Dead Island

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oh Steam is one of those ...platforms? I don't really know how to describe it, but it holds most of my games where I just end up buying my PC games online through stream.

Played about 1 hour...I enjoy doing fly kicks at zombies, its funny. Not to sure if I like the online system, doesn't seem to work that well, and can't find games, maybe its too early.
Hey VAREIKA glad your enjoying those kicks. I love it when an infected sprints at me and I kick them in the face before smashing their head open. Is it released in America? What about Europe? I know it doesn't come out till friday here.
Hey VAREIKA glad your enjoying those kicks. I love it when an infected sprints at me and I kick them in the face before smashing their head open. Is it released in America? What about Europe? I know it doesn't come out till friday here.

hehe yah the kicks are so ridiculous. As you mentioned, when the zombies rush towards me, I rush towards them and do a jump kick that knocks them over...very hilarious. Too bad I haven't successfuly joined an online match yet. I wonder what the kick animation looks like in 3rd person (seeing another player do it).
The similarities to Fallout 3 are quite significant. You can open bags and closets and pick up alot of random objects along the way. The perk/level system is also similair and very detailed. Even the combat feels like Fallout 3 (minus the VATS). Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I am. Havn't tried CO-OP yet though. Im gonna go single for most of the game I think

Sounds good. I think I'll have to grab a copy, but might wait until after I've polished off a few of my current games first methinks...
I personally am loving this game so far. I am only 2 hours in.....but it's just great so far. I'm currently roaming an abandoned beach resort with a zombie here and there. One always comes creeping up behind you, pretty intense.

I can't wait to get deeper into the game and explore the rest of the island and start driving some vehicles!

In a good way, the game has many similarities to Fallout 3 but in a Zombie setting.
I'm having fun with it so far. I think I've discovered that the ultimate zombie killer is the foot. I've been stomping zombies to death left and right.
Very glad I picked this up. It's a blast. Random player joined my game and we had a ball for about three hours. It's good alone, but way more fun with co-op. Very similar to Borderlands...and that's a good thing n my book.
Not sure if its just me but apparently there was a bug and I lost my quest progress. Had to restart from the prologue. Strang thing is that I retained my miscellaneous items, character level, and skill points.

Also, game lobby never shows any players. Maybe everyone is further into the game now? I'm about 2-3 hours back into the game so still in chapter 1/2.
I am now level 12 or so but still in chapter 2...I don't see any other players or get any prompts that people are nearby. Seems kind of thers only 1 wave of players who started yesterday and now are further down the road. I had imagined lotsa noobs would be starting out all throughout the week.
Yeah I havn't had a co-op option for a while. Maybe it would help if I actually did the story missions. At the moment Im just exploring and doing some random side quests. Last night I realized the full extent of the games gore. Sliced both arms off a thug and fly kicked him continuosly until smashing his leg with my wrench
I'm having a blast with this. I wasn't too impressed with the gameplay footage I saw but I heard a few people raving about it so I gave it a shot. It REALLY captures the atmosphere and challenges you'd face if you were actually going through a zombie apocalypse. Here's something that happened last night before I quit. I thought it was a perfect example of just how right the game gets it.

I just did a quest where I had to go investigate a gas station that had been overrun for supplies for a band of survivors that had holed up inside a lighthouse and needed food and gas.

So I hopped into a truck and sped down the road, mowing over zombies like nobody's business. I hit 3 or 4, then my windshield shattered and I couldn't see. So my character punches out the windshield at full speed and I mow throw another group on my way to the station.

I get to the station and it's a ____ing nightmare. Zombies everywhere, standing water near a ladder I need to access that was electrified because of downed power lines. Oh, there are also a couple of Thug zombies (giant ____ers that you can't fight, you have to find other ways to kill them) roaming around which are goddamned terrifying. I find a way to disable the electricity, which included dropping through the skylight of a shed out back, luring the Thug zombie to the back and then sprinting around him to hit the switch and open the bay door, all the while going "oh____oh____oh____" because I'm terrified he's gonna reach me before I can get it done.

I manage to get out a split second before he gets to me, sprint back to the truck, disable the rest of the electrical boxes and get ready to take on the gas station itself. I hop BACK in the truck, one step ahead of some sprinting infected, then proceed to take out all the zombies roaming about just to make sure there are no surprises. Head back to the gas station, back the truck up to the now-open doors, run inside and grab the supplies, toss them into the back of the truck, and speed the ____ out of there just before a new group of zombies reaches the station.

It's intense, man. You have to really think and plan for what you want to do, or else you're dinner.
I'm having a blast with this. I wasn't too impressed with the gameplay footage I saw but I heard a few people raving about it so I gave it a shot. It REALLY captures the atmosphere and challenges you'd face if you were actually going through a zombie apocalypse. Here's something that happened last night before I quit. I thought it was a perfect example of just how right the game gets it.

I just did a quest where I had to go investigate a gas station that had been overrun for supplies for a band of survivors that had holed up inside a lighthouse and needed food and gas.

