NECA Remake Freddy

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I grew up with Englund Freddy and he will always be my Freddy. I don't mind a remake, but like Leatherface, Jason and Myers remakes, they are never the same spirit as the original, don't regard the events of the original except to rip off some of the scene, and therefor don't matter to my beloved slashers.

This does look more like a real burn victim instead of the melted cheese pizza inspired classic makeup, but to me that actually makes him less Freddy. Englund's makeup may not have looked truly real, but it had way more character than this.

That's why I'm a little worried that they're removing the humor from the script. Doing so would make it more in context with the Halloween remake, utilizing the polar opposite to renew the concept, as it's that very humor that makes Freddy original and a standout among his genre peers.
Not Really diggin the face at all, I prefer Englund's look but that might just be because he's what I'm use too but If the movies good ill get it, Right now it's a big pass, unless more pics/the movie can convince me other wise.
Eh, to each their own. While I do realize the remake figure looks more like an actual burn victim, I still prefer the old Freddy. If this figure is any reflection of the movie, looks like they've stripped the fun out of it in favor of a straight-up horror flick.


Judging by this pic i'd say the film makers want to make this remake actually scary. Interesting. I don't care for it but we'll see when the movie comes out.
I think a different take is a good way to go. Bringing an icon back to life while bringing something different. I think that makes it entertaining knowing that when you sit in that theatre seat that you aren't getting what you're used to or expecting. It makes it stand out. I am a huge fan of the originals but remain very open minded to new interpretations. I loved TCM and F13 and it's the same people so I hope they bring it home and do it again.
Yea I'm keeping an open mind because even though I don't like the look I might love the movie because I liked the RZ Myers look but thought the movie was trash.
I think a different take is a good way to go. Bringing an icon back to life while bringing something different. I think that makes it entertaining knowing that when you sit in that theatre seat that you aren't getting what you're used to or expecting. It makes it stand out. I am a huge fan of the originals but remain very open minded to new interpretations. I loved TCM and F13 and it's the same people so I hope they bring it home and do it again.

Again, though, my only worry is it'd turn into a Holloween-esque remake. Great if you like gore/torture porn, but disappointing if you enjoyed the original.
Just judging by the pic I'm not digging the makeup, but I imagine that it will all be in Haley's acting if we buy the new Freddy or not.
Again, though, my only worry is it'd turn into a Holloween-esque remake. Great if you like gore/torture porn, but disappointing if you enjoyed the original.
Yeah, I totally get that and agree. I always have that worry when a classic is being remade. I just try to be open minded and not let that worry sink too deep. With Halloween being my favorite horror film of all-time I know the severe disapointments of a bad remake. :eek:
That's why I'm a little worried that they're removing the humor from the script. Doing so would make it more in context with the Halloween remake, utilizing the polar opposite to renew the concept, as it's that very humor that makes Freddy original and a standout among his genre peers.

I totally agree, I think they want to go for a darker more sinister Freddy than the stylized Freddy that we all grew up with. They probably have heard all the "comedic" freddy jokes and want to do away with that by having a more realistic "burn victim" look while also maybe even taking away some of his features and characteristics not allowing for certain facial least judging how sunken in the eyes are and lack of well...mouth.
I like that it's so distinctive. Originally Freddy's face was scary but he became such a household name that we got used to it.
I also hope that we don't see the same bastardization that Halloween became. Different strokes for different folks obviously but Zombie's Halloween is such a hollow imposter that all it's sound and fury couldn't even hold my interest for one sitting. But I'd also like a bit more than the standard remake fluff.
I'm going to try to go in with no expectations but I optimistic from what I've seen so far.
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/\ LOL, you didn't even bother to scroll down and see the pictures right in this thread.
Freddy wasnt a jokester in the original ANOES.....he did crack a few, but nothing too silly.

England will always be Freddy, but Jackie as Freddy = Win. I do love this look as well.
Freddy wasnt a jokester in the original ANOES.....he did crack a few, but nothing too silly.

England will always be Freddy, but Jackie as Freddy = Win. I do love this look as well.

I dunno. From the very first film, I always felt an underlying sense of humor to the series. Freddy's need to impress the girls by cutting himself, tonguing them through the phone, the absurdity of the deaths, Nancy's drunk parents (overacting mother), etc, up to and including the LOL moment in the epilogue where Freddy jerks Nancy's mom through the window in the door. :lol
I was never a fan of NOES, as a matter of fact, I can barely remember the first one (only one I saw), but compared to the original, I'd say this looks much better, it's actually kinda disturbing. Being burned must be something terrible.