Zack Snyder's Justice League - what's your wish list?

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I dunno man it all works for me. I understand Bruce's motivations. I love BvS. I don't experience it the way you do at all.

The irony is that folks don't believe the motivation in BvS for Batman b/c somehow it's impossible for him to be dooped, yet in TDK no one says anything about Batman disregarding the Joker as a real threat at the beginning of TDK: "one man or the entire mob? He can wait." The real Batman would've taken him seriously from the get go and started looking into him, his motives for stealing from the mob with pretty much flawless plans while leaving no henchmen alive to rat him out, etc. Then in TDKR, Batman still doesn't learn from his mistakes when he underestimates Bane even when Alfred is trying to explain to him how much of a threat Bane is. Instead Bruce blows him off with "Bane is just a mercenary." Again, the real Batman would've taken him seriously as soon as he found out about him, but no one cares b/c Nolan can do no wrong. And don't get me wrong, I love the TDK trilogy and enjoy them immensely, but that doesn't mean they get a pass on everything. Just like no one says anything about Reeve turning Zod, Non and Ursa human and not only killing them in Superman 2, but smiling while he does it :lol There's a bunch of stuff I would've done differently in the Snyderverse, but I still love the movies. I always take any superhero movie, Marvel or DC, just as I do the comics when a new team of writer and artists begin their run or a graphic novel: it's their vision, their take, their style. Lots of ppl didn't like the New52, but I however loved it. Sorry if you're an Aquaman fan, but he was pretty lame until the new52 took his story in a better direction with real depth IMO. There will always be a new team that will appeal to some and not so much others.
You're right, Nolan's Batman severely underestimated Bane. Same with joker, but he didn't know how much of a threat he would be. Bale's Bruce is booooring, he overacts the rich playboy routine. Ben's Bruce was more engaging even though he didn't do the usual dumb, spoiled, trust fund kid shtick that's been done to death. And he was older so maybe he decided to drop the act. I enjoy the Nolan films but the fight choreography is not only bad, it's downright laughable. Guys falling in front of him without being struck, shooting at him once or twice and then running up to batman and using their rifles like baseball bats, headbutting people 3 feet away and they drop like a sack of potatoes :rotfl
No one has to agree with me. I'm not saying it was total ****. It wasn't, there were good things about the film. Ben and Gal's performances, I'm a fan of Cavill's Superman but they gave him no dialogue in BvS, costume design, fight choreography, cinematography.

But if we're going to discuss a film then let's discuss it. I've made my opinion clear and backed it up but so far all I've heard is "I like it so it's the best movie ever" or "that's just the director and that's what he does". Create discussion instead of falling into the "Snyder sheep" routine.

I'm pretty sure the motivation on Batman's behalf has been discussed here, I've certainly discussed it. His motivation is extremely clear - you've got the excellent dialogue between Alfred and Bruce which tells the audience how misaligned he's become over the years, we get to see his methods of being Batman aren't the same to what we're familiar with, we get to see hints of his history which clearly placed him on the path he is now (burned down Wayne Manor with Riddler grafitti, death of Robin at hands of Joker), then BvS opens up showing Bruce witness the destruction of the city at the hands of two aliens of which Bruce is definitely ill-prepared for. couple all of this with his 'feelings of powerlessness', and his inability in his past to stop the destruction in his life when he was capable to stop it, well, there's the motivation to want to stop him at any chance, he even has dialogue explaining his reasoning for this which in the context of this all makes perfect sense in his mind.

None of this is exposition crap either, it's woven in pretty darn well and excites for more chances to glean into his history with Joker, Riddler and his general path to becoming wayward. Clearly a lot of people really loved this narrative and how it was handled, clearly people didn't - but I think perhaps you're the one choosing to ignore the reasons why we think it was done extremely well (as I said, it has been discussed already) and replacing it with being a Snyder sheep. Just as it's the same to be a sheep of Snyder it's the complete same to be the undying hater of whatever he does. We can argue why we like what we got, and provide examples of good direction but mostly from what I see for the opposition is personal dislike for how something was handled then equating it to being that the whole thing is awful - as soon as someone tries to argue against this it always seems to boil down to a cheapshot 'lol SnyDeR cULtIsT wOuLd SaY tHaT!'.
mostly from what I see for the opposition is personal dislike for how something was handled then equating it to being that the whole thing is awful - as soon as someone tries to argue against this it always seems to boil down to a cheapshot 'lol SnyDeR cULtIsT wOuLd SaY tHaT!'.

:exactly:Pretty much all this. There's no discussion worth having because it's the same song and dance everytime someone comes in to ***** about Snyder.

The reasons have been given by fans analyzing the film (and Snyder himself in some cases) a billion times already.

If you just don't buy it then you don't buy it. That's fine, but it's the incessant return to the stale "martha jokes" crap and the same nitpicks that it's just the same damn argument over and over.

If you've already decided you don't like it then you don't like it. I guarantee no one's mind here isn't made up. Isn't like you're suddenly going to find it brilliant or stupid.

Were the films perfect? Of course not. Were they the exact story everyone wanted to see? Of course not.

But parts certainly resonate to a lot of people or you wouldn't have had a huge call for the snydercut in the first place. If it doesn't resonate for you then move on already.
:exactly:Pretty much all this. There's no discussion worth having because it's the same song and dance everytime someone comes in to ***** about Snyder.

The reasons have been given by fans analyzing the film (and Snyder himself in some cases) a billion times already.

