Marvel's Wanda Vision

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So what was the point of Agatha? Was she just trying to absorb SW powers? Just there to investigate? Get her as her disciple?
So what was the point of Agatha? Was she just trying to absorb SW powers? Just there to investigate? Get her as her disciple?

If Agatha isn't lying, then she is trying to drain Wanda of her powers to prevent a prophesy that the Scarlet Witch will destroy the world. It looks like she sensed the hex, got curious and decided to check it out. Maybe at that point, all she wanted to do was gain that power as well but as she realized who/what Wanda was, she changed her objective.
I’ll make a deal

Remove Fox QS from the show and i’ll forgive no DS cameo (I already forgave PB trolling lol)

Another reason I believed that DS was in WV was because Marvel included Benedict in the press tour! :slap

We didn’t speculate from a vacuum it was Marvel who used Benedict for promation, it was Marvel who brought EP in!
It was marvel who kept saying multiverse this and that this was the perfect show to set up that but no they didn?t set up a damn thing

O boy a skrull! Hype levels increased lol.

Alright let me stop complaining. I just feel like the next Spider-Man film isn?t going to be as exciting as I thought .
Mandarin was a whole different thing IMO... That was much much worse because they explicitly called him "The Mandarin". At least in WandaVision, they explicitly called Evan Peters' character "Fietro". They were honest in WandaVision. :rotfl

He could still have been Fake Pietro but real Peter though.
I wonder if they just pulled the (literal) **** move with Quicksilver because Marvel is simply terrified at how to work his powers into their storytelling. I mean they offed him as quickly as they could the first time around (Age of Ultron) and maybe this was their way of saying "yeah the Multiverse is coming but QS's superspeed will negate half the threats we have planned's Evan Peters but this is all you're going to see of him."
Imagine if Cap stares down Thanos and his army and you hear "Cap, on your left". And then Boner comes out of the portals. wow wow wow wow, wow.
I wonder if they just pulled the (literal) **** move with Quicksilver because Marvel is simply terrified at how to work his powers into their storytelling. I mean they offed him as quickly as they could the first time around (Age of Ultron) and maybe this was their way of saying "yeah the Multiverse is coming but QS's superspeed will negate half the threats we have planned's Evan Peters but this is all you're going to see of him."

He?s not that fast. He?s not flash level . The Fox men films made him faster than he actually is. He wasn?t even that fast in aou. I guess marvel just hate the character and rather just make him a joke then including him.

Kill him off and then use him for a **** joke. Classic .
I think in AoU they killed him off for legal reasons (Fox still owns him). From what I remember, they only got the deal to use him in that film?

For WandaVision, my guess is they didn't bring him back because they do not want to open the ability to bring back dead characters yet into the main timeline/universe. Every "resurrected" character is in a separate timeline/universe (looking art Loki and Coulson). Gamora was an exception though....
I think it's revealing that the director mentioned cut scenes from the finale, and a scrapped extra episode. It sounds like they also couldn't get the CGI done for the Senior Scratchy demon scene.

My impression is that Disney wanted content out ASAP, and pushed WandaVision out even though it probably could have used another 2-3 months of work. The investors wanted MCU on Disney+ to start 2021, and WV was the quickest show they could patch together and release with Covid delays.
This show needed another episode of at least another 20 minutes onto the finale.

You only see Jimmy again for a few seconds in the mid credits.

Darcy just vanishes, probably couldn?t get her back to film more scenes.

Ralph just vanishes, Wanda doesnt even ask about the guy.

White Vision just flies off, never mentioned again. Honestly Hex Vision is a real **** for not telling Wanda that he is out there.

A scene of all the townspeople being weirded out by Agnes still playing her role. In fact, more scenes showing the townspeople and the aftermath. Maybe have Jimmy Woo interview a couple of them.
Well, they could have had all this if they didn't spend so long on different eras of television yet beating the same drum without any form of progress. They should have cut Jimmy's and Darcy's storylines, why do we need to watch them figure it out as we're figuring it out, wasted screen time. 3 episodes max should have been dedicated to the mystery in Westville as Wanda progresses through the different styles. I feel like they shot themselves in the foot with how long they dragged it out just for the Agatha Harkness reveal which in my opinion fell sort of flat, we all knew it was her.
I think in AoU they killed him off for legal reasons (Fox still owns him). From what I remember, they only got the deal to use him in that film?

