George Lucas end of the world 2012

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Lucas: No more Star Wars after 2012

Funnyman Seth Rogen had a recent run-in with 'Star Wars' creator George Lucas, who proceeded to tell him his theories about the "end of the world" in 2012, according to the Toronto Sun Times.

The actor was in a meeting with Lucas and fellow director Steven Spielberg when Lucas started talking about 2012 -- and not the 2009 John Cusack disaster movie.

"George Lucas sits down and seriously proceeds to talk for around 25 minutes about how he thinks the world is gonna end in the year 2012, like, for real. He thinks it," Rogen said.

Spielberg doesn't seem to buy into his friend's theories.

"[Lucas is] going on about the tectonic plates and all the time Spielberg is, like, rolling his eyes, like, 'My nerdy friend won't shut up, I'm sorry,'" Rogen said.

But was the 'Star Wars' creator just trying to pull a fast one on Rogen? He doesn't think so.

"I first thought he was joking ... and then I totally realized he was serious and then I started thinking, 'If you're George Lucas and you actually think the world is gonna end in a year, there's no way you haven't built a spaceship for yourself,'" Rogen continued. "So I asked him, 'Can I have a seat on it?'"

Though Lucas said he doesn't have a spaceship built, Rogen is convinced he'll find a way to survive.

"There's no doubt there's a Millennium Falcon in a garage somewhere with a pilot just waiting to go," he jests. "It's gonna be him and Steven Spielberg and I'll be blown up like the rest of us."

Maybe Lucas was just testing out his comedy chops, according to his daughter, Katie.

"Regarding my pops thinking the world is going to end in 2012: I have no idea if the conversation actually happened," she tweeted regarding her dad's far-fetched theories. "But he would TOTALLY say that. As a joke, obviously. Geez people, its funny. Get over it.
12-21-12 is NOT Y2K.I've been following 12-21-12 very closely for a long time...and i predict there will be some sort or GREAT CHANGE...whether the poles actually do shift, oceans, rise or a great spiritual awakening...something will be majorly different after that date.

The Mayans developed and used there brains in ways the modern man can only dream of...they figured a TON of stuff out with little to no technology. Earth has been in existence there have been Hundreds maybe thousands of EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENTS that forever changed the face of the earth...why are people soo ignorant to think it would never happen again? :slap

We are nothing but a speck of dust in a room, nothing more nothing less. I find it funny how closely we pay attention to 1/4 scale statues but never think to examine where we fit in terms of Universal-Cosmic Scale.

I in NO WAY wish for the apocalypse...but history shows, it's happened before.

Yet they didn't predict their own demise. :dunno
The Mayans actually don't really predict the end of the world. That's really just when their calendar ends.

When does your calendar end?


That's when ONE of their calenders ends. They had many.

Actually, it doesn't end, it just starts over like the other ones.
Man why so serious ?I was making fun of all the nutjobs that thought the same thing in 2000.I know we are just a moment in time that will end one day.In the Big scale of things as Carl Sagan said we are Not even ants.I just don't believe Come 2012 anything is going to happen remember Nostradamus said California would drop off the US in 1988 well thats the way the Big Brains Saw it. come here and give me a hug:1-1: I am sorry I pissed in your cherrios

I remember reading about a group of really big heavy set ladies going to one of the main fault lines and jumping up and down saying they were going to make it happen. Of course this was a joke.
The world already ended, we're all dead already.

The PT on my TV screen means that I'm in :horror


I dont know, it depends on how you view things and take notice. Or idley drift through life in some cases. :monkey3

There's a lot of funky stuff going on right now, and has been for the past year and a bit. Volcanoes erupting, earthquakes (even in England of all places), tsunamis, flocks of birds falling out of the sky, bees disappearing, it's enough at the very least to make you say.... hmmm about the 2012 theory.


All these things are nothing new. They've all happened before.
well, my financial advisor is telling me the us economy is approx 24 months out from an all out collapse.. that's putting it near the end of 2012, so that's something amusing.
something is gonna happen in 2012, sorry but the chinese, Hopi and mayans were smart and very accurate for their time, soo, i haveta agree with georgie boy