1/6 MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

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Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

Imma get flamed for this, especially by the motley custom crew, but whatever. This my stance on the subject.

Customs and mods are foolish and unnecessary. Not all of them mind you, but a good chunk of the ones I see on here are.

Here is my belief, a mod or custom is fine and appropriate if you can revert it back to the way it was originally without any issues. Essentially, the stock figure. I'm not a fan of just taking a figure out and leaving it as is so don't confuse with me with some person that is afraid to "mess" with their toys. I futz and tinker around with it. Hell, I even did a "mod" a few months ago with that neat little twist tie/wire trick to make the leather collar on the T2 T-800 sit on the neck and shoulders properly.

With that mod, you can easily take the twist tie out, and viola, you have the stock figure back.

But when you get into this whole "trim and paste" nonsense, where you're hacking, sanding, shipping (shipping it out for CUSTOM PAINTZ) and swapping, that's when I feel things have gone a little too far. I don't care how good it looks, you're frankensteining collectibles in, again, an attempt at accuracy that you'll never fully achieve.

The action figure, now action figure collectible has come a LONG way in terms of detail and sculpt and will continue to do so. But most won't even acknowledge this, they're too obsessed with making an end all figure. It's baffling to me why people can't just accept what they have and enjoy it.

You have three really nice officially licensed TDK Batman figures. The Hot Toys V1, the Medicom TDK and of course, the MMS DX 02 TDK.


Or pick all three and enjoy each positive that each version possesses.


That defeats the collectible aspect as far as I'm concerned. If anyone here can create a custom or tweak with a mod, why do we bother with the likes of toy companies then? To just use them as templates? That's absurd especially when I see the excitement and fan reactions to specs/photos and initial in-hand responses.

Why do I see people clamoring for a Hot Toys Superman and Hot Toys Batman when there have always been customs of both figures?

We say "oh, there has never been a 1/6 figure of this character from this particular film, I WANT IT NOW" and yet, when I go into the customs section, THERE THEY ARE!

So, as far as that goes, customs and mods don't count essentially at least from what I'm seeing on the boards. And yet, this whole place contradicts itself with a select few that think these customization/mods are superior.

I'm all for building and creating your own stuff. I'm in awe at some of the things I see on here but don't you dare parade around with sleazy pics and try to pass it off as it's legit and official because in the end, nobody cares about what YOU have, it's only about what others want.

It's great for your collection and you enjoy it, so keep it there IN YOUR COLLECTION.

Some of you guys are way to fussy and analytical that it wouldn't surprise me if you had a mental disorder or two. How can we ever enjoy this hobby if we're never happy with it in the first place?

I dont agree, at all!
Frankensteining (cool word btw) is the best thing you can do IF you can do it, and not only in this hobby, but especially in this hobby!

Chris Nolan, Anton Furst and their team, who we consider genius visionary people and master designers (last one and his team even won an oscar for their work on Batman 1989), are also frankensteining stuff!
Tumbler, came out of the idea to bash up a Lamborgini with a Hummer
Batmobile, uses the front lights of a eighties Honda Civic, tail lights of a Ferrari and tank covers of a London Cab for crying out loud! :horror
And look what all the frankensteining resulted in.....The Most Iconic Car(s) in movie history!

More examples: Delorean, Eleanor, KITT, Airwolf,....

I can understand somebody wanting to keep something as stock as possible for the sake of it, but calling other people foolish for moding something close to perfection using various tools and skills, is just lame.

An example, I am also into Airsoft and into RC.
For both hobbies you got stock stuff. Let me tell ya, for both stuff you got aftermarket parts made for the stock stuff....
Why is that? Various reasons, just for looks you can buy upgrade parts, sure its not always very practical but its a good enough reason.
Other reason, to get better performance out of a RC or a Airsoft weapon.
Hell, in some cases the performance related parts even look better as the stock stuff, so you get the looks as a bonus!

Why is it in some hobbies you can (and sometimes you must) get upgrade parts to improve your stuff, and in this hobby you cannot get upgrades?
Does the answer to that question even matter?
I respect your opinion, but its based on false reasons imo.
Mabye you think because you cant get real aftermarket parts for Hot Toys figures you are not supposed to upgrade it? I dunno...
But I know one thing: the figures we are collecting are supposed TO LOOK LIKE THE REAL THING FROM WICH THEY ARE CRAFTED ARE!

