Metal Gear Solid collectibles

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Well I'm glad to know how much the shipping is roughly now mine doesn't ship until after the 25th
Can I call them up and pay ahead of time seeing they have them in stock or Am I made it to wait till the 25th
Sent from the Shell by codec.
Mine too. Just got the email from Sideshow. But man, can't believe the shipping is $45.

It's worth it. You guys need to make up your minds if you want it with the Railgun displayed since there is no going back once it's on...
I'm going to really observe this real gun issue before I put it on because I think there's a procedure that people aren't realizing to get it off

Sent from the Shell by codec.
Well I'm glad to know how much the shipping is roughly now mine doesn't ship until after the 25th
Can I call them up and pay ahead of time seeing they have them in stock or Am I made it to wait till the 25th
Sent from the Shell by codec.

You can definitely pay Sideshow earlier, if you want your figure delivered earlier. Just go to the online chat with their customer service, and they'll be able to adjust the payment schedule.

It's worth it. You guys need to make up your minds if you want it with the Railgun displayed since there is no going back once it's on...

Thanks a lot for the heads up man. You're the only person who mentioned about the rail gun. When I brought it up at the ThreeA forum, it's like they were hearing about it for the first time.
Thanks a lot for the heads up man. You're the only person who mentioned about the rail gun. When I brought it up at the ThreeA forum, it's like they were hearing about it for the first time.

It's way too dangerous to try to remove it since the hooks of the plug lock in and the manual is zero help in removing it. Mine is stuck on and I don't want to try to remove it again.

I have to stop being lazy and sculpt the pilot :slap
I'm going to check up on the rail gun's housing when I get the figure in-hand. Hopefully, I can remove some parts and build something of my own.... put my engineering degree to work on this figure lol.
IMHO, $110 for Solid Snake is WAY too much - I sold one MIB only 3 months back for $65 delivered...

Can't believe it's going for 2 x that now...
Regardless of your opinion there arent any. So when i find a so called deal i will post it for whomever would like the info. It is too much but where there isnt any at retail what other choice do others have? Not sure why you sold it for what you paid. Hope they sent you something back in return. Otherwise you kinda cheated yourself.

Sent from the Shell by codec.
My local retailer had 2 Solid Snake PAK figures two weeks ago for retail ($59.99). Sadly, he's moving locations so he's closed as of now, but if they're there when he reopens next week, I'll pick 'em up and get 'em up online here...and not for $150 each.

If you sell a figure for anything more than retail + shipping, you're a scalper - plain and simple.
If you don't want to admit you're a scalper, that's fine...but it doesn't make it any less true.

I'm not against making a buck on some figures I've paid for and toys and collectibles can certainly be an investment, but if you intentionally buy a figure to sell it (as I know some MGS fans posting in this thread do and have done), then you're a scalper and you're the reason why there are other fans out there w/o the figure you so highly sought after and prize. And that's simply wrong.

If you're cheating another fan out of the same opportunity you have in order to make money off of their misfortune, you're not a true fan, you're an a-hole.

Maybe that comment won't make me any friends here, but I can live with a clear conscious knowing I didn't screw over another fan.

I'd rather the collectible or figure go to a fan and a good home where it'll be appreciated and displayed and played with and enjoyed rather than it sit in a box in storage at my house until I can sell it for 2 x what I paid for it...
Whos screwing over another fan? Its their choice to buy it at the price they choose. They should do some research. It is my right to sell my figs at a million a piece if i so choose. I always look for a deal and almost never get a bad price. Haste makes waste. Didnt you ever hear that? I also dont oversell either but i respect the game when i get dealt a bad card. I dont go on sites and tell people what i wont do. Who cares? Dont make the people who had to pay more feel stupid because you say they were dumb for paying it. Not everyone has lcs's who have a low mgs fanbase and let grey foxes collect dust. Mine gets em and they go immediately. They could also preorder these too and not get mad at others for missing the presale

Sent from the Shell by codec.
My local retailer had 2 Solid Snake PAK figures two weeks ago for retail ($59.99). Sadly, he's moving locations so he's closed as of now, but if they're there when he reopens next week, I'll pick 'em up and get 'em up online here...and not for $150 each.

