Christopher Nolan's Interstellar

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I laughed out loud at one particular scene. They were all sitting around in a quiet wood walled boardroom in "nasa".
Then the wall slides back (like a game show) to show huge rocket engines being worked on, blow torches, heavy machinery etc.
No one heard any of this coming through the wall? :lol

Preposterous stuff.
The science part of he script was interesting, but the actual narrative and characters were pretty badly written. And the Damon ***** slap fight on the glacier elicited laughter at my screening. Sounds like I hated the movie, I didn't at all. I actually rather loved it from a certain perspective. But Kubrick or AC Clark it was not.
Yup there were more than a few "serious" moments that folk had a laugh at during this one. There a few great space scenes and some nice visuals, but this flick is TEDIOUS as hell.The ending is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen.

Pretentious twaddle that we're not supposed to question 'cause Nolan.
"Nolan movies make the uneducated masses feel smart".

Not my quote.
But I agree with it. Interstellar was pseudo intellectual pretention wrapped in an incredibly dumb and poorly written script

It was a great cinema experience however, and at times I thought it rather brilliant from an entertainment point of view.

The irony, of course, being that this statement is about as pretentious as one could get.:lol
"Nolan movies make the uneducated masses feel smart".

Not my quote.
But I agree with it. Interstellar was pseudo intellectual pretention wrapped in an incredibly dumb and poorly written script
It was a great cinema experience however, and at times I thought it rather brilliant from an entertainment point of view.
This :)
About the boardroom being right next those thrusters, a friend noticed it right of the bat when the first trailer was released. For him it was pure Nolan, look how realistic, smart, toughtfull my movies are... As in fact I do generic blockbusters stuff like this all the time.

Me too I don't hate the movie, I'll take more movies like this than the.average blockbusters.
But 2001 it ain't.
I'm fine with that.
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I just read that rant and relatively speaking I think I just lost 23.years of my life. Thanks for that....
Great movie. I went in with dirt low expectations due to lackluster trailers and posters. I loved the audio mix. I have to concur it was intentional. There was one part of dialogue I couldn't hear due to the music volume (Murp's second transmission) but that is repeated later to the characters and audience so no biggie.

I don't think this movie is as deep as others have been saying. It's Nolan's simplest narrative outside of the Dark Knight Trilogy. I read somewhere how Memento is a simple story told in a complex way, Inception is a complex story told in a complex way, and that this was a simple story told in a single way. I suppose you could argue it's a complex story with the ending but it was still presented in a simple way and didn't require much thought on what is happening and why.

I really liked the effects and although the robots looked dumb from initial previews, their personalities made up for their boxy looks.
Spoiler Spoiler:
"Nolan movies make the uneducated masses feel smart".

Not my quote.
But I agree with it. Interstellar was pseudo intellectual pretention wrapped in an incredibly dumb and poorly written script
It was a great cinema experience however, and at times I thought it rather brilliant from an entertainment point of view.
Spoiler Spoiler:

But I guess the gigantic space station(s?) needed the gravity/time tech found by the equation to work.
The whole point was indeed to colonize another planet, restart humanity somewhere else at least and if the equation worked save those left on earth. Basically in the end it's jackpot, everything works.
Attaway found one, she must sent info back (or maybe she couldn't anymore lack of energy or something yet her camp looked pretty good American flag and all) but old Murphy definitly knows it's ok for her as she tells Coop to go back to.
But yet they left her hanging there for many years even if they had the means to go back for her, at least when Coop show up.
They have nice little buck Rogers ranger ships who could do that in a jiffy using the whormhole again, even better go to the wormwhole with the space station maybe.
Maybe the wormhole closed too with the tesserract hence where they find coop and can't get to Attaway...
Yet Coop has to hide and steal a Ship to go back to her, when I was expecting a big rescue mission with the first settlers.
If the wormhole is closed then what's Coop doing?

Questions, when Coop will get back to Attaway, will it be minutes or years that have passed ?
Edit, well I've checked and if I'm correct time goes much slower near gargantua so only a short time should have passed when coop will be back.
But I think Nolan says the whormhole closes in the end...

Does the generation of human that welcome Coop have achieved the traveling trough space and time, are they those who created the wormwhole and tesserract? Or humanity has yet to reach that level?

Does the black hole closes too when the tesserract dissapears?
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"Nolan movies make the uneducated masses feel smart".

Not my quote.
But I agree with it. Interstellar was pseudo intellectual pretention wrapped in an incredibly dumb and poorly written script
It was a great cinema experience however, and at times I thought it rather brilliant from an entertainment point of view.
The ending is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen.
Went expecting something incredibly thoughtful and beautiful because of the hype and left bored to death.
It has some incredibly good scenes. Like five, maybe less.

Loved the soundtrack and robots. That's all.
Yup there were more than a few "serious" moments that folk had a laugh at during this one. There a few great space scenes and some nice visuals, but this flick is TEDIOUS as hell.The ending is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen.

Pretentious twaddle that we're not supposed to question 'cause Nolan.

I tend to agree....the movie got seriously loopy toward the end....
Will pirate this when available.

I choose "Nightcrawler" and I'm not sorry I did. Now THAT'S a ****ing great FILM.
Went expecting something incredibly thoughtful and beautiful because of the hype and left bored to death.
It has some incredibly good scenes. Like five, maybe less.

Loved the soundtrack and robots. That's all.
Pretty much exactly my thoughts. Except when the robot looked and sounded like an extra in a silver box outfit. :lol