So, for that reason alone I find its valid to mod a stock item to pursue that very goal upon wich the whole hobby is based on: RESEMBLANCE.
And because there are no aftermarket parts in this hobby you have to be creative by yourself.
And here I agree if people say, if you cant paint or you have 2 left hands, dont start modding cause you will ruin a descent looking collectible.
But if you can mod that descent looking collectible to a "almost perfect" looking collectible thats better than stock, why would anybody say that the person is foolish for doing so? :dunno
The person that is modding is just striving to have the perfect resemblance :slap
I repeat: thats what its all about!

Why did you collect Hot Toys stuff in the first place, for its accuracy that Mattel toys dont offer.
Imo, I dont see any harm in modding a Toy that is already close to perfection, to get it to perfection!

Same with Airsoft, same with RC, and same with other stuff.
Modifiying is in 99% of the cases a mean to improve something and what is wrong with improvement?

The only people on earth with a neck as long as the DX Batman's neck are African women who wear those neck rings.

completely off topic, but I had to correct this HUGE mistake, they are not African, but Asian, the women with the neck rings you refer at ;)
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Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

Your comment about Airsoft and RC reminded me of what I did as a kid. I'd attach tiny pins to NERF gun bolts and shoot them at my friends.

I'm all for creativity, but there's a time and a place for it. I used to customize the HELL out of my toys as a kid. Sharpie markers, silly putty, etc. Sometimes they'd be great ideas and I made some nice looking creations, other times they weren't.

Lego sets in particular, I was more keen on building my own ships/playsets instead of following the instruction sheets. And if I did follow the instruction sheets, I made sure I bought an extra one to "tinker" with.

As an adult though, it seems childish to me. I don't know it feels like I'd be defacing my expensive collectibles for nothing. This is how they are, I either take them or leave them.

I'm not afraid to delve into customizing, but I'm positive that if I did I wouldn't consider my creations, no matter how good they were legit. Be it my interest in value or OCD I just couldn't accept it and would either sell it or destroy it.

If I can make good, or BETTER things than what I'm buying, why would I buy these in the first place. It feels dirty viewing these figures as WIP or templates, there's just something about it.

This is the same reason I don't put bumper stickers or anything on my cars. It's just not happening.
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Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

The think I agree with diFabio though is that when there are some here that are wayyyyyy tooo obssessed to the point that they would nitpick figures and would say the figure sucks because it is way off when you pretty much have to put the pics side by side to even see what the difference is.
The thing is a lot of times too, they'll blow up the picture so you can see the small detail that was off.
First, who puts their face inches from the figure all the time to admire the figure?

Its like a a painting. You have to stand a good distance from it to see the beauty of it. That's when you see the big picture.

If you put your face in front of a Monet painting, I'm sure the brush strokes will make the painting look off :rotfl

I disagree.

I am not saying that you (and those who share this point I quoted) are less of a freak/ collector than somebody that likes or does mods.
But you must have the decency to respect those people who can mod a figure and to those who dont look at it from a distance!
Its not like those people shuve their believes up your throat.

What I strongly disagree on your post is that you say that art lovers look at a painting from a distance....euhm, that is incorrect.
True (you will say fanatic) art lovers will get a magnifying glass to look at all the details.

Same goes for these figures we collect, since there is a lot of details put into them, there is a lot of detail to look at SO there is a lot of detail to compare :)

Again, I am not saying that if you dont use a magnifying glass that you are not a true freak/collector.
But you should have more respect for those that approach this hobby with more heart and soul.

After all, these are expensive figures and not just your plain and cheap from 6 to 12 years only kinda toys. :lecture

I dont know your age, but maybe you are to young to appreciate the details put into these "toys".
Or maybe you didnt pay for them with your own hard earned money.
I dont know the situation, but I do know some here have a lack of respect for the skill and craftsmanship done here by some, whether it be on stock figure or whether it be custom figures as a whole!

Actually it really surprises me that some even react like this, since modding a figure is for the benefit of the hobby.
I repeat what I said before, but its all about the Accuracy, the Precision, the Resemblance.

