Star Wars On Blu-Ray

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People should be able to discuss the changes and most people that are the most critical are ones that LOVE the original trilogy but hate what unnecessary changes Lucas made. There are so many classics out there and Star Wars is about the only one that the director felt the need to not make better, but make worse.
Then start a thread for that . The broken record of I hate this, I hate that gets old. You come come in the thread thinking there is new info but no just 20 more pages of _____ing moaning and complaining.
Then start a thread for that . The broken record of I hate this, I hate that gets old. You come come in the thread thinking there is new info but no just 20 more pages of _____ing moaning and complaining.

You just described 98% of the threads on this board.
I think a reason Lucas is probably content with the changes made is that with the exception of Greedo shooting there is no real consensus as to whether the changes are good or bad.

I really think he does listen to fan reactions (despite what he's indicated), just look at Jar Jar's near removal from the saga after Episode I and him trying to force Boba Fett into the story in Episode II. He knew people loved Fett and hated Jar Jar and adjusted the saga accordingly IMO.

You know if Jar Jar merchandise blew everything away and everyone loved him like Fett he would have stayed with the heroes and been the PT's "Chewbacca."

There was a huge outcry over the pastel lightsabers in 2004 and now they're being fixed. Other changes have fans divided. I'm sure George sees that and says, "eh, some like the new CG, some don't, I'll just go with my own preferences then."

The exception as mentioned above is Greedo, but that seems to be a personal moral conviction (however inconsistent it may be with other violent scenes in the same series) that he isn't willing to waver on.
i think if you want to celebrate the release of the saga on blu you come here with others excited about it as well.

If you want to bash it down make a thread for it for you and the fellow bashers to congregate.
I think a reason Lucas is probably content with the changes made is that with the exception of Greedo shooting there is no real consensus as to whether the changes are good or bad.

I really think he does listen to fan reactions (despite what he's indicated), just look at Jar Jar's near removal from the saga after Episode I and trying to force Boba Fett into the story in Episode II.

You know if Jar Jar merchandise blew everything away and everyone loved him like Fett he would have stayed with the heroes and been the PF's "Chewbacca."

There was a huge outcry over the pastel lightsabers in 2004 and now they're being fixed. Other changes have fans divided. I'm sure George sees that and says, "eh, some like the new CG, some don't, I'll just go with my own preferences then."

The exception as mentioned above is Greedo, but that seems to be a personal moral conviction (however inconsistent it may be with other violent scenes in the same series) that he isn't willing to waver on.

I guess a lot of fans are just tired of seeing different movies than the ones released in 1977, 1980, and 1983. When I watch "The Godfather," I see the way it's always been. Same with nearly EVERY classic movie and if some director has changed something like Scott with "Blade Runner" they at least don't discount their previous releases as not applicable anymore. I can buy ALL version of "Blade Runner." Coppola's released another expanded version of "Apocalypse Now" but the other is still available. Lucas just bad mouthing the heck out of his own creation that grew legions of fans is what most are mad about, like he doesn't appreciate the legitimacy of the classics and wants to tinker all the time. If he wants to correct matte lines or remove noticeable defects, I am for that, but to add bad CGI into Ep IV, change the Han shooting of Greedo and really to butcher the Jabba part of EpVi, that's just ridiculous and clearly we have a generational gap here where some probably grew up on the 1997 versions and don't know any better.
i think if you want to celebrate the release of the saga on blu you come here with others excited about it as well.

If you want to bash it down make a thread for it for you and the fellow bashers to congregate.

Criticism isn't bashing. I'm as big a SW fan as anyone, but I am not blind to a revisionist mentality that Lucas has and thereby leary of what to expect. Maybe you are okay with 25 versions of a film.
I guess a lot of fans are just tired of seeing different movies than the ones released in 1977, 1980, and 1983. When I watch "The Godfather," I see the way it's always been. Same with nearly EVERY classic movie and if some director has changed something like Scott with "Blade Runner" they at least don't discount their previous releases as not applicable anymore. I can buy ALL version of "Blade Runner." Coppola's released another expanded version of "Apocalypse Now" but the other is still available. Lucas just bad mouthing the heck out of his own creation that grew legions of fans is what most are mad about, like he doesn't appreciate the legitimacy of the classics and wants to tinker all the time. If he wants to correct matte lines or remove noticeable defects, I am for that, but to add bad CGI into Ep IV, change the Han shooting of Greedo and really to butcher the Jabba part of EpVi, that's just ridiculous and clearly we have a generational gap here where some probably grew up on the 1997 versions and don't know any better.

You should read the Making of Star Wars book--what ended up in the movie was much much less than what he had originally wanted. And even though the FX were amazing at that time, they could have done better given reasonable amounts of time and money.

I think it's OK for him to change things the way he wanted them to be.

EDIT: Also to point out, there were almost 60 versions of the movie when it was released in theaters in its original run, since it wasn't really quite ready when it was released.
The only relevant point is: it's his movie, his idea, his story.
He can do with it as he pleases. It is his intellectual property, his baby.
We're all invited for the ride, but he decides where it's going and how.
And I have enjoyed it a lot.
The only change I dislike is Greedo shooting first. Other than that, I'm fine with everything else.
And I agree with others, if you want to _____, why not open up a "George Lucas raped my childhood and I can't sleep at night so let's all cry together" thread and let the rest of us enjoy and celebrate what we love about SW?
I personally think that many of the changes to the OT are great.
I love when they added the wampa for SE, and I like that they clean shots up and reduce glare and that kind of stuff.
I love the added Jabba scene on tatooine in ANH.

