To kitbash/customize, or simply buy it from someone else?

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
Jun 10, 2009
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That is the question.

I've noticed over the past few years, that actual customizing and kit bashing has been decreasing, and been replaced with simply buying someone else's work. While there are an increasing number of quality (small) companies producing "custom" figures, it seems that not many people are truly customizing anymore.

It's true that VERY few can reach the level of artists/kit bashers at the same level as people like Seb (elvis1976), but come on! This is the customs section! Not the buy/admire/get bored with/re-sell section.

I can pretty much only kitbash or buy because I have zero artistic skills and my time is dominated by work and family, but I take your point.

I have started to paint a little bit and am teaching myself a few small things.
I personally tend to do both. I enjoy customizing some and I also enjoy collecting art that others produce here. I'm a musician and I kind of look at collecting the same way. I write a lot of my own music but without collecting and listening to others music, I wouldn't be what I am today. I find inspiration and learn from others work. It works the same for me with customizing. I learn a lot from all of the customizers threads on SSF and use it to customize my own figures, but my pieces from Seb, Rainman, etc are the highlights of my collection. And no matter how good I ever become at customizing, Ill always collect others work.
I personally tend to do both. I enjoy customizing some and I also enjoy collecting art that others produce here. I'm a musician and I kind of look at collecting the same way. I write a lot of my own music but without collecting and listening to others music, I wouldn't be what I am today. I find inspiration and learn from others work. It works the same for me with customizing. I learn a lot from all of the customizers threads on SSF and use it to customize my own figures, but my pieces from Seb, Rainman, etc are the highlights of my collection. And no matter how good I ever become at customizing, Ill always collect others work.

Gotta agree.
I get the op point totally though.
These figures are a commoditiy at the end of the day for some.
I love to make my own but am not as devoted or as talented as the artists I've seen on here.
Only have 1 bought custom piece and am getting another shortly but will if I can make my own.
For a few reasons.
1. The fun of making/putting together something from scratch and seeing it develop.
2. Cost.
3. Making something that is not easily or readily available or individual to my taste.

If people want to just collect/sell/swap, then thats up to them. Whether they don't have the skill or time, or just enjoy an artists work
and have to have it and have the dough more power to them.

If they wern't buying, then there would not be a market and some of the figures out there wouldn't be I reckon.
Not knocking on anyone, just curious. I've got a few full custom "art figures" in my collection myself.
I think it's not so much people aren't making their own figures/bashes, but the stuff from the independent companies just get so much more attention. Just look at the amount of views and posts a thread from Rainman or Denny Kim gets compared to someone just who is just sharing their work.

Which I imagine is due to how many people can own the smaller run custom figures versus a one off someone is showing. One if the reasons I think the custom section needs to be reorganized a bit.
I'm a buy and create person, tbh since started sewing, I find it hard to believe it's cheaper making then buying. Only problem is, ya have to know how to make proper stencils. lol I mean I have 11 custom like started or half done atm. And funny thing is, my first completed may be the Alan Grant. :lol
I have no skills customizing a figure,:thud: and no time to kitbash and find the parts I need! Elvis 1976,Serang,Denny kim, Rainman, and many others out there do amazing work. If an artist is willing to build what I want, I have no problem paying a high price for their work.
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I do both, if I can't get to my goal I reach out to my fellow customizers for certain parts and for headsculpt paint as well. But I love the custom work of beto,rainman, Denny and customizers such as Elvis. U get the point lol!!!!
I think it's not so much people aren't making their own figures/bashes, but the stuff from the independent companies just get so much more attention. Just look at the amount of views and posts a thread from Rainman or Denny Kim gets compared to someone just who is just sharing their work.

Which I imagine is due to how many people can own the smaller run custom figures versus a one off someone is showing. One if the reasons I think the custom section needs to be reorganized a bit.

I think it's not so much people aren't making their own figures/bashes, but the stuff from the independent companies just get so much more attention. Just look at the amount of views and posts a thread from Rainman or Denny Kim gets compared to someone just who is just sharing their work.

Which I imagine is due to how many people can own the smaller run custom figures versus a one off someone is showing. One if the reasons I think the custom section needs to be reorganized a bit.

There's a lot of truth to this. For a while now the custom section has consisted of two kinds of people: those who are here to share their stuff and/or enjoy the works of others, and those who are here to shop for their own collections. Given there's some overlaping with people trying to acquire this head or that part, but its generally pretty obvious where most people fall.:exactly:
That is the question.

I've noticed over the past few years, that actual customizing and kit bashing has been decreasing, and been replaced with simply buying someone else's work. While there are an increasing number of quality (small) companies producing "custom" figures, it seems that not many people are truly customizing anymore.

It's true that VERY few can reach the level of artists/kit bashers at the same level as people like Seb (elvis1976), but come on! This is the customs section! Not the buy/admire/get bored with/re-sell section.


I believe because the quality of Hot Toys products and "kitbashes" kits have risen over the years due to customizers like Rainman, Denny, Kato, and others, most ppl are starting to sway from making their own figures and started to buy customs and kits just to get the "ultimate" figure of a character they like.

Because of Hot Toys crazy prices and a few customizers who made a name for themselves by overpricing their goods, a custom figure doesn't lose its value, but gain value in a few years. This is another incentive why ppl buy customs and resells them month or years later.

Speaking of keeping and reselling figures so quickly, most collectors here are impulsive and hence make irrational purchases - they need a figure made by a "1/6 celebrity". That said, a few well known sculptors and seamstresses who sells premium partsare well aware of this. So aware that they capitalizes on this fact to make money on us. It is why these sculptors and seamstresses take suggestions to make figures from obscure or "fiavor-of-the-month" figures; they know they can get 50+ people here to buy their Doctor House figure for a $1000 bucks. Several years after the show ended, ppl are stuck with a toy that is no longer worth what they paid for.