If you like your figure how it is, fine, but if ofthers have the skill and talent to make it better, dont bash them or dont say they shouldnt be so darn nit picky because you lack the skills....:lecture
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

I'm with Remy, somewhere in the middle.

I mean I obviously don't mind modding or repainting, resculpting and altering clothing. But to be honest, that's only for the SSC stuff I have or none HT I guess. I can't paint better than HT, I know that for a fact nor can I sculpt better. But not to sound arrogant, but so far, I think I've done a better job than SSC on some of their figures.

But I have yet to alter any of my HT figures. For me, they're great out of the box. But like Defabio said, I futz the hell out of my figures, which is why I had to glue the studs back on my T2 T-800. But, besides the custom cape on my DX02, I haven't done and won't do any mods on my HT figures.

I do think some ppl go overboard and over nit pick and such like Defabio says. I'm one of those collectors (for HT at least) that sees a figure pretty great right out of the box. I feel like some mods just make a figure look out of place. Like my custom Joker. I think I looked great on it's own, but it really didnt fit with either the Medi Bats more the DX Bats and the inconsistency just didn't look right to me.

But we all have our own way of collecting. That's mine. Sure I hate hearing that a great figure looks horrible from some ppl just b/c of a slight inaccuracy but that's something we have to endure on this site. We're a community. Sometimes my neighbors get on my nerves just like I'm sure I may get on theirs, but we don't hate each other for it.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

If I can make good, or BETTER things than what I'm buying, why would buy these in the first place. It feels dirty viewing these figures as WIP or templates, there's just something about it.

than you are either a negative person or you are a person that realizes he cant do basic mods cause he's got 2 left hands :)

If you really have 2 left hands, than stay out of it, and I only can agree what you are saying :)

But refusing to do a basic mod to a figure to make it THAT better + critisizing others that do it, is beyond me.
Because if you can have a figure and you can make it better by a simple mod, why chose NOT to get it?
I would think, its either getting a figure + making the basic modification to make THAT better OR not getting it at all!
Because I dont see the point in getting a figure and leaving it like that in the first place, while you can improve it by doing a minor mod.
You spent a lot of money on something and if you leave it like that whats the point on buying it when you can do a simple mod to have it perfect for your own taste?
Thats how I see it.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

I've been modding my figures since I started buying Star Wars figures when I was little. I do it to make as close to screen accurate as possible in my mind. Does it make it perfect? Hell no, but it's closer to being right on to me. Nothing will ever be prefect with these toys or any toys for that matter. However the real driving force behind me modding my figures is because it's really fun. Especially making custom stuff from scratch, that's really fun. Really though why should anyone care if you mod or don't mod your stuff? If someone like the figure as is who gives a crap?! You don't have to see their figure you've got your own to look at and vice versa. Is the neck to long? some say yes, some say no and if you think it's to long then fix it if not then don't. I'm not trying to tell anyone how to live their lives or anything, but what the scenes in getting upset because someone disagrees with you? That makes less scenes to me then anything, it's just silly.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

You spent a lot of money on something and if you leave it like that whats the point on buying it when you can do a simple mod to have it perfect for your own taste?
Thats how I see it.

That's what it all boils down to. Perfect for YOUR own taste. If Defabio (and myself) see the DX02 perfect without mods ita our own taste! I don't want someone constantly telling my that I need to do a neck mod everytime I show a picture of my DX. If I like it how it is, leave me alone about and try to respect my thoughts on how I like it the way it is.

Who are you to say a mod makes a figure that much more perfect? It's your opinion right? So let Defabio have his opinion. But still no one is right. It's all opinion based. He sees his is perfect the way it is, and you think with a few mods it can be perfect. Why can't we just leave it at that?
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

That's what it all boils down to. Perfect for YOUR own taste. If Defabio (and myself) see the DX02 perfect without mods ita our own taste! I don't want someone constantly telling my that I need to do a neck mod everytime I show a picture of my DX. If I like it how it is, leave me alone about and try to respect my thoughts on how I like it the way it is.

Who are you to say a mod makes a figure that much more perfect? It's your opinion right? So let Defabio have his opinion. But still no one is right. It's all opinion based. He sees his is perfect the way it is, and you think with a few mods it can be perfect. Why can't we just leave it at that?

:goodpost: :exactly: Glad I'm not the only one that thinks that way.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

I'm with Remy, somewhere in the middle.

