Guillermo del Toro's Pacific Rim!!!

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Wasn't bad, but I dunno. Was just ok for me. Great Rock em Sock em visuals, but that's about it for me.
I'm just ready to move on. I won't remember or think about in T-minus...
Ready for Elysium now lol

I'm not much of a Matt Damon fan, so not sure how interested I am in that one.
My main issue with the story was outside of the situation at the start there wasn't much emotional attachment until the last 40-45 mins. It had great visuals though as I said earlier. The poster I got was pretty sweet.
The kaiju all looked the same to me. All dark grey with blue goo. There are really only 2 yeagers of note. The other 2 get their *** kicked so fast they shouldn't have been in the movie. Overall I'm happy to have giant monster movies made period. WTF is a giant steel wall going to do? Really cliche dumb world leaders? Why do the movies have to always have someone being terminal end up sacrificing themself? The scale of the everything gets lost due to all the water/rain/darkness. How about some daytime fights? Trollhunter did a great job with scale and it had no budget. I'd have rather mind linked with that English bulldog.

Bring on Godzilla!
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Tonight, we're yelling LOUDER than the Apocalypse!

Ah, Pacific Rim. The long and short of it—I enjoyed it, but I can't help but feel disappointed. You can't say it didn't give you what it said on the tin. It said it'd be a loud, noisy movie with robots fighting monsters. And that's what it is. But with Del Toro's name attached I was hoping for a story that didn't feel quite so... adequate. There's no denying it is a blast to see the huge robots duking it out with the Kaiju. It does suffer from the motion-sickness-inducing camera movements that sometimes plagues action movies. There are so many "messy" effects (some feel almost random) of different energy blasts and water and debris that combined with the camera movements, it is almost hard to tell what's going on at times. A little of this goes a long way. And I'd say there's a tad too much. But it's not ever as bad as the Transformers movies at their worst.

It's not a solemn affair. There are some quirkier bits, but some of it falls flat. Gottlieb and Geiszler are probably going to be pretty divisive. Some will probably love their hijinks. Some will find them shrill and off-putting. I think I fall somewhere in the middle. At times they could be amusing, but when Charlie Day as Geiszler got really screechy, and Burn Gorman pushed it a little too far over the top... there were times I wanted them off the screen.

Not to sound like an old man, but the noise is relentless. I saw it in IMAX. So maybe it was worse than a typical theater. But the score is incredibly bombastic (in a nice way, actually), and your bones rattled when the Jaegers moved (in a nice way, mostly) and people are screaming their lines excitedly a lot of the time. Put it all together, and there were times I was praying for just a moment to breathe. You do get a few of them.

But... again, I just felt like I expected a bit more from Del Toro. There's a beautiful flashback sequence involving a little red shoe. It's a great moment, and I feel like the movie needed more of those. It felt so weirdly personal in such a big movie. And it felt unique. Too much of this movie felt too familiar. Charlie Hunnam and Rinko Kikuchi were a great pair as the central team. Hunnam is incredibly likable and brought a real soul to the part, but they are stuck in a story that doesn't really give them anything new to do. You can see how pretty much every character's arc will resolve from a mile away.

Is it a bad movie? Not at all. It's big and fun and noisy. I don't regret seeing it at all. But, I don't know that there's enough story to hold up to repeat viewings, and this is the first Del Toro film I can say that about.
Hate to say it and kinda sadly so, but looking forward to RIPD and The Wolverine next, if the reviews are decent.

Pac Rim delivered what it probably intended to deliver, which is great. Just lacked something for me. Again, other then it had great visuals and seeing some big robots fighting monsters was cool.

But yes as someone said, they did all kind of look the same, things we're often hidden or in the dark or splashing around the water, so couldn't tell what was going on.

I'll give MOS credit in the visuals dept now, because most if not all of those visuals happened in broad daylight, which I appreciated.
A little more in this movie would have been nice too.
Tonight, we're yelling LOUDER than the Apocalypse!

Ah, Pacific Rim. The long and short of it—I enjoyed it, but I can't help but feel disappointed. You can't say it didn't give you what it said on the tin. It said it'd be a loud, noisy movie with robots fighting monsters. And that's what it is. But with Del Toro's name attached I was hoping for a story that didn't feel quite so... adequate. There's no denying it is a blast to see the huge robots duking it out with the Kaiju. It does suffer from the motion-sickness-inducing camera movements that sometimes plagues action movies. There are so many "messy" effects (some feel almost random) of different energy blasts and water and debris that combined with the camera movements, it is almost hard to tell what's going on at times. A little of this goes a long way. And I'd say there's a tad too much. But it's not ever as bad as the Transformers movies at their worst.

It's not a solemn affair. There are some quirkier bits, but some of it falls flat. Gottlieb and Geiszler are probably going to be pretty divisive. Some will probably love their hijinks. Some will find them shrill and off-putting. I think I fall somewhere in the middle. At times they could be amusing, but when Charlie Day as Geiszler got really screechy, and Burn Gorman pushed it a little too far over the top... there were times I wanted them off the screen.

Not to sound like an old man, but the noise is relentless. I saw it in IMAX. So maybe it was worse than a typical theater. But the score is incredibly bombastic (in a nice way, actually), and your bones rattled when the Jaegers moved (in a nice way, mostly) and people are screaming their lines excitedly a lot of the time. Put it all together, and there were times I was praying for just a moment to breathe. You do get a few of them.