No, Quicksilver dying was all Joss Whedon. There's numerous articles about it. He always likes killing off characters. He always said it gives weight to the story. Why he also killed off Couslon.

For example..

The director said the first day he met Aaron Taylor-Johnson for the role of Quicksilver, he told the actor that he intended to kill the character and that he would stay dead? unless Marvel suits strongly objected. ?I said, ?The only thing that would keep you alive is if the Disney executives say, ?Idiot, it?s a franchise and we need all these people and you?re not allowed to kill them,?? he said.

But alternate versions were shot, though Whedon doesn?t say whether they were at the behest of Marvel/Disney or not. ?We did actually shoot him in the last scene, in an outfit with his sister,? he admitted. ?And we did shoot him waking up from his, ?Ahh! I didn?t really die from these 47 bullet wounds!? but the intent was always that we were going to earn this and then you have to stand by it.?

Also, behind the scenes drama states Whedon was at odds with Disney about some aspects, so he purposely demanded they kill off Quicksilver in order for him to make changes that they wanted to his script.
No, Quicksilver dying was all Joss Whedon. There's numerous articles about it. He always likes killing off characters. He always said it gives weight to the story. Why he also killed of Couslon.

For example..

Also, behind the scenes drama states Whedon was at odds with Disney about some aspects, so he purposely demanded they kill off Quicksilver in order for him to make changes that they wanted to his script.

Did anyone go "Oh no not Quicksilver, I wasn't expecting him to die, what a great way to take the story" because my thoughts were "What a waste".

My main problem with the MCU is that they kill off characters to quickly, especially villains.
My main problem with the MCU is that they kill off characters to quickly, especially villains.

Most of the time they kill off certain characters too quickly, but will never kill off bigger characters or allow them to actually be put to rest.

Iron Man and Widow are the biggest deaths of the series but they each had 9 (10 if you count Hulk) and 7 movies respectively so....
Did anyone go "Oh no not Quicksilver, I wasn't expecting him to die, what a great way to take the story" because my thoughts were "What a waste".

My main problem with the MCU is that they kill off characters to quickly, especially villains.

I get the whole stakes thing. And I don't know how to pick apart the details of script, narrative, and editing that make an on screen death work; and at times it's lame or laughable.

Worked: Kuill, Boromir, Iron Man, Killmonger, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Anakin, IG-11, Thanos (although apparently Killmonger will be back; just can't beat that magic herb!:lol)

Laughable/lame/token/boring death: Kylo, Quicksilver, Loki, Nat

AOU made a big deal about the tissue regeneration thing; so I figured Quicksilver was just put on ice to make an appearance later. Not gonna knock Whedon as he does some good stuff; but he goes off the rails too.

List is just off the top of my head; then there's the revolving door fakeout deaths (why bother?) Anyway this fake Quicksilver showing up was for me - just irritating. Wasted opportunity to fix past un-needed lameness.
I get the whole stakes thing. And I don't know how to pick apart the details of script, narrative, and editing that make an on screen death work; and at times it's lame or laughable.

Worked: Kuill, Boromir, Iron Man, Killmonger, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Anakin, IG-11, Thanos (although apparently Killmonger will be back; just can't beat that magic herb!:lol)

Laughable/lame/token/boring death: Kylo, Quicksilver, Loki, Nat

AOU made a big deal about the tissue regeneration thing; so I figured Quicksilver was just put on ice to make an appearance later. Not gonna knock Whedon as he does some good stuff; but he goes off the rails too.

List is just off the top of my head; then there's the revolving door fakeout deaths (why bother?) Anyway this fake Quicksilver showing up was for me - just irritating. Wasted opportunity to fix past un-needed lameness.

If we got more than 26 minutes of Pietro in one movie then maybe I would have cared more about his death rather than just being disappointed by it.