Christopher Nolan's Interstellar

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Yes, Memento is the movie that made Nolan famous. Hardly underrated. If fact everything else he has done since (with the exception of Batman Begins) has been highly OVERrated. :lol

By the way Quicksilver in your sig is great. The DOFP interpretation and performance of the character is my cinematic highlight of the year. :rock

Thanks :duff

Yea that scene was incredible, hopefully we get more from him in Apocalypse.
Nolan Responds to Interstellar Science Gripes - IGN

Share. Pondering the theories of the sci-fi epic.
BY SCOTT COLLURASay what you will about Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar, but there’s no denying that it’s got those who’ve seen the film to talk about science. The concepts and theories that director Nolan and his co-writer and brother Jonathan throw down and draw from in the sci-fi picture are one of the most memorable aspects of the film… but they’ve also received criticism from some quarters for not always making much sense. And now the director has responded to those critics.

Full spoilers follow.

Interstellar Spoiler Cast
“My films are always held to a weirdly high standard for those issues that isn’t applied to everybody else’s films -- which I’m fine with,” Nolan tells The Daily Beast. “People are always accusing my films of having plot holes, and I’m very aware of the plot holes in my films and very aware of when people spot them, but they generally don’t.”

The site mentions one particular aspect of the film that has divided viewers: the time dilation on the planet that means one hour for Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway equals seven years back on Earth.

“Those issues are all buttoned-up, and [theoretical physicist and advisor to the film] Kip [Thorne] has a book on the science of the film about what’s real, and what’s speculation -- because much of it is, of course, speculation,” says Nolan. “There have been a bunch of knee-jerk tweets by people who’ve only seen the film once, but to really take on the science of the film, you’re going to need to sit down with the film for a bit and probably also read Kip’s book. I know where we cheated in the way you have to cheat in movies, and I’ve made Kip aware of those things.”
saw it today and thought this is the worst movie I have seen this year

concept was great but movie did not deliver I thought
The only reason people look for plot holes in his movies is because his movies take themselves so seriously and tend to be pretty pretentious.
And generally you don't have to look very hard.
The only reason people look for plot holes in his movies is because his movies take themselves so seriously and tend to be pretty pretentious.
And generally you don't have to look very hard.

You keep calling the film pretentious, what exactly is pretentious about it? Is it that the viewer is expected to think that is pretentious? Seriously, so much talk without substance. Let's just pretend for a minute that the movie was not Directed by Nolan, because we know how some of you love to bash Nolan films. What exactly are the problems you have with it?

I will admit, the science isnt 100%, but what film is? That being said it is far more accurate from a scientific standpoint than 90% of other sci-fi films.
You keep calling the film pretentious, what exactly is pretentious about it? Is it that the viewer is expected to think that is pretentious? Seriously, so much talk without substance. Let's just pretend for a minute that the movie was not Directed by Nolan, because we know how some of you love to bash Nolan films. What exactly are the problems you have with it?

I will admit, the science isnt 100%, but what film is? That being said it is far more accurate from a scientific standpoint than 90% of other sci-fi films.

Pretentious, as in attempted over intellectualising mixed with dumb as **** writing. Trying very hard to be highbrow, but failing dismally? Quoting poetry over conversations about space, time, and love? Then demonstrating this by sticking a pencil through a piece of paper, a gag used years ago in another sci-if movie?
Or having a wooden wall slide back to surprise an audience with a huge rocket engine machinery shop? Basically treating the audience as dumb asses, while ramming pseudo intellectual garbage down their throats.

And I really enjoyed the movie. :lol
Pretentious, as in attempted over intellectualising mixed with dumb as **** writing. Trying very hard to be highbrow, but failing dismally? Quoting poetry over conversations about space, time, and love? Then demonstrating this by sticking a pencil through a piece of paper, a gag used years ago in another sci-if movie?
Or having a wooden wall slide back to surprise an audience with a huge rocket engine machinery shop? Basically treating the audience as dumb asses, while ramming pseudo intellectual garbage down their throats.

And I really enjoyed the movie. :lol

Well, I'm glad you really enjoyed it, I'd hate to hear what you think about movies you really disliked. ;)

I don't think they are over-intellectualizing, some of these concepts (Relativity, Time as a physical dimension instead of something linear) are difficult for many people to grasp. The poetry, while it didnt need to be repeated over and over, was appropriate in the context of the film. The wormhole/paper explanation gets used again because, I think, it is the simplest and most easily conveyed explanation of travelling through a wormhole for those that are not scientifically minded.

Obviously we all know that if a rocket blasted off from that location in the facility, unless they are using some technology I am unaware of, that everyone around it, and in that boardroom would be toast. That is one of those moments that science is discarded for dramatic effect. Sure they could have gotten in a vehicle and driven ten minutes to get to the rocket launch facility, but that would have disrupted the flow. That is one of those moments that is very unrealistic, but I think is easily overlooked, as it really doesnt matter a whole lot in the overall picture. It's sort of like complaining about what books were on his daughters bookshelf.
Hell, I saw it.

Other than Hathaway's lips, I didn't really catch anything of interest. God damn it, that woman is FINE.
I didn't mind that they found one of the previous astronauts alive, just it would have been more of an unexpected 'twist' if he didn't try to kill everyone. How many films have done that at this point?
I didn't mind that they found one of the previous astronauts alive, just it would have been more of an unexpected 'twist' if he didn't try to kill everyone. How many films have done that at this point?

I absolutely agree. It really served no purpose in the story to have Damon try and kill MM. They fell victim to the normal tropes of Hollywood filmmaking. As soon as Damon was revealed I knew somehow the film might take a turn for the worse. But I can overlook one 5 minute scene in a 3 hour long movie.

Now if the whole plot at that point had been abandoned and it turned into a cat and mouse chase between MM and Damon, then that would have killed the movie for me.
Yes, Damon was unnecessary and one of my few complaints about the film, there really was no need for a villain in the film, IMO.

This was my main complaint as well, it was nothing more than a cliche that added absolutely nothing to the movie other than some suspense. I like Matt Damon as an actor, but he wasn’t too great in this.
This was my main complaint as well, it was nothing more than a cliche that added absolutely nothing to the movie other than some suspense. I like Matt Damon as an actor, but he wasn’t too great in this.

Hell, they could have removed the whole fight scene and just had Damon commit suicide in his lander, over the prospect of the astronauts leaving because he faked his data.
As this movie is really impossible to discuss without Spoilers, I propose that the thread title warn people before coming in. Eventually somebody is going to complain about it.
one thing that bothers me in the ending, there were no colored people in the space station. like they left them there for icepeircer in the dirt. lolz
Wasn't the person showing Cooper his old house on the new space station a none Caucasian? And so were some of the pilots.