Jedi Luke PF IMAGE Thread

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verbal21 do you think you can have anakin and luke next to each other ith the sabers on in a pic?

I can turn Luke's on, but it's the same as everyone else's pic. It only lights up about a quarter way and then the tip. And My Anakin's lightsaber doesn't work. A seller sold it to me broken
Oh in NJ...surprised a store in the square could cut prices so much, rent must be phenominal
Oh in NJ...surprised a store in the square could cut prices so much, rent must be phenominal

There's always usually alot of people in there whenever I go, I doubt they have any problems making any sales:lol I actually went in there 2 weeks ago since I was in the area and saw that they had him and I just happened to ask if they have any sales and lo and behold, they said in 2 weeks, so I decided to wait it out and I ended up buying the last one they had:yess:
Great pics Masterside!!!

Luke looks really good, especially w/o the vest and lightsaber in hand.

But Sideshow.... WTF is with the Doll Dot!?! I thought we were past this :huh

The Jedi Luke PF I won during Spooktacular arrived, and it's definitely a nice piece. I would have preferred a cloaked version, and maybe a different pose, but I can't complain too much for free. :D



I had reserved the space to the left of my mantle for a prequel Obi-wan PF, but Luke fits pretty well for the moment.

Really nice set-up. When an Ep III Obi PF finally is released he'll look great there.
I would have to say this setup would be the end of the moving-around-figures for me. Vader and Old Obi Wan battling it out and on their side their younger selves, kinda like shadows of the past...
congtrats icruise on the amazing win!

I have been waiting for SS to announce a rots obiwan ever since anikan was revealed. the display case looks empty without him!
Jedi Luke PF Question...

Hello! I just have a question for the owners that have this PF...

Is it possible to remove the actual saber beam from the saber that Luke is holding? Another words, is it possible to display him holding the light saber WITHOUT the saber blade attached??? Thanks all! :wave
Re: Jedi Luke PF Question...

Hello! I just have a question for the owners that have this PF...

Is it possible to remove the actual saber beam from the saber that Luke is holding? Another words, is it possible to display him holding the light saber WITHOUT the saber blade attached??? Thanks all! :wave

nope, not unless you break it.
Re: Jedi Luke PF Question...

Hello! I just have a question for the owners that have this PF...

Is it possible to remove the actual saber beam from the saber that Luke is holding? Another words, is it possible to display him holding the light saber WITHOUT the saber blade attached??? Thanks all! :wave

I know that it says PF IMAGE thread-- but questions are OK. :wave
That's looking really good! Now if there was only some way to improve on the light-up feature!