But... again, I just felt like I expected a bit more from Del Toro. There's a beautiful flashback sequence involving a little red shoe. It's a great moment, and I feel like the movie needed more of those. It felt so weirdly personal in such a big movie. And it felt unique. Too much of this movie felt too familiar. Charlie Hunnam and Rinko Kikuchi were a great pair as the central team. Hunnam is incredibly likable and brought a real soul to the part, but they are stuck in a story that doesn't really give them anything new to do. You can see how pretty much every character's arc will resolve from a mile away.

Is it a bad movie? Not at all. It's big and fun and noisy. I don't regret seeing it at all. But, I don't know that there's enough story to hold up to repeat viewings, and this is the first Del Toro film I can say that about.

Spot on once again. I pretty much feel the same way.
I'll still get my Steelbook Blu Ray for the collection, don't get me wrong.
I was kind of annoyed that almost every FX sequence takes place at night in the rain. That was a fear I had from the trailers, and it unfortunately came home to roost. The brief Kaiju stuff in Sydney is about all we get with them in daylight. Incidentally, that is the scene that looks most like a classic Kaiju film. I was disappointed that there wasn't more of that. And it looked awesome, too. The other battle scene are cool, just too much nighttime and water for my tastes.

The Mako flashback sequence is great. That made the film for me. It reminded me of the scene with the little girl in the pink jacket from SCHINDLER'S LIST put into a Kaiju film with the heart of something like DEVIL's BACKBONE or PAN's LABYRINTH. Incredible.
I was kind of annoyed that almost every FX sequence takes place at night in the rain. That was a fear I had from the trailers, and it unfortunately came home to roost. The brief Kaiju stuff in Sydney is about all we get with them in daylight. Incidentally, that is the scene that looks most like a classic Kaiju film. I was disappointed that there wasn't more of that. And it looked awesome, too. The other battle scene are cool, just too much nighttime and water for my tastes.

The Mako flashback sequence is great. That made the film for me. It reminded me of the scene with the little girl in the pink jacket from SCHINDLER'S LIST put into a Kaiju film with the heart of something like DEVIL's BACKBONE or PAN's LABYRINTH. Incredible.

Going tomorrow.

So those rain and ocean scenes are prominent. :gah:

At least MOS had the budget and the nuts to go with all day scenes.
The Mako flashback sequence is great. That made the film for me.

Yep. I'd give the film 3/5 stars if I had to put a scale to it, and one star would be partly from that sequence.

The kaiju all looked the same to me. All dark grey with blue goo. There are really only 2 yeagers of note. The other 2 get their *** kicked so fast they shouldn't have been in the movie. Overall I'm happy to have giant monster movies made period. WTF is a giant steel wall going to do? Really cliche dumb world leaders?

I was a bit disappointed by the sameness of the Kaiju. If they had some distinctive looks, they were hidden by rain and darkness and particle effects. The sameness made sense from a story telling perspective given what we learn about them, but I thought one of the great things about robots versus monsters movies was that each had unique designs.

The steel wall stuff was weird. I thought that was going to go somewhere, but I guess it was just world leaders being dumb. I didn't understand the motivation.

Ready for Elysium now lol

This was the first time I'd seen the trailer. It looks great. So happy to see Jodie Foster be given a different kind of role, for her.

All this scientific equipment and using an old fashioned air bellow on the

I actually kind of liked that because it seemed like one of the few recognizably Del Toro touches.

3D. Once again 3D fails me and makes just wish it would go away. Another useless use of it. It was better than MOS, but that's still not saying much. Could have done without.

Did you see it in IMAX? I actually thought it was fairly effective 3D, personally. Better than a lot of other recent movies. Saw the preview for the 3D version of Wizard of Oz and was totally perplexed by that, though. I couldn't tell it was 3D at all.

I thought Man of Steel was much better than this. But I also think I enjoyed The Lone Ranger more, overall. LOL. But I didn't hate any of them. I've been fairly satisfied this summer so far.
Wasn't bad, but I dunno. Was just ok for me. Great Rock em Sock em visuals, but that's about it for me.
I'm just ready to move on. I won't remember or think about in T-minus...
Ready for Elysium now lol

Just came back ! same here bro.
AMAZING VISUALS but that is all.
Elysium yes I am pumped !

you will hate me but transformers movies are way better then this.
BIG dosent mean better. Optimus prime still the bad *** robot on the big screen.
my review tomorrow.
I was kind of annoyed that almost every FX sequence takes place at night in the rain. That was a fear I had from the trailers, and it unfortunately came home to roost. The brief Kaiju stuff in Sydney is about all we get with them in daylight. Incidentally, that is the scene that looks most like a classic Kaiju film. I was disappointed that there wasn't more of that. And it looked awesome, too. The other battle scene are cool, just too much nighttime and water for my tastes.

The Mako flashback sequence is great. That made the film for me. It reminded me of the scene with the little girl in the pink jacket from SCHINDLER'S LIST put into a Kaiju film with the heart of something like DEVIL's BACKBONE or PAN's LABYRINTH. Incredible.

I was surprised more wasn't done during the day. If they had done a little more it would have balanced out the night stuff.
Oiy....wasn't good...horrible acting. Music was terrible. Story weak...felt like Broderick Godzilla sequel.
I would have liked a lot more setup and discovery of first event and production of jaegers