The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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Those comments are pretty lolz, especially if you read them as Bane.

"Of cawrse I've had sex with otha men, I am an actah!"
Those comments are pretty lolz, especially if you read them as Bane.

"Of cawrse I've had sex with otha men, I am an actah!"

HOLY ____. I love the Bane voice now. Everything I read on this forum will be heard in my head as the Bane voice.
HOLY ____. I love the Bane voice now. Everything I read on this forum will be heard in my head as the Bane voice.

You have to cover your mouth as you do it. It's the only way.

That's one thing, I may hate Bane but I do get satisfaction out of the unintentional lolz he brings me with that voice.


great work on the timeline investigative work. :clap:

Thank you. I used to live in Gotham you know.
You lived in fake gotham I lived in real gotham bro.

Uh oh, Zach is trying to give us a virus!

Anyone else notice Bane was Bisexual?

No really.

Hard to take a big manly muscles man-man bad guy seriously when he says stuff like that. What if Ru Paul played Batman?

Really? Do you need to bring your ugly homophobia into this thread? F__k off.

I'm not afraid. I'm angry.

That is the face of mindless hate. Their only defence is to quibble over the definition of what constitutes a "phobia".


Less than one minute into looking through your past posts so see what sort of knob you are, I randomly find a doll hair panic post:

I don't like the rooted hair. If the figure has rooted hair, it will look just like one of those overpriced customs (which I am not a fan of). It also reminds me of dolls. might as well include a little pink barbie comb. I wasn't a fan of the rooted hair on the female figures HT has done in the past either like Scarjo from Iron Man 2 and Silk Spectre.

No rooted hair. No PERS (but I'm sure they'll give us PERS and many people will get derp eyes).

:rotfl You are a sad little cliché of an insecure homophobe.
Don't try and figure it out, none of it makes sense. The three films don't match up.

Dude, that's kind of what I'm saying, but I disagree that none of it makes sense:

It's really difficult to come up with a solid timeline for The Dark Knight Trilogy. Several official sources and clues within the films contradict each other and themselves.

But, like I also said, despite this:

Sorry if it looks like I am taking this too seriously, but I think it's a fun exercise.

On some level you think so too, because you're playing.

The biggest problem is Jimmy Gordon. He's an infant in Batman Begins but is suddenly an 8 year old kid in TDK which takes place a year later.

Maybe there is a solution to that problem...

I think people are misinterpreting the "A year ago ..." line. Doesn't necessarily mean Batman started a year ago ... it may only mean that the mobsters had control until a year ago. When BB left off, the city was in chaos. It could've taken two years from then for Batman to get control of the narrows, the Arkham escapees, and all the Gotham citizens infected by Scarecrows poison.

Batman had quite a bit of cleanup to do before taking on the mob -- and the mob had some work to do to get control of themselves after Falcone fell.

You have a point here. This doesn't really contradict The Dark Knight taking place in 2008 as the on-screen evidence from DiFabio shows.

Bear with me a sec: Maybe Batman Begins from his first night out to defeating Ra's does actually take place over a couple years, as Zach suggested:

Okay, in BB when Bruce returns from Princeton how old is he?

If he is in college I'd say his age is around say, 20-21 then he disappears for seven years, returns to gotham when he is 27. In BB he has his 30th birthday. So maybe 2-3 years course time in BB. :dunno

--and it is from:

2003 - 2005

Things that suddenly fit if we accept this, and assume that TDK takes place in 2008:

2003 - Bruce Wayne returns to Gotham City, has his first night out, begins prowling as the Batman.

2003 - Jimmy is a two year-old infant when Batman visits Gordon at home.

2005 - Batman defeats Ra's Al Ghul on the train. Remember this is on the SAME NIGHT that he has his 30th birthday party.

2005 - 2008 - Offscreen, Batman wages war on crime, working his way up to the big fish of the mob. Assuming this is true conveniently explains several things:

- (1) Like SnakeDoc suggests, it is not until a year before TDK that he is finally having an impact that is really hurting them and making them take notice.

- (2) All during this time, while Batman is building his reputation, Joker commits random crimes and builds up his own legend among criminals. This is where we get the "So why do they call him the Joker?" "I heard he wears scare people...y'know, war paint" lines. It makes sense that it takes a while to build up that kind of rumormill/reputation. It also explains the "Two-bit wack job, cheap purple suit" line from Maroni and the "Him again" line from Batman. Joker wasn't wearing the purple suit during the bank robbery, so Maroni must have seen/heard of him before. Like Batman, dispite his crimes, he views him as just a minor nuisance to be dealth with later.

- (3) Guestimating this three-year gap between the films also neatly explains the line in The Dark Knight Manual that he was wearing the Original Suit for 5 years---he was---from 2003 to 2008.

