New Hot toys Teaser...

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Are they really to blame though? Its us the collectors that do it to ourselves. WE create the fantasy and are only disapointed when it doesn't come true. Its not HT fault. Collectors need to stop day-dreaming and think things through better. I mean there are tons of better clues to a possible Matrix figure than a spoon. I mean the Beat it MJ was easy once figured out and Batman was straight-forward too. The spoon was just vague to begin with. A blue pill and a red pill would have been a better tease if it was really the Matrix.


The teaser threads always follow the same pattern, with every fanboy putting in their two cents about what they hope the figure will be. Lo and behold, the figure is announced and it doesn't satisfy each and every fanboy and out come the trumpets of indignation.

I'd like to think that most of the huffing and puffing is just a bit of venting that people will do after a disappointment and then move on. Plain as day the next teaser will come out and the usual suspects will be hitting the threads with what they hope the figure will be.
When is HT going to learn the teases are backfiring on them and pissing off the collectors?
The riddles only work when they actually turn out to be what the masses want.
I wonder what the reaction is back at the HT studios when the guesses come flooding in of "ZOMG Burton Batman!!! ZOMG Matrix!!! Ijustspoogedonthescreen
Ivewantedthesemywholelife. PleasegiveusLobbyNeofirst blah, blah, blah......"

Correction: "splooge," not "spooge"
The teases should work to get the masses excited about seeing what they want not what they dont want.
So far HT is doing a poor job of gauging the rank and file wants with these obtuse teases.
Just show us the goods and cut the cute crap HT.

If you want the particular item/license being teased, then they do just that. Its not HT fault not everyone likes all of their product licenses. If you aren't an MJ fan, you probably don't care for the figure. If you like obscure anime crap nobody in North America has ever heard about, then you probably love the #1 figure. Just because it wasn't what you wanted doesn't mean its HT's fault, its your own. Get over it and get excited when they DO announce something you want. Because when they do someone else will be whining about that most likely.

For me, the Scarecrow/Batman set is the only one of the three I'm interested in. Does that excite me though? No, it doesn't. Because I understand the hoops I'm going to have to jump through to get the figures now. The Store Exclusives are a pain, especially when its a license Sideshow can't import like DC figures. So look on the bright side and be happy Neo isn't one of these figures because he would be a major pain to get.
Can you just imagine the frenzy of excitement when one of the next teasers is for a Keaton Bats?

"It's got to be Keaton, it's got to be Keaton, could be TDK Gordon, no no, it's got to be Keaton... IT IS! IT'S KEATON!!!! YEAH BABY! WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!! Oh Man, look at the proto pics... that sculpt is ALL WRONG. EPIC FAIL."
I understand the need for venting and letting off of steam after a disappointing announcement, but I hate the attitudes here that instantly disregard a figure as 'garbage' or 'lame' when it turns out not to be something that tickles their interest. One man's garbage = another man's treasure. Not that any of this is garbage, you get my point.

Grow up.
Bent spoon = no Matrix. Jesus Hot Toys,WTF!!!!?? Arseholes.

Let me bring up the teaser again:


I think A LOT of people failed to see that it says Tokyo there. The teaser is not meant for the West. And we honestly don't know how big that manga is there in Japan. Epic Fail? Well yes, but not for Hot Toys. Just for all those who kept their hopes up in their speculation. Same is true for all the hate posts like the one I quoted. Now, THAT's what's called an Epic Fail.

Hmm, so would this mean that these figures will be released on Christmas Day?
:( I was waiting for Keaton Batman as most of you people. I don't like any of this ones so I will save my money for HT Reeves and EB G.O.D.

I'm sure HT will release Keaton in the near future...:pray:
Hot Toys are here for the long run, people demand stuff like if does not get made now it's never going to come in the future. There were a lot of people warning not to get your hopes up for a Keaton Batman and a Neo. Don't worry, 2012 is a load of codswallop, Hot Toys will still hopefully be here for a long time

Lets face facts it does not matter what figure HT brings out it will be met with tons of people moaning and complaining.
Let me bring up the teaser again:

I think A LOT of people failed to see that it says Tokyo there.The teaser is not meant for the West. And we honestly don't know how big that manga is there in Japan. Epic Fail? Well yes, but not for Hot Toys. Just for all those who kept their hopes up in their speculation. Same is true for all the hate posts like the one I quoted. Now, THAT's what's called an Epic Fail.

No, not failed to see, just conceitedly chose to think that Hot Toys exists purely for the Western market. An Asian company releases a figure based on an Asian character, what a surprise.
No, not failed to see, just conceitedly chose to think that Hot Toys exists purely for the Western market. An Asian company releases a figure based on an Asian character, what a surprise.


Here's more info regarding the manga:

So apparently, it IS a big hit in Japan. It won an award three years in a row.

I'm not familiar with the manga nor am I interested in it. But I can see why they made the figure for the Japanese market that the teaser was intended for.
iampoch only u have time to explain to ppl over here :lol
this 20c boys is already hot for some time already (its manga turned movie if i remember correctly), naturally its gonna be hot in japan.

oh ya, i hope HT makes Naruto and Bleach. sure gonna sell too :lol
It shows that HT still have and are using the Begins licence...I hope it means we will see a revised Bale sculpt and Ra's.