If you sell a figure for anything more than retail + shipping, you're a scalper - plain and simple.
If you don't want to admit you're a scalper, that's fine...but it doesn't make it any less true.

I'm not against making a buck on some figures I've paid for and toys and collectibles can certainly be an investment, but if you intentionally buy a figure to sell it (as I know some MGS fans posting in this thread do and have done), then you're a scalper and you're the reason why there are other fans out there w/o the figure you so highly sought after and prize. And that's simply wrong.

If you're cheating another fan out of the same opportunity you have in order to make money off of their misfortune, you're not a true fan, you're an a-hole.

Maybe that comment won't make me any friends here, but I can live with a clear conscious knowing I didn't screw over another fan.

I'd rather the collectible or figure go to a fan and a good home where it'll be appreciated and displayed and played with and enjoyed rather than it sit in a box in storage at my house until I can sell it for 2 x what I paid for it...

In for one :)

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
I'd love to get one too. :pray:

But if not I guess I'll be fine with just getting the inevitable MGS2 Solid Snake. :(

My local retailer had 2 Solid Snake PAK figures two weeks ago for retail ($59.99). Sadly, he's moving locations so he's closed as of now, but if they're there when he reopens next week, I'll pick 'em up and get 'em up online here...and not for $150 each.

If you sell a figure for anything more than retail + shipping, you're a scalper - plain and simple.
If you don't want to admit you're a scalper, that's fine...but it doesn't make it any less true.

I'm not against making a buck on some figures I've paid for and toys and collectibles can certainly be an investment, but if you intentionally buy a figure to sell it (as I know some MGS fans posting in this thread do and have done), then you're a scalper and you're the reason why there are other fans out there w/o the figure you so highly sought after and prize. And that's simply wrong.

If you're cheating another fan out of the same opportunity you have in order to make money off of their misfortune, you're not a true fan, you're an a-hole.

Maybe that comment won't make me any friends here, but I can live with a clear conscious knowing I didn't screw over another fan.

I'd rather the collectible or figure go to a fan and a good home where it'll be appreciated and displayed and played with and enjoyed rather than it sit in a box in storage at my house until I can sell it for 2 x what I paid for it...

The point of selling, is to make PROFIT! The point of sales is not to make sure some other buyer has a equal opportunity. How is it cheating? I didn't make them login into their Paypal to send the money, It's their choice not mine. If you don't want to spend that kind of cash, shut up about it.
I'd love to get one too. :pray:

But if not I guess I'll be fine with just getting the inevitable MGS2 Solid Snake. :(


The fact that they are doing something obscure like Liquid and doing a regular Raiden is plenty evidence they are far from finished with the line.
Guess we can tell from the reactions to my last post who the folks are scalping...

I'm not saying this to offend, I'm simply calling folks out for what they're doing. Of course no one made the buyer pay the secondary market price...though it's tough for those buyers to find an item at regular retail when there are folks buying up all the stock on the shelves and sitting on that stock intent to sell them at inflated prices at a later date.

That's scalping. See HERE.

For anyone who is supposedly a passionate or true fan of a property, to screw over other fans who are likewise passionate about the property is about as uncool as it gets. IMHO, if you're a real fan of a property, you should be trying to not only encourage others to find and enjoy the property, but encouraging actual growth and love of ALL aspects of the property.

So buying up extra figures to simply sit on them and then later resell them to make an extra buck is - any way you slice it (ha ha - I said "slice"! :D ) - screwing over those fans and collectors who would like to get the collectible/toy/figure/item at the original retail price but can't.

So the buyer who pays a premium for a sold-out figure shouldn't be angry about having to pay that premium price? Fine.

