character popularity vs. sculpt quality

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Freaked Out
Jul 8, 2007
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I was thinking about this yesterday because one member mentioned that, although the sculpt of the Abomination may be massive and really well done, so what?, it's only the Abomination. I also read some more negative comments on the Spidey PF, who is easily one of Marvel's best known and most popular characters, though there are clearly those who think the PF is substandard.

Personally, I really like the Spidey PF, and have owned all three versions. I still have two of them and like them just as much now as when I first bought them. I also have the Abomination Ex. who, I must admit, was not a character who ever entered my mind as a "must-have" piece, but felt the rendition was just too great to turn down. Another example might be the upcoming Man-Thing, again not a character that flies to mind as a "staple" of any Marvel collection, but the sculpture sure looks awesome so far.

My question is this, and there are only two options: would you rather have an awesome sculpt of a mid-level character, to which many may be fairly indifferent, like the Abomination, or would you prefer what you may feel is a so-so sculpt of your favorite, top-tier character such as I.M, Wolverine, Spidey, etc?

What do you think?
what do you think??

well i think the Abom, Spidey pf are great pieces and most people that bash such pieces are only try to justify not spending the money to purchase a $500+ statue, which is fine with me. just like when i have bashed the last batch of marvel dios. imo they'd just poor choice of characters and lack any inspiration, not to mention the size of the dios recently has boardered on microscopic. at least with the PF's you're usually always gauranteed a good size statue.

but i also think we'll see opinions all over the place on this subject
I only buy what I like, I don't care about popularity or rarity. If I like it even temporarily I buy it. What you'll find is a ton of sour grapes on the boards where people talk themselves out of hunting or buying things for multiple reasons so they bash the hell of it looking for supporters to help talking them into not buying.
Sculpt first then the character... you have to have some kinda of standards or else companies get lazy. Spidey mehhhh.... Abom was a nice statue. I think also when you jump into 1/4 scale its consider art therefore you have limited room you need to pick and choose what to buy. Or else you start to display your stuff on the floor and your rooms start to looks like the 40 year old virgin.
I only buy what I like, I don't care about popularity or rarity. If I like it even temporarily I buy it. What you'll find is a ton of sour grapes on the boards where people talk themselves out of hunting or buying things for multiple reasons so they bash the hell of it looking for supporters to help talking them into not buying.

*cough* Emma Frost PF *cough*....

Keep the bad sculpts for the mid-grade characters. Better yet, have no sub-standard sculpts. Seems obvious.
I know i'm not answering you question but i only get great statues of great characters

If i had to choose, i would buy great sculptures of lesser known characters then poor sculptures of great characters
I prefer sculpt quality. An ugly sculpt of a popular character is still an ugly sculpt. Its like buying a car popular car but it doesnt look or run well. It doesnt make sense.

For example: I am not a fan of Elektra BUT I love the sculpt of the comiquette... which is why I pre-ordered it.
I have to like the whole package. The Spidey PF is sculpted well, but I hate the pose and materiels, and he's my favorite character. Love Thor, hate the pose. For SW I love Han & Luke, but the sculpts are awful so I will never buy them, even for next to nothing. I don't really care about Abomination, but almost bought one for dirt cheap when I had the chance (someone replied quicker). The only one I'm fretting over right now is the CIM. I could get one for dirt cheap, but I don't like the giant flag. All that said, I'm really looking forward to Wolverine, Punisher, and Mystique.
Sculpt first then the character... you have to have some kinda of standards or else companies get lazy. Spidey mehhhh.... Abom was a nice statue. I think also when you jump into 1/4 scale its consider art therefore you have limited room you need to pick and choose what to buy. Or else you start to display your stuff on the floor and your rooms start to looks like the 40 year old virgin.

*cough* Emma Frost PF *cough*....

Nah, that one just sucks. Trust me I was looking forward to an Emma Frost PF, I was ready to buy and then saw that piece of crap and moved on....currently I'm searching for a custom 1:4 done in the Astonishing styling so that may not be under the same guise.
I think they go hand-in-hand for me; although, I will buy a statue just if it is an amazing sculpt, but I WON'T buy a great character if I don't like the sculpt. The Punisher, Green Goblin, and Emma Frost PF's are great examples of this; I like the characters, but not the sculpts so I passed. Asajj Ventress on the other hand, is a character that I know very little about, but it was an awsome sculpt so I bought the EX.

X-Men characters are probably the exception to this rule as I would probably still buy the character even if the sculpt is just 'ok.' (AH! sculpts and Emma Frost PF being the exceptions)
i would like to have a popular character with good sculpt..i wont pay 400 dollars for a bad statue of a popular character my opinion,spidey's pf is awesome...
i would like to have a popular character with good sculpt..i wont pay 400 dollars for a bad statue of a popular character my opinion,spidey's pf is awesome...

Agreed. You notice all the good ones that came out this year are sculpts of B-D list characters?...Shocking!

Anyhoo, I'll collect anything By Tim Miller....if my finance allows me!:monkey4...I love how he does the eyes!:rock
actually,i love rogue!!the way she is sculpted...but i like pablo's mystique better...pablo is the best i think...

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