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It was OK, but I really don't like how they're messing with established ideas. They've already screwed over Boba Fett, and Mandalore, this isn't so bad, but it's still very cheap
They have this habit of destroying the unique-ness of ideas.

"Oh, Boba Fett is a badass, let's introduce a whole planet full of Boba Fetts."

"Darth Maul is a badass, let's fill a whole half a planet full of Darth Mauls."

It's like the Chrome Darth Vader exclusive that Hasbro put out years back, that was cool, because they never did that before, then there was a silver Boba Fett. . .well, that's pretty cool too, but it's just painted silver, not actually chrome. Then a Silver R2-D2. . . THEN a Silver Clone Trooper, and it's like "okay, fine ENOUGH!!". . . and now they don't do Silver figures anymore, cuz everyone got tired of it.
so you think there is only one of darth maul's race in the entire SW universe? there is no way he could be from a planet that has others of his kind? hmmmm..... interesting.
Darth Maul is a Zabrak, same as Eeth Koth and Agen Kolar, who are also in the films. So yes, there is a whole planet of them.
some of the greatest aspects of the Star Wars trilogies is what one's imagination has to offer. where did Darth Maul come from? what do his tattoos signify? were they Sith related? the episode simply applied the "more is better" formula and pushed the more mysterious aspects of Maul's origins aside. colored clones work… why not colored Zabraks? the fact that Eeth Koth and Agen Kolar were the same species as Maul, yet bore no resemblance to him is a great way to strengthen curiosity…

the prequels have demonstrated that certain things are better left a mystery… i wish the Clone Wars would take the cue.
SO far I love these episodes. If anything I really dig Ventress a lot more. I also can not wait for a Savage Opress figure.

I foresee some really strong feelings by the end of this 3 part arc for some who have not looked into the spoilers.
And those guys had facial tattoos also.

Neither of them had tattoos, the Zabrak have patterns on their skin which some of them will accent with tattoos but not all of them do that.

My main issue was that they had the Zabrak on Dathomir which makes no sense. And I'm wondering about his Force abilities. He didn't use the force during the trial so I'm guessing he doesn't have them. But if he doesn't then he would be pretty much useless (realistically but of course if they want him to live then he'll live). If somehow the witches gave him the ability to use the Force in whatever ceremony that was, then that would be more ridiculous than the idea of midichlorians.
Neither of them had tattoos, the Zabrak have patterns on their skin which some of them will accent with tattoos but not all of them do that.

My main issue was that they had the Zabrak on Dathomir which makes no sense. And I'm wondering about his Force abilities. He didn't use the force during the trial so I'm guessing he doesn't have them. But if he doesn't then he would be pretty much useless (realistically but of course if they want him to live then he'll live). If somehow the witches gave him the ability to use the Force in whatever ceremony that was, then that would be more ridiculous than the idea of midichlorians.

From Wookiepedia:

Zabrak: Another of the traits that made Zabrak instantly recognizable were their facial tattoos, which were made up of thin lines received during their rite of passage. These could symbolize many things, including but not limited to family lineage, place of birth, or even a design that reflected their individual personalities

I read this on the internet. So it must be true. :lol