Catwoman Bootleg Coming (Returns not Halle)

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^^^Did yours come with the figure wrapped or was it free-floating in the box?
It came wrapped in bubble wrap in a box, and the figure herself had a plastic bag over her head and torso.
So theres no way the rubbing is from inside the box.
It sounds like its happening to quite a few people, so my best guess is as i said above. Maybe they are rubbing it quite roughly while pressing down on her to get that zip up from behind.
Just picked my Catwoman up from the post office, happy to report that her nipples are nice and shiny. It was a little weird unboxing her though, because I essentially was unpacking a figure of a woman in tight leather with a whip and a plastic bag over her head. That's the start of a Law and Order: SVU episode right there...
Just picked my Catwoman up from the post office, happy to report that her nipples are nice and shiny.

Congrats. :)

It was a little weird unboxing her though, because I essentially was unpacking a figure of a woman in tight leather with a whip and a plastic bag over her head. That's the start of a Law and Order: SVU episode right there...
:lol :lol :lol
This is my first bootleg figure and I gotta say I'm pretty impressed. There's a few nits to pick: I'll have to see what I can do to tighten the corset; the forearm/elbow sculpt is a bit flat/weird; and I'm not sure how much of Pfieffer is in that sculpt (the paint is actually pretty far off, the more I look at it), but all of that is only noticeable if I'm being hyper-critical.

Actually that reminds me - I broke my OC Batman's wrist peg within a few minutes of getting him all those years back, and was afraid I would do the same to Catwoman when swapping her hands over (and her pegs would be even harder to replace). Is there likely to be any problem using the hot water trick to soften her hands up if I need to change her hands again?
Indeed. But it's my favorite of the three.

I also don't see them doing a Penguin, which is why I'm still gonna pursue a custom of him.

Mine too, just received the new 2 disc Elfman "Batman Returns-Expanded" soundtrack, expensive but excellent, highly recommended if you love Returns.
Catlady (lol) arrived from Cotswold -- she’s amazing! Much better than I imagined. The chest was wrapped in bubble wrap but there was still a bit of nipple chaffing… hardly noticeable! Really great figure overall, just have to get the laces done up a bit better. Regarding the whip -- mine is still pretty coiled -- anyone think I can dip it in hot water to remove some of that? I don’t know what it’s made of -- leather, vinyl? Don’t want to ruin it!
Actually that reminds me - I broke my OC Batman's wrist peg within a few minutes of getting him all those years back, and was afraid I would do the same to Catwoman when swapping her hands over (and her pegs would be even harder to replace). Is there likely to be any problem using the hot water trick to soften her hands up if I need to change her hands again?

Well, the OC Batman had really bad pegs - the old-style, thick wrist pegs, used in all the Batman figures (OC, v1, DX02), but not the other figures. I too snapped my OC Batman's peg, but have never had any problems with the newer style of peg.

Takara-style pegs (like the bootleg has) with the long shaft that enters the forearm have, in particular, seemed pretty easy to handle.

So I wouldn't worry too much about it.
Mine still hasn't arrived. Hope it's just been slow in the christmas post and it hasn't gone missing !. Great photo with your cat. :lol
Just arrived !.
Glad to see it didn't go missing obviously. What a great figure.
I'll try and take some photos of her with my Jack Joker soon.
I feel like crap so I haven't taken the time to pose any of these properly but I had to put the figure on display so took some photos.
I'm going to cut the laces still , find a pose I'm happy with and of course hopefully get an Evilface stand decal soon !.

I actually took more with the Joker but I'm having trouble uploading them , I'll have another go later.








Catwoman finally has a vehicle to rival the Penguin's rubber ducky mobile!

It really makes you think...if the Burton series had been structured as a long series of films (like a dozen), rather than just the two, then we might've seen villains like these interact like that, as in the comics. That would've been really cool.
Mine arrived today with the nipple problem. Guess I have to contact store-rooms... :gah:

Its been a couple of weeks now and store-rooms still has not helped me with my nipple rub problem. They said they would send me a replacement catsuit and that was it, cant get any more replies from them again. They are the worst!!!!! Will never buy from them again. :mad: