Yavin Luke 12"

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The headsculpt is...

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I dont know if they would have gotten permission from Sideshow they would have said something like look at what Sideshow has exclusively leaked to us. I am not the biggest fan of RS because I hate when they make corny and dumb movies like jokes like they did with this post on their website. Come on they just look stupid. I also love the sites who just copy and paste Sideshows announcement of a new product while giving no credit to the newsletter it is in.

Sorry rant over :D :D
Wow, he doesn't look like Luke too much. As soon as I saw the headshot of the Yavin Luke, I thought Dukes Of Hazzard... :D
jason2885 said:
I dont know if they would have gotten permission from Sideshow they would have said something like look at what Sideshow has exclusively leaked to us. I am not the biggest fan of RS because I hate when they make corny and dumb movies like jokes like they did with this post on their website. Come on they just look stupid. I also love the sites who just copy and paste Sideshows announcement of a new product while giving no credit to the newsletter it is in.

Sorry rant over :D :D

So you're saying you hate when someone takes the time to write something original and when someone cuts and pastes. Well sir, I think you just need to set up your own website and show us all how it should be done :monkey1 :monkey1 :monkey1 :monkey1 :monkey1 :monkey1 :monkey1

(for anyone who is taking me serious, please do note that there are seven monkey faces following my comment.)


((here's another for good measure))
All the monkey faces say to me is that you like to eat bananas in one gulp. :rotfl
MaulFan said:
No backlash, but man are you picky about grammar/spelling, it's just a web forum, since when was grammar, spelling and intelligence required of Star Wars collectors :) Hopefully not cuz I don't wanna be kicked out of the club, uh oh, I used "cuz" and "wanna", English police, beat him with your sticks.

Hey, I like slang and shorthand as much as the next guy - it just bugs me when people use a wrong spelling that has a totally different meaning ("mute" instead of "moot", "your" instead of "you're", "it's" instead of "its" etc). I know English is constantly evolving, but hey, we have to maintain some basic rules of style.

But I'll try and restrain myself ... sorry! :eek:
So you're saying you hate when someone takes the time to write something original and when someone cuts and pastes. Well sir, I think you just need to set up your own website and show us all how it should be done :monkey1 :monkey1 :monkey1 :monkey1 :monkey1 :monkey1 :monkey1

(for anyone who is taking me serious, please do note that there are seven monkey faces following my comment.)


((here's another for good measure))

Sorry if I went off on you I just see this with alot of sites and those two things annoy me a bit. This is definitely not the worst example of it. Thats why I normally am not checking out these sites as much as I used too. Im thinking about getting out of Hasbro and just buying SS and GG so Im mainly only looking here and GGC.
jason2885 said:
Im thinking about getting out of Hasbro and just buying SS and GG.
I made that decision 2-3 years ago and never looked back. Hasbro is, for the most part, "gahbage".
IrishJedi said:
I made that decision 2-3 years ago and never looked back. Hasbro is, for the most part, "gahbage".
I know but I have every single figure but 10 since 95 and I dont know if I can give it up this year.
IrishJedi said:
I made that decision 2-3 years ago and never looked back. Hasbro is, for the most part, "gahbage".

While I'm the same way, I think it's not exactly true that Hasbro is making garbage. They're making childrens' toys that a lot of adults are buying. SSC and GGS (not to mention Medicom and MR) are making collectibles for adults.

We, as a community, are just maturing.
jason2885 said:
Sorry if I went off on you...

Think nothing of it :)

Just a point though: as a reporter, it's important to change up your writing style from piece to piece. Sometimes you just have to write something silly to keep yourself from going crazy or getting bored.

((and I never thought I'd say this, but...)) Thank goodness Seth Gecko finally posted that picture. This entire thing has been driving me crazy. :eek:
Not digging the headsculpt. Looks like Michael Beck from The Warriors.

MaulFan said:
Chiming in a bit late here - if it says DO NOT PUBLISH - then "DO NOT PUBLISH!" Which means disseminating in any form. But you can't fault Homer for sharing, I think most fans would want to do the same.

However once it's up on Rebelscum it is, in my opinion, fair game. I've discussed this with SSC before, and although they hate when this happens - it can damage their relationship with the licensor, but once it's out - it's out.
I just wonder how long before we start seeing this more and more often. I mean really we have now seen a bunch of items turning up before Sideshow wants them to.
Darklord Dave said:
However once it's up on Rebelscum it is, in my opinion, fair game.

Credit where credit it due, Rebelscum weren't the first to post that pic, it showed up here first: https://dailyholocron.proboards77.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=fff&thread=1174425487&page=1

Never, in a million years would i post something like that if it hadn't already leaked.

truth of it all is, I don't really like when images for something leak. For instance, the Hasbro images that leaked before Toy Fair took the steam out of their display completely, but had the images not leaked, Hasbro collectors would have crapped themselves when they saw the TF coverage.

Same rule applies here. When Sideshow is able to release information on their own schedule we get to see a nice teaser image and then a week later we get to see a pile of great photos. This way we got one low res image.

Call me crazy, but their way is more exciting and creates the proper hype for the piece.
Credit where credit it due, Rebelscum weren't the first to post that pic, it showed up here first: https://dailyholocron.proboards77.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=fff&thread=1174425487&page=1

Never, in a million years would i post something like that if it hadn't already leaked.

truth of it all is, I don't really like when images for something leak. For instance, the Hasbro images that leaked before Toy Fair took the steam out of their display completely, but had the images not leaked, Hasbro collectors would have crapped themselves when they saw the TF coverage.

Same rule applies here. When Sideshow is able to release information on their own schedule we get to see a nice teaser image and then a week later we get to see a pile of great photos. This way we got one low res image.

Call me crazy, but their way is more exciting and creates the proper hype for the piece.
Thats funny I PM Seth Gecko the pic after he requested it in the request thread and then he posted it on his message board I guess. I didnt think anyone would have the guts to just post it out in the open like that though. I just hope no one get in trouble for leaking the pic.