Media Your single most favorite Protagonist and Antagonist in Gaming

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Snake Plissken

40s "men" still cry about being bullied here
Apr 10, 2012
Reaction score
On the run.
Only pick one!

Pretty easy choices for me.

Protagonist: Solid Snake


Snake has a long career within his own series, and my introduction to him, like with most was MGS1. The look, the voice, the bandana... all were very new to me as a kid and immediately made me a uber-fan. He's the ultimate soldier, and has beaten enemies he probably had no business defeating... but he's Snake. Not to mention, his badass alter ego "Iroquois Pliskin." I loved him in MGS1, but MGS2 really pushed it over the top for me, since you saw him through another character's eyes and really showed what the pinnacle of badass looks like. I just hope he gets a proper return to the series in the future.

Antagonist: Albert Wesker


He didn't really have a great introduction to the RE series, but his revival in Code Veronica really attached me to his character in a big way. He's always 5 steps ahead of everyone else and pulls all the strings. I've never wanted the villain to win and kill all the heroes until Wesker came along. It also helps he basically became a bullet dodging omnipotent "God." It's just such a shame his ousting was so poorly done, he deserved more... much much more.
It is a rough choice definitely. But, it wasn't very difficult to narrow down two influenced me the most. I know at least Biojex is in the Wesker boat with me :lol
Protagonist: Solid Snake, because he's the coolest mofo in all of gaming.

Antagonist: Sepiroth, because his theme song makes all villains look puny.
Sephiroth would probably be my 2nd choice. If I grew up with FFVII, he probably would of been my choice. But unfortunately I didn't get into it until about 10 years ago.
Sephiroth would probably be my 2nd choice. If I grew up with FFVII, he probably would of been my choice. But unfortunately I didn't get into it until about 10 years ago.

Have you played Kingdom Hearts, Pliss? Sepiroth appears in both games as a hidden boss, he WILL annihilate you. :lol
Neat thread! :duff

Snake's at the top of my list, too. But, for purely nostalgic purposes, I'll have to go with Joe Musashi from the old Shinobi games (Sega Genesis).


He's the last surviving ninja of his clan, and was set on a long quest for revenge against a high-tech criminal organization with mythological demons at its disposal. Shinobi is THE series that practically got me into gaming. The soundtracks were also pretty impressive. And besides, there was no other freakin' game (like Shinobi III) that had a ninja on a surfboard!!

It's too bad that Sega never made the effort to expand the franchise to compete with the likes of Ninja Gaiden. They did make a few spin-off games for the PS2, but they were lackluster at best.

Favorite Antagonist: Solidus Snake. Damn the Patriots! :lecture.

Have you played Kingdom Hearts, Pliss? Sepiroth appears in both games as a hidden boss, he WILL annihilate you. :lol

I've heard the stories :lol

I can't wait to see Play Arts Kai Sephiroth. I wouldn't doubt it's teased later in the year.

Neat thread! :duff

Snake's at the top of my list, too. But, for purely nostalgic purposes, I'll have to go with Joe Musashi from the old Shinobi games (Sega Genesis). He's the last surviving ninja of his clan, and was set on a long quest for revenge against a high-tech criminal organization with mythological demons at its disposal. Shinobi is THE series that practically got me into gaming. The soundtracks were also some of the best that I've heard in gaming. And besides, there was no other freakin' game that had a ninja on a surfboard!!


It's too bad that Sega never made the effort to expand the franchise to compete with the likes of Ninja Gaiden. They did make a few spin-off games for the PS2, but they were lackluster at best.

Favorite Antagonist: Solidus Snake. Damn the Patriots! :lecture.

Solidus is very misunderstood by the average MGS player... in a quasi way, he's actually the good guy. But the method of his goal is what perceived him as the villain. Yet another one of the many characters from the old school games that gets disrespected in the later games by just being a meat market.

My favorite Solidus moment.

That's a very fine analysis. Solidus did have to crack a few eggs along the way. But, I'd say his ultimate goal was noble, in that he wanted to free America from Patriot control, and return her to the principles of her founding. His methods may have been extreme, but I don't think the character would have cared if he was remembered as a villain, if it meant defeating a great evil in the end. It realllly sucks about what happened to him in MGS 4, though... he didn't deserve that ****.
The ends justified the means. I still remember playing it the first time and thinking, is it wrong that we have to kill him? But, Raiden was being blackmailed so he had no choice but to do so. Plus, it doesn't help there was so much bad blood between them.
dig this thread, great idea
my protagonist, while not necessarily a character would be the player from fallout 1- the Vault Dweller
and for antagonist id have to go for Frank Horrigan from fallout 2
yer I luv me some fallout
Agent 47 is probably my favorite protagonist. He's maintained a lot of character despite his virtual silence and when he does talk he has one of the most unique voices in gaming.

Andrew Ryan is my favorite antagonist . There really isn't anything to say about him that people don't already know.
Protagonist: Femshep!

Runners up: Gordon Freeman (Ross Scott Portrayal), The Grey Warden (DA:O)

Antagonist: The Reapers

Runners up: GLADOS, Handsome Jack, The Illusive Man
My knee-jerk picks would be the same as Snake Plissken's,: Solid Snake & Albert Wesker.

Though I could just as easily go with Leon S Kennedy, Shephard, Isaac Clarke or Cloud Strife as favorite protagonists.
Along with the Reapers, the Unitologists (from Dead Space), Sephiroth, or Zeus (from God of War) as favorite antagonists.
It is a rough choice definitely. But, it wasn't very difficult to narrow down two influenced me the most. I know at least Biojex is in the Wesker boat with me :lol

You've got me pegged! Albert Wesker is absolutely My favorite Antagonist.

Favorite Protagonist is a pretty typical response. It's everyones favorite Fairy Boi!

Pro has to be Shepard you go thru so much with him/her they become you in a way.

Ant hands is Albert Wesker imo the best bad guy is gaming close second is Liquid snake.