Underrated Horror Films?

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You said disturbing...now Im curious. Is this new one about the guy who finds a "wild" woman and puts her in the basement then all hell breaks loose from the family and what not?

That's the one. I found out about it by reading a review where the guy was saying he didn't understand why anybody would want to watch this kind of movie, so I had to see it. I ended up really liking it and now want to read the books to find out more about the story.
Yeah im that kind of person as well where when people say "i couldnt watch it" or "it was disturbing" a bell goes off in my head and then Im on a mission to see it, lol.
Yeah i have that on my netflix so I'll have to move it up now. I want to see this.
saw The Ward today by Carpenter, not a bad flick and it's on netflix. Also watched The Shrine. Wasn't bad, it was entertaining and had a few cool things in it.
Yeah im that kind of person as well where when people say "i couldnt watch it" or "it was disturbing" a bell goes off in my head and then Im on a mission to see it, lol.
Yeah i have that on my netflix so I'll have to move it up now. I want to see this.

Have you seen The Human Centipede 2 yet?
Yeah im that kind of person as well where when people say "i couldnt watch it" or "it was disturbing" a bell goes off in my head and then Im on a mission to see it, lol.
Yeah i have that on my netflix so I'll have to move it up now. I want to see this.

The sickest movie I've heard of is A Serbian Film. I refused to watch it after hearing about the movie from friends. I was told it's actually filmed well too, not a low budget flick.

So there is your mission!

No. Wasn't even aware of it until you mentioned it. Worth watching?

Yes, very much worth watching. I love the ____ out of the REC movies.
I seen Rec 2 and I thought it was ok, but just more of the same. I thought Quarantine 2 at least they attempted to take it to a different setting but it wasnt bad. Thats my opinion though.

oh, wasnt that impressed with Quarantine as i saw REC first. still love the CQB madness in REC 2. :lol

Yeah im that kind of person as well where when people say "i couldnt watch it" or "it was disturbing" a bell goes off in my head and then Im on a mission to see it, lol.
Yeah i have that on my netflix so I'll have to move it up now. I want to see this.

that's why i skim through blog reviews about movies that they cant stomach. :lol

No. Wasn't even aware of it until you mentioned it. Worth watching?

hellz yeah. definitely. :]
picks up where REC left. i effin loved the close quarter battle and chase scenes.
yeah Rec 2 did have some good CQB, but i just thought it was a little to similar to the first one with not much different, but yeah I dont hate it. If i can find it used it'll easily go into my collection as well. I think the trailer for Rec 3 is already floating around as well if im not mistaken. I'll be watching that one as well.
The sickest movie I've heard of is A Serbian Film. I refused to watch it after hearing about the movie from friends. I was told it's actually filmed well too, not a low budget flick.

So there is your mission!

Yes, very much worth watching. I love the ____ out of the REC movies.

Yeah I seen Serbian film. I actually watched the uncut screener version. I have to say it was pretty tasteless, lol but done very well. The ended is a big mind fack for real.

the soundtrack to Serbian film is haunting too. its one of those WTF movies up there with Taxidermia for me...aka "the what did i just watch!?" genre. :lol
i kinda lost it at the baby fakkr scene. reminded me of John Davis(Korn) about their song Justin, he previously worked as a coroner and had too deal with a dead baby rape victim, sick shat...and i never thought i'd see it in a movie kinda sick, but i did.

what did the uncut version have? i cant even tell what version i saw.

i think i posted this already. but it's almost like texas chainsaw massacre Chinese take away edition. anybody else seen this? :lol

the soundtrack to Serbian film is haunting too. its one of those WTF movies up there with Taxidermia for me...aka "the what did i just watch!?" genre. :lol
i kinda lost it at the baby fakkr scene. reminded me of John Davis(Korn) about their song Justin, he previously worked as a coroner and had too deal with a dead baby rape victim, sick shat...and i never thought i'd see it in a movie kinda sick, but i did.

what did the uncut version have? i cant even tell what version i saw.

I really loved "Taxidermia" strange and a bit disturbing but a beautifully shot and executed film. I highly recommend it.

I just don't think "A Serbian Film" is for me, I've read about it and I just think the subject matter is too sick.

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Guinea Pig series Floweres of flesh and blood is pretty sick too. Charlie Sheen saw it at a party and actually reported it to the cops because he thought he had a watched a snuff film lol.
Guinea Pig series Floweres of flesh and blood is pretty sick too. Charlie Sheen saw it at a party and actually reported it to the cops because he thought he had a watched a snuff film lol.

I have a DVD copy of that if anyone wants to make me an offer on it, I'm in the process of selling a bunch of stuff, and while interesting, I don't see myself ever watching it again...

the soundtrack to Serbian film is haunting too. its one of those WTF movies up there with Taxidermia for me...aka "the what did i just watch!?" genre. :lol
i kinda lost it at the baby fakkr scene. reminded me of John Davis(Korn) about their song Justin, he previously worked as a coroner and had too deal with a dead baby rape victim, sick shat...and i never thought i'd see it in a movie kinda sick, but i did.

what did the uncut version have? i cant even tell what version i saw.
I watched the trailer and the music in the trailer tells you right off the bat that this is a serious ____ed up movie :lol I'm intrigued to watch it.

the soundtrack to Serbian film is haunting too. its one of those WTF movies up there with Taxidermia for me...aka "the what did i just watch!?" genre. :lol
i kinda lost it at the baby fakkr scene. reminded me of John Davis(Korn) about their song Justin, he previously worked as a coroner and had too deal with a dead baby rape victim, sick shat...and i never thought i'd see it in a movie kinda sick, but i did.
what did the uncut version have? i cant even tell what version i saw.

I couldnt tell you what was different since I didnt see the "regular version" but i just heard the screener version "showed" more. Yeah Im right there with you though...especially the baby scene and the ending I was like wtf...it really was a one time watch. No desire to see something like that again.
The music is by:
Sky Wikluh - Pazi sta radis

Guinea Pig series Floweres of flesh and blood is pretty sick too. Charlie Sheen saw it at a party and actually reported it to the cops because he thought he had a watched a snuff film lol.

Yeah I have the blue underground version with the making of that was added to it after all that apparent debacle happened. Another movie that when I heard about it I wasl ike I gotta find this movie.
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I couldnt tell you what was different since I didnt see the "regular version" but i just heard the screener version "showed" more. Yeah Im right there with you though...especially the baby scene and the ending I was like wtf...it really was a one time watch. No desire to see something like that again.
The music is by:
Sky Wikluh - Pazi sta radis

Yeah I have the blue underground version with the making of that was added to it after all that apparent debacle happened. Another movie that when I heard about it I wasl ike I gotta find this movie.

ike? Never heard of that one. Just tried looking it up and found nothing.