south park new season 17

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Super Freak
Aug 5, 2012
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is it just me or is this show not funny this season? cartman and stan sounded really odd first episode. what do you guys think. im one of those guys who puts this show on random when he eats. ive seen them all and dont mind frequenting episodes but the new ones are kinda disappointing.........:dunno
the last couple of seasons they've been hit or miss, but they still are very funny. world war zimmerman was sickly insane. my cup of tea. LOL
I missed World War Zimmerman but will watch it now. Informative Murder Porn wasn't that great but Randy was funny as usual.

'Tis not the way in recent time like it used to be but I still manage to get some laughs every now and then. I do miss fatass's high-pitched voice though. And Satan. And Saddam :lol
Besides the Alec Baldwin bits in the first episode, this season has sucked.
did anyone hear that southpark studios had a power outage yesterday? if you know how they create each southpark, it's completed in the days and sometimes even hours leading up to airtime. they were unable to complete tonight's episode so it's postponed until next week.
No... and this thread doesn't exist. Now move along, nothing to see here.
did anyone hear that southpark studios had a power outage yesterday? if you know how they create each southpark, it's completed in the days and sometimes even hours leading up to airtime. they were unable to complete tonight's episode so it's postponed until next week.

That sucks, I wondered why all the links for this had the wrong episode.
First time they've ever missed an episode. Is it as funny as it was in it's prime? Not anymore, but it's still one of the more ballsy shows on tv willing to talk about things most people are way too afraid to ever touch and or even think about. And it can make us laugh at just how stupid we are.

People who talk trash on this show amuse me to no end. You have no money and cry on the internet to strangers, they come up with genius comedy in 6 days(they write and animate and air each episode in under a week to stay current) and make millions for almost 20 years. That says it all really.
and remember their talent goes beyond television to broadway. the book of mormon won double digit tony awards including best play.

for those who think SP isn't funny anymore, check out world war zimmerman. instant classic!