If you just don't buy it then you don't buy it. That's fine, but it's the incessant return to the stale "martha jokes" crap and the same nitpicks that it's just the same damn argument over and over.

If you've already decided you don't like it then you don't like it. I guarantee no one's mind here isn't made up. Isn't like you're suddenly going to find it brilliant or stupid.

Were the films perfect? Of course not. Were they the exact story everyone wanted to see? Of course not.

But parts certainly resonate to a lot of people or you wouldn't have had a huge call for the snydercut in the first place. If it doesn't resonate for you then move on already.

Aye, I think people tend to think we all hold up these films to some level of 'THEY'RE PERFECT!'. Of course they're not, and they stumble just as many films do, but in the confines of the super-hero genre they take risks, occupy a space that the others don't and in my opinion more than not achieve what Snyder wanted to achieve with them. If anyone wanted their preconceived version of Batman and Superman etc. well that sucks, shame you can't be open-minded enough to try and enjoy what we have. And if you were open-minded and just don't like it for some solid reasons that's a shame, but also your perogative. But to (not addressed to anyone here, mostly comicbookmovie comments section) go on every single ZSJL article of which there are a metric tonne, and comment disdain and piss on other people's enjoyment, to argue and belittle at people expressing genuine excitement is freaking dumb, everyone knows if you don't like BvS, MoS, JL or DCEU in general you're not going to like this, this is for the fans of what he's made. I don't understand how that's hard to grasp.

Conversely I love debating and talking about differences of opinions, but there comes a point where people are just intentionally being provoking and spiteful - again not aimed at anyone on here, but it's clear to see that actually a lot of the toxicity comes from people who oppose Snyder's take on DC.

But, not going to get me down. I'm incredibly excited for this, seeing the culmination that those films were building towards - getting solid dialogue befitting of their characters - "We're fighting the Devil and his army" "I know. I don't care how many demons he's fought in how many hells, he's never fought us united", just to get dialogue like this over the Batman we got in JL is uplifting just by itself. For the fans that were let down by JL because we enjoyed the previous films, it's incredibly exciting to get his film which is tonally and thematically complete, and to hear that there's humour in it which works is incredibly interesting.

Eh, I look forward to having proper discussions with people about the film - I don't have any time of day for people that have been ragging on this release incessantly when they've hated everything that came before.
I really like Man of Steel quite a bit. I don't think BvS is a great movie, but it's gorgeous and very watchable and Affleck makes a great Batman.

Early reaction to the Snyder Cut is that it seems to be pretty good. It certainly doesn't appear to be Shakespeare, but it's epic and seems to be leaps and bounds better than the theatrical cut.
Some good points have been made on both sides. That's what makes for good discussion....not here, but in most cases. I always said no one has to agree with me. And I haven't seen the Snyder cut yet, it may be amazing. Most people are too close minded to access other opinions instead of just stomping their feet and crying.
Hey, there may be a way we can all be friends. What are your mother's names?
I just think the most exciting part is what is actually new and different. We all know the structure, but how different is scene to scene? Will Flash be more serious than annoying? The big question for me is, does this go from a not want to own to a want to own movie. Not often do you ever see a movie that is a different shade of what you have previously seen.
Prime 1 announced their black suit Superman. I still think if we get nothing else Hot Toys will do one as well.
With that font they're using and being ZSJL, they should have limited it to 300.
I really regret pre-ordering a 3rd party Supes, called "The Transcender." It's the bright blue Whedon version and a knock-off of HT's with recast heads including the heat vision head. It was made available before the Snyder Cut was announced. This, and HT's original are no longer canon. At least it cost half of HT's.
I really regret pre-ordering a 3rd party Supes, called "The Transcender." It's the bright blue Whedon version and a knock-off of HT's with recast heads including the heat vision head. It was made available before the Snyder Cut was announced. This, and HT's original are no longer canon. At least it cost half of HT's.

Unfortunately, Josstice League is considered canon in WB's eyes. Snyder fan support may turn the tide but I don't think so. Flashpoint will undo the Snyderverse. As excited as I am for Keaton's return in that movie it would have been awesome to see JDM as Thomas Wayne :(

Unfortunately, Josstice League is considered canon in WB's eyes. Snyder fan support may turn the tide but I don't think so. Flashpoint will undo the Snyderverse. As excited as I am for Keaton's return in that movie it would have been awesome to see JDM as Thomas Wayne :(

Maybe there?s still an outside chance that the Snyderverse will continue on HBO Max. There?s been some speculation to that effect, that there is at least a possibility, if the Snyder Cut brings in enough new viewers, to the platform.
1) The RTSC movement has already been essential, per Zack, in getting ZSDJL finished and released.

2) By all indications ZSJL is an excellent movie. Every viewer will of course decide for him or herself. But I'm seeing lots of raves coming in from mainstream critics and vloggers. I suspect that only because it's Zack Snyder is it not receiving unanimous praise. Like anyone else would deliver a movie of this quality and we would see that. But hey, it is what it is. ZSJL will be lucky if it hangs on to 70% to be certified fresh. But starting Thursday pay the most attention to the audience score. Because that's what truly matters.

3) If in fact the movie is really good, and most viewers are hungry for what it sets up: an already incredibly strong fan base is about to grow in leaps and bounds. The next hashtag event #RestoreTheSnyderVerse will probably produce 1M tweets. It's just going to keep gaining momentum. People will be energized about a director being given freedom to make outstanding work, and it's an amazing story of fan empowerment.

There is NO. ****ING. WAY. that HBO Max won't cash in on this.