The things that bother me are small things like they alter the colors so much to the movies (especially the Death Star interior scenes of ANH because they are sort of monochromatic) that the characters costumes even begin to take on different colors than they really are/were.
Even on the 2004 dvd releases Luke and Hans' clothes look overly yellowish in many scenes in ANH.
Or changing Boba Fett's voice and dubbing over Bulloch's original rendition that helped make the character a cult fan favorite.( I understand it was for continuity, but comon' now!)

Other than that I generally like the changes and if I had to choose between watching the unaltered or altered ones I would probably choose the latter most of the time.
Or changing Boba Fett's voice and dubbing over Bulloch's original rendition that helped make the character a cult fan favorite.( I understand it was for continuity, but comon' now!)

Actually, Jeremy Bulloch was not the actor who provided Fett's voice in the OT. It was veteran character actor and writer Jason Wingreen, who played Kelsey's bartender Harry on All In The Family.
I personally think that many of the changes to the OT are great.
I love when they added the wampa for SE, and I like that they clean shots up and reduce glare and that kind of stuff.
I love the added Jabba scene on tatooine in ANH.

The things that bother me are small things like they alter the colors so much to the movies (especially the Death Star interior scenes of ANH because they are sort of monochromatic) that the characters costumes even begin to take on different colors than they really are/were.
Even on the 2004 dvd releases Luke and Hans' clothes look overly yellowish in many scenes in ANH.
Or changing Boba Fett's voice and dubbing over Bulloch's original rendition that helped make the character a cult fan favorite.( I understand it was for continuity, but comon' now!)

Other than that I generally like the changes and if I had to choose between watching the unaltered or altered ones I would probably choose the latter most of the time.

Really the only changes I've ever had a problem with are Han shot first and Ready my ship. Other than that, the others are welcomed.
If you hate the movies ... don't buy them. If you hate the changes, don't buy them. If you hate lucas, don't buy them.

But let the rest of us enjoy them. Geesh. This bashing gets tiring.

Then start a thread for that . The broken record of I hate this, I hate that gets old. You come come in the thread thinking there is new info but no just 20 more pages of _____ing moaning and complaining.

To both of these I say :lecture :lecture :lecture :hi5:
Thank God that terrible scream Luke made in 1997 when he fell down the shaft was removed back in 2004! :yess:

I will say this, as far as "Special Edition" versions of SW go, this new blu-ray set does sound like it will be the least offensive of all of them, and I know it'll have the best version of TPM we've ever seen, period.
It really is a shame that all the OT dvd releases are all crap those of us who grew up watching them back when they came out in theators or the first 2 vhs sets where released saw something special.Sadley todays generation will never understand the Star Wars movies only the crap from 1997-2011.Back in 1997 my best friends father was the gm at a movie theator and at the time we where happy about the changes most of all jabba in anh.But my friends father was not happy.He said one of these days you will understand and now I do.
I like most of the changes back in 1997 and still like them now except for Greedo shooting first but not to cry about for 14 straight years. I'm over it!! People Change, Life changes, Technology changes so does Star Wars somewhat. Why can't I find a post about the blu ray's on this board or even on the boards that just talks about the topic of the thread. Every topic turns into a I hate the special editions to the PT is the worst movies every thread. :gah:
I have the originals from the DVD releases that came with the DVD's. I'm happy with those. Looking forward to having them on blu ray, even if they are the special edition. Besides, based on lucas' record, I think he will release them one day just to milk us for more money. he did it with TPM when he originally only released on VHS, then on the DVD after everyone had purchased it on VHS. Then on the special edition, saying he was not releasing the unaltered version. then on the 3rd release of the DVD trilogy, he finally added them. So based on that I'd say on the 3rd or 4th re-releasing of the Blu-rays he'll include them.

and like good little suckers, most of us will get them. again.
It really is a shame that all the OT dvd releases are all crap those of us who grew up watching them back when they came out in theators or the first 2 vhs sets where released saw something special.Sadley todays generation will never understand the Star Wars movies only the crap from 1997-2011.Back in 1997 my best friends father was the gm at a movie theator and at the time we where happy about the changes most of all jabba in anh.But my friends father was not happy.He said one of these days you will understand and now I do.

Doesn't the DVD with the original theatrical release solve all that for those who hate the changes?
The only relevant point is: it's his movie, his idea, his story.
He can do with it as he pleases. It is his intellectual property, his baby.
We're all invited for the ride, but he decides where it's going and how.
And I have enjoyed it a lot.
The only change I dislike is Greedo shooting first. Other than that, I'm fine with everything else.
And I agree with others, if you want to _____, why not open up a "George Lucas raped my childhood and I can't sleep at night so let's all cry together" thread and let the rest of us enjoy and celebrate what we love about SW?

Then why not keep it inside his ranch, and never release the saga to the public?

I's his...for him to enjoy...right? :dunno