I mean I obviously don't mind modding or repainting, resculpting and altering clothing. But to be honest, that's only for the SSC stuff I have or none HT I guess. I can't paint better than HT, I know that for a fact nor can I sculpt better. But not to sound arrogant, but so far, I think I've done a better job than SSC on some of their figures.

But I have yet to alter any of my HT figures. For me, they're great out of the box. But like Defabio said, I futz the hell out of my figures, which is why I had to glue the studs back on my T2 T-800. But, besides the custom cape on my DX02, I haven't done and won't do any mods on my HT figures.

I do think some ppl go overboard and over nit pick and such like Defabio says. I'm one of those collectors (for HT at least) that sees a figure pretty great right out of the box. I feel like some mods just make a figure look out of place. Like my custom Joker. I think I looked great on it's own, but it really didnt fit with either the Medi Bats more the DX Bats and the inconsistency just didn't look right to me.

But we all have our own way of collecting. That's mine. Sure I hate hearing that a great figure looks horrible from some ppl just b/c of a slight inaccuracy but that's something we have to endure on this site. We're a community. Sometimes my neighbors get on my nerves just like I'm sure I may get on theirs, but we don't hate each other for it.

Correct me if I am wrong but this is the feeling I get from some:

If its a Hot Toys figure, you cannot mod or correct is because its Hot Toys and all those who correct a HT figure are being nit picky.
Conclusion: its like you cant mess with a HT figure because HT is perfect and they cant do wrong.

If its a not-HT figure: mod, adjust, paint as much as you want. You aint nit picky, its normal. :)

Personally, I have picked up some nice deals from HT figures down the line and 1 SSC Vader.
I did the helmet mod on Vader + I stiffed up the shoulders + the chest to give him more bulk. So call me nit picky or not, but its perfect now :)
But the figure being from SSD wont get me the label of a nit pick for those mods I did I assume.

I got myself a V3 robocop and I managed to get a V2 head because the helmet on the V3 sits too high.
Call me nitpicky or not, but you can obviously see the difference.
So I am happy enough with my Robo.
REAL nit picks will say that the HT robo is not accurate, and they are prob right, but it doesnt bother me.

I got also 2 pred figures, I leave them alone. Cant call me nitpicky here :)

I got a OC batman: changed the cape (thats not being nitpicky since almost everbody does it?) + I did a neck mod + I glued the triangles onto his neck....nitpick alarm?

I got a Battle Damaged endoskeleton, I dont honestly see what to improve here...although I can imagine die hard freaks pointing 1 or 2 inacuracies here.

Got the V1 and the BR Joker. Needless to say the V1 was not accurate in the face and the 2 heads that came in with the BR were as good as it gets, stock. So I left it alone.
Although we all see the many custom joker heads with the real hear and different faces etc....nice, but for me not a must, but I like em very much.
This is for me the best example of people (who got the real skills) enjoying there hobby!
Who are we to critisize all those wonderfull craftsmen that made a custom joker head!?

There is a upcoming TDK DX02 Batman coming up.
Will do the cape change
Will do the neck mod. This is for some already enough reason to say somebody is being very nitpicky :dunno
For me, its obvious he has a long neck....
I dunno of how many parts that figure exists, but its the only thing (other than the cape) that I will alter since its so OBVIOUS.
And when that is the only thing that is going to be changed, can you be called nitpicky? honestly...
Fyi, I think the rest of the figure is perfect, for me!
I might start to think those guys that have comments on people doing such a simple mod have eye issues, really.

Also, after the Bat arrives, I will be getting War Machine.
Just like the Endo I won't be doing any mods on it.

I've been modding my figures since I started buying Star Wars figures when I was little. I do it to make as close to screen accurate as possible in my mind. Does it make it perfect? Hell no, but it's closer to being right on to me. Nothing will ever be prefect with these toys or any toys for that matter. However the real driving force behind me modding my figures is because it's really fun. Especially making custom stuff from scratch, that's really fun. Really though why should anyone care if you mod or don't mod your stuff? If someone like the figure as is who gives a crap?! You don't have to see their figure you've got your own to look at and vice versa. Is the neck to long? some say yes, some say no and if you think it's to long then fix it if not then don't. I'm not trying to tell anyone how to live their lives or anything, but what the scenes in getting upset because someone disagrees with you? That makes less scenes to me then anything, it's just silly.

