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I read somewhere that General Grievous was born from the idea that Maul was saved and turned in to mostly robot. Instead of Using Maul though Lucas decided on a new character instead for ROTS. Really Grievous was nothing but an organ sack and his head. Star Wars is riddle from the get go(cough)Vader(cough) with cyborgs who should be dead.
i believe Grievous is intended as a precursor to Vader... more man than machine.

i would bet if Lucas was to remake Star Wars today, Darth Vader would have much more of a Grievous type appearance.
No matter if we like what they're doing to the Star Wars lore or not, that was the quickest 22 minutes of the series so far; at least it was interesting & entertaining.
For me the series has been something that has allowed for Star Wars to be introduced to my girls-- While they've watched parts of the movies with me (both OT and PT) and have enjoyed them, when they ask to watch SW they're asking about this cartoon. We watched the entire second season over the break and we're now going through the first season. We've also been watching the Savage Oppress storyline together as besides Ahsoka, Ventress is one of their favourites. My girls are 2 and 4 and they love the show-- I can deal with the inconsistencies of the EU if it means a continual bonding session. :1-1:
after watching the episode, i felt sorry for the younger generations that won't have the privilege of keeping a character like Darth Maul sacred… as with Boba Fett, where one's imagination gave the character his "legs", in my opinion, Darth Maul served better as a mystery. perhaps if the Zabraks of the Clone Wars were not so obviously a knock off with their tattoos… or if they were not so typically portrayed as "bred for the dark side"… it seems that a lot of Star Wars writers take the simple path and assume if it worked well once, let's do it again in multiples… sad thing is, another Zabrak could have worked tremendously if handled right… but i guess that i can say that about another Fett too.

I agree. It seems to be chic to take a badass individual character and make a whole army of them.

Weak imagination on the part of the writers.

Edit - I think the way I would do it is let the badass reign for a few shows (cartoon episodes or movies or whatever), then kill them off in a badass way. Then come up with a new badass, but let two or three of the subsequent replacements for the badass be weak and get toasted right away. Then come up with a new badass that stays around for a little while.
? I thought It wasn't till the end of episode III that obi knew he could connect with qui-gon. I wonder how they will spin this. I will have to watch to see.

In the clip, Qui-Gon seems to imply that he and Obi-Wan are on some sort of "Force-intensive" planet (if you will). It would make sense that Obi-Wan leaves under the impression that he can/could only communicate with Qui-Gon while there.

While some people are already complaining about this being inconsistent with Obi-Wan's reaction at the end of Episode III, it also makes sense that he's simply surprised by the revelation that Yoda has been in contact with Jinn as well.

I dunno. As you say, we'll just have to watch and see.
In the clip, Qui-Gon seems to imply that he and Obi-Wan are on some sort of "Force-intensive" planet (if you will). It would make sense that Obi-Wan leaves under the impression that he can/could only communicate with Qui-Gon while there.

While some people are already complaining about this being inconsistent with Obi-Wan's reaction at the end of Episode III, it also makes sense that he's simply surprised by the revelation that Yoda has been in contact with Jinn as well.

I dunno. As you say, we'll just have to watch and see.

true, just have to wait and see. even if the continuity is off, if its a good episode I won't mind it at all.
sounds awesome. i don't care if this ruins continiuty. they can run this series all the way up to episode IV if they want. i'd have no problem replacing the PT with the CW series.
Love the clip--- this season has definitely picked up from the early "Senate" focused episodes.
My wife had never seen even a minute of Star Wars. Last week she walked in on me watching the Savage Opress episode, right when he's being being converted by the witches. She looks at me and says, "This is what Star Wars is all about"? I laughed and told her " If there's a center to the Star Wars universe, this is the point it's furthest from"! :lol...What a way to get introduced to Star Wars!
Liam Neeson returns as Qui-Gon! Love it!

I'm surprised more people don't find this a VERY big deal.
When Liam went in to record his voice for this CW episode,
does anybody else think he recorded the following & it will
be inserted into the blu-ray version of EpIII?
Will be keeping my fingers crossed...

I'm surprised more people don't find this a VERY big deal.
When Liam went in to record his voice for this CW episode,
does anybody else think he recorded the following & it will
be inserted into the blu-ray version of EpIII?
Will be keeping my fingers crossed...

In light of that additional dialogue I dont think Anakin shouldve appeared at the end of Jedi as a Force ghost.
Too much of his life was dominated by the Dark side as well as not being trained in the "merging process" that Yoda and Kenobi under went.