Hot Toys - Kenobi Show - Grand Inquisitor

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Super Freak
Jul 25, 2016
Reaction score
New Jersey, USA

Fine. I'll do it.

Grand Inquisitor figure teased.

And now he's announced.








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I'm very on the fence about this, personally.

I really enjoyed Jason Isaacs take on the Grand Inquisitor on the Rebels show, plus the look was accurate as well. Always would have preferred if they tried to make a real version of the animated character like what they did with Ahsoka, Maul and General Skywalker.

That said, Rupert Friend did do a nice job as the GI, even if the character's story on the show wasn't the best. I doubt we'll ever get an Isaacs/Rebels version, so this is probably it.

I'll have to think about it. Thankfully, this won't be a figure there's a rush on.
imagine this clown gets Hot Toys figure treatment before Clone Wars Kenobi, all hell breaks loose.

He will because HT will probably want to announce another Obiwan from the show. I'm not worried about General Kenobi though. General Kenobi + 212 Clone + Airborne Trooper together will generate a lot of revenue for them and they are not stupid. Their Clone production line is probably too busy pumping out those 501st still. Just my $0.02 though.
I didn't like how he looked initially but I've gotten used to it. Rupert Friend did a good job and the face sculpt looks pretty good in this photo.
That's kind of what I was getting at as well. Rupert Friend was very good in the role. I expected to hate him because he's not Jason Isaacs. If I get the figure, it'll be because I enjoyed the job he did. And I guess it would look neat on the Empire shelf.
Yeah their cruelty was so half assed. Even Obiwan left Anakin in a much more brutal state at mustafar. Sith my ass. Felt very Disneyfied.