So I hopped into a truck and sped down the road, mowing over zombies like nobody's business. I hit 3 or 4, then my windshield shattered and I couldn't see. So my character punches out the windshield at full speed and I mow throw another group on my way to the station.

I get to the station and it's a ____ing nightmare. Zombies everywhere, standing water near a ladder I need to access that was electrified because of downed power lines. Oh, there are also a couple of Thug zombies (giant ____ers that you can't fight, you have to find other ways to kill them) roaming around which are goddamned terrifying. I find a way to disable the electricity, which included dropping through the skylight of a shed out back, luring the Thug zombie to the back and then sprinting around him to hit the switch and open the bay door, all the while going "oh____oh____oh____" because I'm terrified he's gonna reach me before I can get it done.

I manage to get out a split second before he gets to me, sprint back to the truck, disable the rest of the electrical boxes and get ready to take on the gas station itself. I hop BACK in the truck, one step ahead of some sprinting infected, then proceed to take out all the zombies roaming about just to make sure there are no surprises. Head back to the gas station, back the truck up to the now-open doors, run inside and grab the supplies, toss them into the back of the truck, and speed the ____ out of there just before a new group of zombies reaches the station.

It's intense, man. You have to really think and plan for what you want to do, or else you're dinner.

^That is better than any review will tell you. Pure run right there! I haven't done the gas station mission yet, as you's gonna be intense.

Spoiler Spoiler:
I'm having a blast with this. I wasn't too impressed with the gameplay footage I saw but I heard a few people raving about it so I gave it a shot. It REALLY captures the atmosphere and challenges you'd face if you were actually going through a zombie apocalypse. Here's something that happened last night before I quit. I thought it was a perfect example of just how right the game gets it.

I just did a quest where I had to go investigate a gas station that had been overrun for supplies for a band of survivors that had holed up inside a lighthouse and needed food and gas.

So I hopped into a truck and sped down the road, mowing over zombies like nobody's business. I hit 3 or 4, then my windshield shattered and I couldn't see. So my character punches out the windshield at full speed and I mow throw another group on my way to the station.

I get to the station and it's a ____ing nightmare. Zombies everywhere, standing water near a ladder I need to access that was electrified because of downed power lines. Oh, there are also a couple of Thug zombies (giant ____ers that you can't fight, you have to find other ways to kill them) roaming around which are goddamned terrifying. I find a way to disable the electricity, which included dropping through the skylight of a shed out back, luring the Thug zombie to the back and then sprinting around him to hit the switch and open the bay door, all the while going "oh____oh____oh____" because I'm terrified he's gonna reach me before I can get it done.

I manage to get out a split second before he gets to me, sprint back to the truck, disable the rest of the electrical boxes and get ready to take on the gas station itself. I hop BACK in the truck, one step ahead of some sprinting infected, then proceed to take out all the zombies roaming about just to make sure there are no surprises. Head back to the gas station, back the truck up to the now-open doors, run inside and grab the supplies, toss them into the back of the truck, and speed the ____ out of there just before a new group of zombies reaches the station.

It's intense, man. You have to really think and plan for what you want to do, or else you're dinner.

^That is better than any review will tell you. Pure run right there! I haven't done the gas station mission yet, as you's gonna be intense.

Spoiler Spoiler:

I also felt underwhelmed by the in-game footage I've seen but I think you guys just sold me.
I'm having a blast with this. I wasn't too impressed with the gameplay footage I saw but I heard a few people raving about it so I gave it a shot. It REALLY captures the atmosphere and challenges you'd face if you were actually going through a zombie apocalypse. Here's something that happened last night before I quit. I thought it was a perfect example of just how right the game gets it.

I just did a quest where I had to go investigate a gas station that had been overrun for supplies for a band of survivors that had holed up inside a lighthouse and needed food and gas.

So I hopped into a truck and sped down the road, mowing over zombies like nobody's business. I hit 3 or 4, then my windshield shattered and I couldn't see. So my character punches out the windshield at full speed and I mow throw another group on my way to the station.

I get to the station and it's a ____ing nightmare. Zombies everywhere, standing water near a ladder I need to access that was electrified because of downed power lines. Oh, there are also a couple of Thug zombies (giant ____ers that you can't fight, you have to find other ways to kill them) roaming around which are goddamned terrifying. I find a way to disable the electricity, which included dropping through the skylight of a shed out back, luring the Thug zombie to the back and then sprinting around him to hit the switch and open the bay door, all the while going "oh____oh____oh____" because I'm terrified he's gonna reach me before I can get it done.

I manage to get out a split second before he gets to me, sprint back to the truck, disable the rest of the electrical boxes and get ready to take on the gas station itself. I hop BACK in the truck, one step ahead of some sprinting infected, then proceed to take out all the zombies roaming about just to make sure there are no surprises. Head back to the gas station, back the truck up to the now-open doors, run inside and grab the supplies, toss them into the back of the truck, and speed the ____ out of there just before a new group of zombies reaches the station.

It's intense, man. You have to really think and plan for what you want to do, or else you're dinner.
you sir have potentially just sold me this game :clap:hi5: