized photograph is what I would want to see on the shelf. Will definitely take some pains when lighting this guy (know I won't be able to emulate that exactly, but will try and get it closer).
I got a second batch one as well and in low or indirect light, the hues and colors come out nicely in mine, the purples, blues, etc. I don't know how I'll light it yet, possibly cool white or halogen.