Star Wars On Blu-Ray

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Ah. I would disagree with him then.

The guy had talent. He does have great ideas. But no director should have total control. Even the best. They need someone to say "Wait a minute...wait wait....that's stupid".

exactly what i said to someone yesterday lol

that additional input makes the difference - like in empire

look at the kamino battle - brillant then look at the arena battle- how can they both be the same man? (jango):gah:
Careful saying you like any of the PT stuff guys, you wouldn't want the all knowing CelticP and StarKiller to tell you what a bunch of idiots you are. Bottom line is, you can hate the PT all you want. I happen to like them just fine, especially ROTS. You call yourself a real fan and I say I am like PT and tons of things from the EU. So you have fun watching 3 movies and I'll enjoy watching 6, the Clone Wars series, and digging up lots of great stories from the EU either through games like the TFU and KOTOR or by reading some of the cool comics and novels out there. That's the end of i'm done!

Uh you called yourself an idiot. Because I sure as ____ didnt. :dunno
So much talk about the Star Wars this past week on Blu Ray that I decided to watch a few on DVD this weekend. I still love em. The whole thing, not every single moment of every movie but overall, I still feel excitement for each one. Can't wait for the Blu Ray. Along with all that extra special features stuff, makes my nerd side smile. :)
Really hope there will be BlueRay Extended Special Edition that gets the Tattooine scenes with Luke and his friends - although I know there will be only a minimal chance ...
WILL NOT BUY Star Wars on BluRay unless we get deleted scenes for each movie. That's the deal this time George.
The only thing wrong with the pt is Hayden. Take him out and you can stomach them. Maybe the number one mis-cast role of our generation.

I think so as well. I wish they would have went with Ryan Philippe as he originally wanted.



WILL NOT BUY Star Wars on BluRay unless we get deleted scenes for each movie. That's the deal this time George.

Good luck there bud. LOL.
I don't think there are too many actors out there who could have done much more with that speech about sand.

Exactly, I have heard many say Natalie Portman was horrible in the movie but based on her other performances (some Oscar nominated) you can't say she is a bad actress. It was the script, it could make anyone look bad.
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He was great in Shattered Glass

I disagree. I thought he was just as horrible, and over the top as he was in the PT. He was terrible in Jumper too. I really find the guy to be one of the worst actors of all time. I can't stand him.
Damn, there are some out-of-shape troopers in that procession :lol

And those guys announcing the specs have zero personality :lol
<object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed></object>

HOLY ____....that corprate guy's name has the SAME AS ME! Ahhh! It's like a view into a horrible ironic future of mine! Noooooooooooooooooo!
<object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed></object>

Hmmmm.... Vader's looking a little... scrawny.
Even with a bad script, a good director can bring a good profromence with clunky dialouge.

Ewen McGreggor is a great actor. He was beyond terrible in the PT.

Liam Nesson...amazing actor. Amazingly terrible in TPM.
Good god here we go again, another subject where you get shot down if you dare to say anything positive. I personal think Serenity is a big pile of ____, and Wheadon is way overrated, and will most likely ruin the Avengers, but I don't go on about it. In fact I avoid Wheadonville because of my views.