- (4) Finally, this 3 year gap ages little Jimmy almost perfectly. If he is two years-old in 2003, then he is seven in 2008. It doesn't take much stretching in either direction to make him an 8 year-old, or to even just assume he is supposed to be seven in that film.

The Dark Knight Rises is eight years later.

2016 Now I know the Gotham Civil War poster contradicts this, with the date of the exhibit ending in 2014. But this is the only really hard-set date we know of (as of now anyway), and it's not really clear if it even appears noticeably on-screen or if a hard-set date of 2014 appears in the final film on screen, so I'm willing to overlook it. Also, I realize this is just an excuse, but that poster could be an "old" ad that was never taken down, or pasted over with something else newer that is peeling off. It certainly doesn't look like it's supposed to be in new condition. Just sayin'.

Working backward from the above dates, we can make the milestones in Bruce's life fit too.

2003 - Bruce Wayne returns to Gotham. Based on the above that he turns 30 in 2005, he turns 28 in 2003. Since we know he was away for seven years, he dropped out of Princeton at 21 (or 20, depending on his birthday) as an undergrad in his senior year, just shy of graduation.

Working farther back and using the casefile of the Wayne murders in The Dark Knight Manual

November 8, 1983 - The Waynes are gunned down. Bruce is 10 or 11 years old (again, depending on his birthday)

1972 or 1973 - Bruce Wayne is born.
I didn't get any homophobic vibes from inspectorspacewhatevers posts. I think you and Zsasz are overreacting there a bit Star Puffs.

Judging by the vigor of your posts on such a throwaway statement, I'd say the issue at hand is a personal one, no? Do you experience this lifestyle in your life in someway?

Tell me more.
Dude, that's kind of what I'm saying, but I disagree that none of it makes sense:

But, like I also said, despite this:

On some level you think so too, because you're playing.

Maybe there is a solution to that problem...

You have a point here. This doesn't really contradict The Dark Knight taking place in 2008 as the on-screen evidence from DiFabio shows.

Bear with me a sec: Maybe Batman Begins from his first night out to defeating Ra's does actually take place over a couple years, as Zach suggested:

--and it is from:

2003 - 2005

Things that suddenly fit if we accept this, and assume that TDK takes place in 2008:

2003 - Bruce Wayne returns to Gotham City, has his first night out, begins prowling as the Batman.

2003 - Jimmy is a two year-old infant when Batman visits Gordon at home.

2005 - Batman defeats Ra's Al Ghul on the train. Remember this is on the SAME NIGHT that he has his 30th birthday party.

2005 - 2008 - Offscreen, Batman wages war on crime, working his way up to the big fish of the mob. Assuming this is true conveniently explains several things:

- (1) Like SnakeDoc suggests, it is not until a year before TDK that he is finally having an impact that is really hurting them and making them take notice.

- (2) All during this time, while Batman is building his reputation, Joker commits random crimes and builds up his own legend among criminals. This is where we get the "So why do they call him the Joker?" "I heard he wears scare people...y'know, war paint" lines. It makes sense that it takes a while to build up that kind of rumormill/reputation. It also explains the "Two-bit wack job, cheap purple suit" line from Maroni and the "Him again" line from Batman. Joker wasn't wearing the purple suit during the bank robbery, so Maroni must have seen/heard of him before. Like Batman, dispite his crimes, he views him as just a minor nuisance to be dealth with later.

- (3) Guestimating this three-year gap between the films also neatly explains the line in The Dark Knight Manual that he was wearing the Original Suit for 5 years---he was---from 2003 to 2008.

- (4) Finally, this 3 year gap ages little Jimmy almost perfectly. If he is two years-old in 2003, then he is seven in 2008. It doesn't take much stretching in either direction to make him an 8 year-old, or to even just assume he is supposed to be seven in that film.

The Dark Knight Rises is eight years later.

2016 Now I know the Gotham Civil War poster contradicts this, with the date of the exhibit ending in 2014. But this is the only really hard-set date we know of (as of now anyway), and it's not really clear if it even appears noticeably on-screen or if a hard-set date of 2014 appears in the final film on screen, so I'm willing to overlook it. Also, I realize this is just an excuse, but that poster could be an "old" ad that was never taken down, or pasted over with something else newer that is peeling off. It certainly doesn't look like it's supposed to be in new condition. Just sayin'.

Working backward from the above dates, we can make the milestones in Bruce's life fit too.

2003 - Bruce Wayne returns to Gotham. Based on the above that he turns 30 in 2005, he turns 28 in 2003. Since we know he was away for seven years, he dropped out of Princeton at 21 (or 20, depending on his birthday) as an undergrad in his senior year, just shy of graduation.

Working farther back and using the casefile of the Wayne murders in The Dark Knight Manual

November 8, 1983 - The Waynes are gunned down. Bruce is 10 or 11 years old (again, depending on his birthday)

1972 or 1973 - Bruce Wayne is born.

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