Then the sellers buying up the figures and selling them later for a profit shouldn't be angry that they're being called a scalper either.

You are what you do and if you're scalping, then at least recognize you're not actually trying to help other fans get the figures, but you're selfishly helping yourself make extra money based on other fan's lack of foresight, misfortune or simple lack of a retailer in their area, etc. You're lining your pockets thanks to other fan's passion for the same property you supposedly love so much...and that's crap.

And if that's YOU, then fine. I don't personally care and I can't believe I've actually spent 20 minutes writing this. Don't be a little girl about it and whine and cry, just know that you're not actually doing any collectors or fans any favors and you're not actually helping encourage others to love the property. You're being selfish.

Lord knows I've sold pieces for way more than retail price...though I've never screwed over a fan of a property I loved - and that's a fact. Most of the time, I sell the stuff I love (the stuff that I do part with when I run out of room or I simply tire of a piece) for less than I bought it for in the hopes that I'll encourage another fan to not only fall in love with the piece, but the property too.

Final comment: please don't go on and on and on about how you're such an amazing fan of MGS...and then go out and screw over other MGS fans. You say you share a deep love of MGS with them...but you don't love the hobby enough to allow them the opportunity to love a figure as much as you for the same cost as you? All because you'd rather make money on them instead? That makes you look like an a-hole and it's not only NOT encouraging others to love MGS, it's actually discouraging to new MGS fans and collectors who can't find those pieces for a price they can afford.

I'm done with this thread for a while...
Guess we can tell from the reactions to my last post who the folks are scalping...

I'm not saying this to offend, I'm simply calling folks out for what they're doing. Of course no one made the buyer pay the secondary market price...though it's tough for those buyers to find an item at regular retail when there are folks buying up all the stock on the shelves and sitting on that stock intent to sell them at inflated prices at a later date.

That's scalping. See HERE.

For anyone who is supposedly a passionate or true fan of a property, to screw over other fans who are likewise passionate about the property is about as uncool as it gets. IMHO, if you're a real fan of a property, you should be trying to not only encourage others to find and enjoy the property, but encouraging actual growth and love of ALL aspects of the property.

So buying up extra figures to simply sit on them and then later resell them to make an extra buck is - any way you slice it (ha ha - I said "slice"! :D ) - screwing over those fans and collectors who would like to get the collectible/toy/figure/item at the original retail price but can't.

So the buyer who pays a premium for a sold-out figure shouldn't be angry about having to pay that premium price? Fine.

Then the sellers buying up the figures and selling them later for a profit shouldn't be angry that they're being called a scalper either.

You are what you do and if you're scalping, then at least recognize you're not actually trying to help other fans get the figures, but you're selfishly helping yourself make extra money based on other fan's lack of foresight, misfortune or simple lack of a retailer in their area, etc. You're lining your pockets thanks to other fan's passion for the same property you supposedly love so much...and that's crap.

And if that's YOU, then fine. I don't personally care and I can't believe I've actually spent 20 minutes writing this. Don't be a little girl about it and whine and cry, just know that you're not actually doing any collectors or fans any favors and you're not actually helping encourage others to love the property. You're being selfish.

Lord knows I've sold pieces for way more than retail price...though I've never screwed over a fan of a property I loved - and that's a fact. Most of the time, I sell the stuff I love (the stuff that I do part with when I run out of room or I simply tire of a piece) for less than I bought it for in the hopes that I'll encourage another fan to not only fall in love with the piece, but the property too.

Final comment: please don't go on and on and on about how you're such an amazing fan of MGS...and then go out and screw over other MGS fans. You say you share a deep love of MGS with them...but you don't love the hobby enough to allow them the opportunity to love a figure as much as you for the same cost as you? All because you'd rather make money on them instead? That makes you look like an a-hole and it's not only NOT encouraging others to love MGS, it's actually discouraging to new MGS fans and collectors who can't find those pieces for a price they can afford.

I'm done with this thread for a while...
