SSC G.I. Joe Baroness

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personally from the pics ive seen i think the face looks waaaaay better than the statue.

and the glasses are nice and thin.
having "toyed" with her for a couple days, I have the following opinion to offer (for what it's worth): Body is better than male pro body as it does not have rubber knees. Unless the character bio lists her at 5'11" or taller, she is way out of scale. I understand she is a fictional character but the paint on the face is still lacking...not the paint application but rather the paint job in general. The regular portrait will never come out of the box as the second one is superior, but still they could have done a better job on the eyes. If Destro is on a body that is the same height as Bludd, then people will lose their s#@* when trying to pose her with him as she will be taller. I don't think porting her to a TT will fix the height issue as it will make the head look out of scale. Apart from the scale issue and paint job on the portrait, she is a great fig to get.

p.s. thanks for the kind words on the pics....hope they (along with this info) helps someone who's on the fence.
I think both the Baroness and Cobra Commander PFs were good trial runs for them to improve on the 1:6 figures. They worked out most of the bugs on the PFs and so we got awesome 1:6 figures instead. Not often the 1:6 version is superior to the PF.
having "toyed" with her for a couple days, I have the following opinion to offer (for what it's worth): Body is better than male pro body as it does not have rubber knees. Unless the character bio lists her at 5'11" or taller, she is way out of scale. I understand she is a fictional character but the paint on the face is still lacking...not the paint application but rather the paint job in general. The regular portrait will never come out of the box as the second one is superior, but still they could have done a better job on the eyes. If Destro is on a body that is the same height as Bludd, then people will lose their s#@* when trying to pose her with him as she will be taller. I don't think porting her to a TT will fix the height issue as it will make the head look out of scale. Apart from the scale issue and paint job on the portrait, she is a great fig to get.

p.s. thanks for the kind words on the pics....hope they (along with this info) helps someone who's on the fence.

shes taller than Bludd??!!

Love this shot, she looks amazing.
@Ross, she is the same height and a tiny amount taller than Bludd (depending on the pose). That said, if she is Destro's height, then she is way out of scale as I always picture destro to be about 6" taller than her....if Im not mistaken. Here's a VERY BAD iphone group shot as requested by snakeeyes171 and hope it's not too much of a departure from the thread topic
I need to stop peeking in these threads. Now I want to buy the Baroness and the Commander. :slap I thought I was done with Joe.

Great pictures and display!
I was only a sorta fan of the GI Joe cartoon back in the '80s, but am really impressed with the Baroness. Has to be SSC's best female figure to date. Cobra Commander is also great, just not to the same extent. Looking forward to seeing the body ported to HT Luke's frame.