The Medicom Alien review

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Rex Tremendae Majestatis
Mar 25, 2006
Reaction score
Colombia, South America
Here it is!


The official abake review of the Medicom Alien figure!
So, is it the end-all, be-all of Alien figures? Is it a Mini-alien? Does the rubber suit suck? Read on valiant Alien fan and find answers to all these life-defining questions!

As you all probably know by now, I am a rather rabid Alien fan. It is something close to an obsession. No, I’m not kidding.
Next to my bed there is a small table, and on top of it I placed the NECA 21” figure, and every night I go to sleep gazing at it. Now, of course, there is a new figure next to it, the subject of this review: the long awaited Medicom Alien!

There’s already been a bunch of photos posted here and on other boards, and I have already given my first impressions, but I just really want to do this, I really want to review this figure; just like I really had to do the review on the NECA figure! Yes, the figure is that cool that it deserves a review.



It sounds strange to write about a sculpt when the figure is an articulated body within a rubber suit, but somebody must’ve sculpted something to make the suit of…

At any rate, most people already know it, but here it goes just in case: this is a Medicom body with a rubber suit on. In that regard, this is the most accurate figure you will ever get! It actually mimics the production of the movie, where Bolaji Badejo wore a rubber suit that was cast from a sculpture that was in turn made on top of a casting of his body! Conceptually, you can’t get more accurate than that, and on that basis alone, Medicom deserves to be applauded. Designing such a suit, manufacturing it and putting the whole thing together is quite an achievement IMHO, an engineering feat equal to what Hot Toys does.

So, other than conceptually, just how accurate is it?
I will start with the bad:

The oxen jaws on the feet don’t have the detail of the teeth.


That’s it.
That’s the only thing I find blatantly inaccurate. Oh sure, there’s the proportions which are a bit off (but I’ll forgive them because they’re using one of their regular bodies underneath) and the fingers are splayed instead of fused (but that is accurate to one of the sculpts), but those two are forgivable in my book.

I love the profile on this figure, which looks better than the NECA figure (which is somewhat hampered by the bulbous dome and underbite –both sad victims to poor Chinese manufacturing), very sleek and menacing!


The detail is soft on some spots, but it’s not really distracting and the overall feel is fantastic. Too bad the paint apps are so poor.

Paint Apps

I’m not going to lie to you. They’re poor. The color palette is uninspired, the application spiritless. In my mind there really is no excuse for it. The only thing that comes to mind is that the material they used to make the suit prevented any other type of color application, but here comes the next point: the paint flakes/chips/strips/rubs off alarmingly easy! As soon as you take it out of the box, the paint will start to rub off. I’m not kidding. It comes off faster than the HT brand. I suppose this is something we have to accept with these rubber suits/bodies, but if so, they could’ve made it a little more impressive to begin with.
I will probably try and use some water-based paints to do some dry-brushing and try to breath some life into it.



Having said all that, I must confess there is a perverse little voice telling me “hey, this is super accurate! It’s the same way the paint came off on the real suit!”.

In any case, don’t leave the figure posed in such a way that the suit comes in undue contact with itself, i.e. keep the arms, elbows, legs, knees etc. straight. Otherwise the paint will rub off much faster and you might even damage the suit itself.


The good news: it the fabled Medicom body underneath!

The bad news: it’s wearing a rubber suit!

Articulation is limited because of the rubber suit, especially around the hips, but that shouldn’t be surprising. Everything else works very well (knees, elbows, shoulders, ankles, wrists, neck). It’s the mid-section that really doesn’t move much. So no, you will not be able to do the stooping pose or the crouching pose.

The joints are nice and firm on mine and hold the pose very well, except for the neck (very loose). In fact the joints feel and move much better than on any other Medicom figure I own, with the possible exception of Vader.

I haven’t tried anything too extreme in the posing department, and to be honest, I wouldn’t recommend it. If you twist something wrong and it breaks there’s no way you can just get a new body and replace it, because I seriously doubt the suit was meant to be taken off. And if something rips, I don’t see that it would be easy to fix.



To me this one will stay mostly in those looming, vaguely threatening poses the creature on the Nostromo was so good at.


You didn’t think I was going to ignore it, did you?


It’s tiny.
There. It’s nothing you didn’t know beforehand.
It really doesn’t bother me though, because a) there’s nothing to pose it with (Kane and Dallas never encountered it while suited up) and b) I don’t think it would look good next to HT’s figures anyway, it just has a very different feel to it and they just don’t mix IMHO. So it’s a stand-alone figure and you really shouldn’t buy it if you have any hopes of displaying it with other related figures.




Parting thoughts.

Obviously one has to compare this to the NECA and Hot Toys figures.
I think Medicom have done a wonderful thing, making such an intricate rubber suit for a doll to wear. But that in itself is nothing new, SST did it with the Creature and the Metaluna Mu-tant (among others I believe) and Medicom themselves have made a gazillion Japanese heroes and monsters with that exact same concept.
But this is the Alien, and nobody had ever attempted this before with The Alien. And they have done a wonderful job. It is a beautiful figure.


But is it worth upwards of 150 dollars, considering that the amazing 22” NECA figure is out there for around 40 dollars and the surely impressive HT alien will be released this year at a price very close to the 150+ Medi-price?