Quoted for truth!

But it is a one way discussion so it seems.
Its not the people doing all the mods that give remarques to those who don't, no the remarques come from the people who prefer to leave figures stock...that I still dont get, even though I tried to explain it.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

That's what it all boils down to. Perfect for YOUR own taste. If Defabio (and myself) see the DX02 perfect without mods ita our own taste! I don't want someone constantly telling my that I need to do a neck mod everytime I show a picture of my DX. If I like it how it is, leave me alone about and try to respect my thoughts on how I like it the way it is.

Who are you to say a mod makes a figure that much more perfect? It's your opinion right? So let Defabio have his opinion. But still no one is right. It's all opinion based. He sees his is perfect the way it is, and you think with a few mods it can be perfect. Why can't we just leave it at that?

you forgot to put the "thats how I see it" in bold :slap

I am not saying you have to mod it too! I am saying thats how I see it, I especially put that at the last part of my post so you wont miss it, yet you post a full reply insinuating that I want shuve my opinion up your throat :slap
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

If its a Hot Toys figure, you cannot mod or correct is because its Hot Toys and all those who correct a HT figure are being nit picky.
Conclusion: its like you cant mess with a HT figure because HT is perfect and they cant do wrong.

If its a not-HT figure: mod, adjust, paint as much as you want. You aint nit picky, its normal. :)

Nope, I never said that and I don't agree with it.

Hot Toys figures aren't perfect, but they are damn good. I said multiple times in this thread that none of these things will EVER me perfect and that includes Hot Toys figures as well.

you forgot to put the "thats how I see it" in bold :slap

I'm sick of seeing that. Nobody on either side of this argument should have to say, "that's how I see it" or "in my opinion" because that's all this crap is, opinions.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

Quoted for truth!

But it is a one way discussion so it seems.
Its not the people doing all the mods that give remarques to those who don't, no the remarques come from the people who prefer to leave figures stock..that I still dont get, even though I tried to explain it.

It doesn't matter if you get it or not, it's his figure and he can do as he likes. Just as you can do as you like with yours.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

Um no I was quoting that part b/c I was saying you're right and just adding to it. And I guess when I say "you" I should of added "in general" b/c I wasn't just talking about you but everyone as a whole.

Also, no I dont see HT as one I don't mess with just b/c it's HT. If you read, I said, I can do better than SSC but not better than HT, which was part of my agreeing with the 2 left hands thing but only when it comes to Ht for me. Which is why I said, for me. It's my personal preference to leave my HT figures alone. I spent at most $50 on all my SSC figures and from past results, I'm pretty damn sure I can mod them without worries, or if I mess it up, it wont cost me an arm and leg to buy another (though it still would suck to have to) but I prefer to leave my HT figures how they are b/c IN MY OPINION they are great right out of the box with a little love and futzing. Sure they aren't perfect bit like monkey and Defab said, they are never going to be perfect. And what's wrong with me leaving my figure the way it is?

Also, I think the SSC trooper line is perfect though ppl still find things wrong with them. It's not just a HT thing, but I know if I want to I can easily mod a SSC figure. But since I dont want to mod a HT figure what's wrong with that?
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Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

It's one thing to voice your opinion and it's something else to force someone to see things from your point of view. That's just crappy.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

Ok, I tried to steer this thread in the right direction, but if you guys don't knock this off, I'll close it down, this is rediculous, enough fighting already.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

completely off topic, but I had to correct this HUGE mistake, they are not African, but Asian, the women with the neck rings you refer at ;)

:slap Of course your right! My bad!
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics

Ok, I tried to steer this thread in the right direction, but if you guys don't knock this off, I'll close it down, this is rediculous, enough fighting already.

:panic: I just saw this! After I made an extensive reply to... you can guess who! Now I have to leave it to PM! :slap

I'm sick of seeing that. Nobody on either side of this argument should have to say, "that's how I see it" or "in my opinion" because that's all this crap is, opinions.

Please don't close the thread for this. I just want to say as a public service announcement, that one doesn't need to say 'this is my opinion.' One implies it by their tone. Just like one can imply that their word is gospel just by their tone. :peace