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I just wanted to get an idea of what he was wearing and the color of his attire. But I think the direction I am going with my custom, it won't really matter.:lol Thanks anyways. Appreciated!:duff
Here's a pic of my WIP Gordon
shirt seems to be the same I am using... So it is a Dragon shirt from ebay (just enter "grey shirt" you will recognize it)...
Tie seems to be from the camel Saturday Toys suit... fits very nice.

Right on both counts :)
none of the customs here are good enough to deserve a spot next to my HT TDK collection, IMO.

Judging from his work from pics, I think only kojun's custom is worthy of that holy spot. And in my tumbler, when its release, that is.
none of the customs here are good enough to deserve a spot next to my HT TDK collection, IMO.

Judging from his work from pics, I think only kojun's custom is worthy of that holy spot. And in my tumbler, when its release, that is.

You are rude man :D
Don't forget that all those customs are still work in progress! SO for now it's hard to give such a judgment.
I do also agree, everything here is WIP and so far looks great. You can knock what you see until its finished. I like everyones custom so far.
Apologies if I offended anyone. Its certainly not my intention.

I just dislike giving false encouragement saying that its perfect, when the truth is its far from it. I hope its still WIP and I will take my words back, when someone has captured the perfect oldman look on plastic. Until then, I stand firm on my initial comment.
Well I can somewhat see where you're coming from as I myself have had reservations about many head sculpts for completing my TDK collection because they were just not up to the HT TDK line standard, that said, the Spenser Gordon and Alfred are in my opinion, right up there with HT quality in terms of sculpt. Getting a great painjob on them is the challenging bit, along with good quality clothing which is somewhat movie accurate but more importantly fits well and represents the characters well. That's what I am struggling with at the moment, but I'm sure i'll get there...
here are my BB and TDK gordons. just need my Spenser heads and im set. i may replace BB with a black tie. and i have hot toys stands on the way.

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