How big a fan are you?
I don’t regret the obscene amount I paid for mine. I consider it obscene, but I don’t regret it. And I’m sure that if you are a big fan of the original creature, and a big fan of figures in general, you won’t regret getting this.

Somewhere in-between this Medicom doll-in-a-suit and the NECA figure lies the ultimate Alien figure, with a dash from HT.


I hope you enjoyed the pics and review and thanks for taking the time to read.
Thanks for the review... really a nice looking figure. Paint is dissapointing and the size (for me) makes it a pass. But overall, looks like its a great figure from Medicom.
A few more pics to showcase the figure. :D

As has already been reported, the hands are hard plastic, no bendy fingers here. At the price point, I feel Medicom could've at least included another set of hands. At least.


It is, however, a very nice sculpt!


Comparison with the usual Medicom hand.


The feet have an excellent sculpt, but the truth is they will always look a bit funky because of the nature of the "suit".

Thanks for giving all the information. Very mixed feelings. It does look pretty great, but sounds like all in all, the design is best suited for militant upright posing for prolonged periods, which makes it passable for the price. It's cool how it's a full rubber body suite from a film nostalgia perspective, but making an effective figure, it seems the best route is a rubber and plastic mix like HT utilizes.
Thanks guys, I'm glad it's helpful!

And yes, I agree with you MF: it does elicit mixed feelings.

I'm not going to lie to you guys, as much as I enjoy the figure, I think this one's more for hard-core collectors. The casual fan who enjoys the HT Aliens warrior as a "kick-ass" alien will see absolutely no sense in spending the same amount of money (or more) on a figure that is tiny, apparently more fragile and not as posable...

FWIW, I love it and enjoy it tremendously.
And just to show how much fun I'm having, a couple more pics! :D

Some of the "damage" the paint suffers from simple posing and handling.


See the faint scratches? That's just from raising the arms for the "alien stalking Lambert scene" pose.

Here's a look at the butt.


The inside of the knee.


As you can see, the sculpt is phenomenal. The texturing of the "suit" is fantastic; it really gives the feeling of a rubber suit with its small wrinkles and folds. I think it's the first time this texture has been done on an alien figure,a s most seem to go for the more decayed, flayed look of the original Giger statue.
Annnnnnnnd a few more!

The face.



From the front I like the NECA figure's face better. The teeth are larger, the dome looks bigger and its shape is just nicer and closer to the source IMHO. But I do like the profile on this one better.

My favourite pose at the moment.


I call it the "Nosferatu Pose".
Thanks guys, I'm glad it's helpful!

And yes, I agree with you MF: it does elicit mixed feelings.

I'm not going to lie to you guys, as much as I enjoy the figure, I think this one's more for hard-core collectors. The casual fan who enjoys the HT Aliens warrior as a "kick-ass" alien will see absolutely no sense in spending the same amount of money (or more) on a figure that is tiny, apparently more fragile and not as posable...

FWIW, I love it and enjoy it tremendously.

I think it also depends on what you want out of it. I have the Sideshow diorama and don't mind having paid for it's statuesque quality because that's what I want out of it. I like to think I'm fairly hardcore Alien fan, but not so much (and also a pretty big fan of many other properties being made now) that I feel comfy spending this sort of money on a piece where in theory, it could do more and doesn't quite do it. I think I'll hold out for Hot Toys' ALIEN at this point and hopefully get a bit more "action" out of the figure. It seems like buying this Medicom figure is like buying a statue, and for $170 it's not a very interesting look for a statue.
Very nice review! But that figure is just gross. Really...plain. NECA's is way better IMO. Its got all the detail that this doesnt....its all about texture. This has none. (And the fact that it LOOKS like a rubber suit is just....wrong. )
No, don't get me wrong, you can pose it fairly well, but just don't leave it in that pose or the material will suffer. That happens to HT's figures as well (I had Dallas with one elbow bent, and the suit was fairly stuck to itself when I straightened the arm out). And HT's figures also suffer from paint rubbing off (well documented on the Aliens warrior, and my Kane had paint rubbed off the knee straight out of the box).

It's just that I want you to know what you're getting and not have false expectations.
Very nice review! But that figure is just gross. Really...plain. NECA's is way better IMO. Its got all the detail that this doesnt....its all about texture. This has none. (And the fact that it LOOKS like a rubber suit is just....wrong. )

It's what they were aiming for, so in that respect, they succeeded admirably well... :D
Which is great, I'm glad you've got a fan boy's perspective but a cautious buyer's mentallity as well, good mix of how great it can be and the pitfalls that might make you think twice about buying regardless of the positives.
It's what they were aiming for, so in that respect, they succeeded admirably well... :D

But....thats not how it looked in the movie....which is what I thought this figure was representing. Otherwise, it shoulda came with Giger,and Ridley Scott, and a camera....
i actually like the rubber suit look, gives it more......errr character and an organic look. wont be getting it though, happy with my neca one, but i think this will be better than the hot toys alien.
There's different schools of thought on how to make Alien collectibles. For the most part, companies try to make the piece represent as it was seen on screen, others do try to make the details accurrate to the film costume(s). To do that isn't inaccurrate, just means you'd have to light the piece like the film to get the same effect. Medicom's opted to make their figure look as the costume would appear on display in a museum, not how the creature appeared on film.