While I do love looking at well-made figures from a well known 1/6 artist, I think the common trend of buying from a 1/6 "superstar" has hurt the 1/6 kit bashing community. Not only does it encourages artists (those who are probably here not because of their love of 1/6 items, but to lined their pockets) to sell a complete figure for crazy amounts of cash, it encourages official companies to increase the cost of their goods - they know that they can get away selling toys for an arm or a leg.
I believe because the quality of Hot Toys products and "kitbashes" kits have risen over the years due to customizers like Rainman, Denny, Kato, and others, most ppl are starting to sway from making their own figures and started to buy customs and kits just to get the "ultimate" figure of a character they like.

Because of Hot Toys crazy prices and a few customizers who made a name for themselves by overpricing their goods, a custom figure doesn't lose its value, but gain value in a few years. This is another incentive why ppl buy customs and resells them month or years later.

Speaking of keeping and reselling figures so quickly, most collectors here are impulsive and hence make irrational purchases - they need a figure made by a "1/6 celebrity". That said, a few well known sculptors and seamstresses who sells premium partsare well aware of this. So aware that they capitalizes on this fact to make money on us. It is why these sculptors and seamstresses take suggestions to make figures from obscure or "fiavor-of-the-month" figures; they know they can get 50+ people here to buy their Doctor House figure for a $1000 bucks. Several years after the show ended, ppl are stuck with a toy that is no longer worth what they paid for.

While I do love looking at well-made figures from a well known 1/6 artist, I think the common trend of buying from a 1/6 "superstar" has hurt the 1/6 kit bashing community. Not only does it encourages artists (those who are probably here not because of their love of 1/6 items, but to lined their pockets) to sell a complete figure for crazy amounts of cash, it encourages official companies to increase the cost of their goods - they know that they can get away selling toys for an arm or a leg.

While I don't think the "high-end" custom figures are to blame for high prices in general, I do think many new collectors are simply not aware of what options are out there for assembling a figure.

Just the other day in the "Bad Science Teacher" figure thread there was a discussion about costs of head sculpts and painting services and it seemed the general consensus was that $150 for a repaint was the norm :lol

It's kind of funny how 8 or so years ago bashing a figure was generally about the same cost as buying one at retail... or maybe just a bit more. Now it seems common that many are buying just a painted head for close to what a base level HT figures costs and paying that much or more for a few pieces of clothing.
Certainly pays to shop around, but easy to get caught up in the hype and having the exclusive or celebrity artists work.
I buy what I love not like or to sell on.
See alot of that and it is sad but what can you do?
If somone buys 10 sculpts and resells them at a mark up thats good buisness.
Not ethical but the whole exclusive thing is what drives alot of people I think whether the product is excellent or not in some cases.
All good points freaks. I remember when Trevor Grove's unpainted sculpts ("Bad Science Teacher included) were $35.00 a piece. I miss those days.

Just recently, I've observed quite a few of the "Squirrel Hunter" (Iminime) sets up for sale, and it was literally just released (after months of delays).
Yeah, I think for a lot of collectors at the end of the day most figures are just not worth $400. And honestly with these small run companies they are increasing their numbers with every release so at some point I believe the "exclusivity" is going to wear thin.

I can personally understand paying extra for a "celebrity" as there is a cool factor in owning a piece from an artist that you like/respect. But with the smaller run companies you are getting a hole in your collection filled, but you're paying 2x what a licensed figure would cost and it's essentially made in a small factory. I even wonder if the term custom really applies here :huh
I tend to agree with the notion that a higher number of people accepting higher prices has upped the ante of the 'acceptable' price for a project. Just less than 14 months back I remember getting a top class paint job for $50 - 70. Custom figures were done back then too but at much reasonable prices and the whole quality play really doesn't go down with me. Yes quality has improved over time, that's the nature of how things work but is the improvement as drastic as the price it commands these days ? Not really, if you ask me.

Individual parts sold are one of the most money sucking things in this hobby. If you actually sit down and calculate the breakdown you'll realize just the parts together come upto a reasonable amount and that without a paintjob and clothing.

A little off topic but its worth a discussion, very recently a boardie offered his services for $20 for a full repaint and man there was such a shi tstorm raised. The ridicule he was met with, was shocking.

I mean if you can sell the argument of I can price my stuff and whatever I believe it is worth (which is pretty exorbitant these days) I feel if someone has actually gone ahead and offered his work at a reasonable price there's no reason to feel threatened or disparage his work.
I suppose its like getting an off the rack suit for say 100 or a tailor made one for 400.Couldn’t tell ya don’t have one.:)
If you feel its worth the money then it is to you.
Figures of a short run are still custom made whether hand made more so, or not.
But back to the op.
I think people have been spoilt or put off trying as the standard is getting ridiculously good with the figures about now.
Also people don’t give each other support or encoragement enough for their efforts and maybe some give up or fear riddicule for not being up to scratch.
Maybe I’m thinking too much.
As I mentioned earlier, I own a few "high-end" figures, that were quite expensive ($350 and up). I did not buy these as "celebrity artist" pieces (though I too have observed that). I bought these because I loved the characters depicted and the movie in which they appear. I have no intention of selling them.

Do I love to kitbash? Absolutely! If I can do the work myself, you're darn right I will. Half the fun is hunting down pre-existing clothes/accessories, then modifying them to make them more accurate. Personally I feel this is all part of the fun of collecting (especially 1/6).

Artists like Seb are incredibly inspiring (as all great artists are). Will I ever be as good as Seb? Probably not. "Do or do not. There is no try". :p