[XM Studios] Phoenix

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How can you be sure? Where are your numbers?

I think I have a pretty good understanding of how it works based on my conversations with my reseller.

Here is my suggestion to you...XM is pretty transparent, why not just ask them instead of whining? I bet they'll give an honest answer.

I agree, I get one from a friend on the company. They allow him 5-6 of each statue , He charges me a tad over the actual cost ... I am paying 950 SGP the for Wolvey and Phoenix. XM is very transparent, however I did try and get one for my father last night from simply toys and it was mother of cluster ****s. She had high demand but to crash a website ....... certainly not that many.
The way XM is doing business , i think its better they do the way commissioners do, announce a project, wait for 1000 people to sign up and close it out, no need to set up POs which majority dont get to do,, because of all the backdoor deals and friends of friends of friends helping you out much before PO day,, totally unprofessional for a business but the way people doing commissions ,take this route

You do realize they can only sell to their licensed area and it's a lot smaller then North America.... The backdoor deals is pretty much the only way for people outside their licensed area to get the statues. If XM had a sign up sheet for the first 1000 people they would all have to have valid address within their licensed area, which means the ONLY way for us living outside the license areas would be to buy from flippers on that 1000 person list at probably 3x the prices.... that would really suck...
Well everybody is different. It's good it wasn't difficult for you, but your experience can't be projected to other people. Myself and others experienced chasing leads, not getting through with DMs and emails, being told early on that lists are full, etc. Anyway it's a good heads up for those who might want the highly anticipated statues in the future and knowing there's multiple chances beyond forum members and Simply Toys.


That's the problem with being outside their licensed territories, were like vultures who only get the leftovers, and there's a lot of vultures and not enough leftovers :(
So, I think I have come to the point where my collecting habits will change. After missing out on XM Phoenix last night, it got me thinking. While it sucked that I missed out on her, it was SOOO EXCITING. The thrill of the hunt for a truly QUALITY statue was just awesome...hopefully next time I want an XM piece, I will get it. This got me thinking about how I approach collecting right now...which is basically just PO whatever I really want, and almost always the EX. But with SSC really getting lazy, I think I am done with that mentality. I'm not POing anymore EXs right off the bat unless it's a great EX and I really want the statue. So, immediately after SDCC, I had made up my mind to get Emma Frost PF EX, Batgirl PF EX, Powergirl PF EX, Boba Fett PF EX, and eventually Vader PF EX. I ordered Emma EX cuz it came out while I was still excited about those choices. But after seeing Emma's EX and Batgirl's EX, I've had it. I'm not cancelling any of my current POs but I'm settling for the regular on Batgirl, mostly likely Powergirl, and probably Boba Fett as well. I'm gonna wait a good long while and try to get it cheaper much longer down the road. SSC has made it so EXs are no longer worth buying IMO. This will also free up immediate funds for future XM POs!!!
I have a feeling there will be some extra phoenix's from members who doubled up by buying one from Simple toys due to not getting a conformation email from Mark, odds are Mark will come through and then these members will have an extra one, if they are honorable collectors they will help out some of the members here who didn't get one....
The policy of allowing friends of the company to order more than 1 is the issue. Imagine if Sideshow, PCS or ARH allowed this. Then the "friends" sell them for a 10-20% mark up even before PO date. I'm sure there would have been a huge outrage. I contacted some of these friends and personally refused to pay full retail for something I had the chance of getting at almost 20% lower. I know it was a chance and unfortunately I missed out on getting it from ST. But I think the point Dhaval and others are making is, XM Studios also has a responsibility here. It they didn't allow more than 1 sale per customer we wouldn't have this problem . Every retailer would get an appropriate allocation (rightly so because they are legitimate businesses not "entrepreneurs") and we legitimate collectors would have a fair chance at obtaining one. You will see a fair amount of these popping up for sale at ludicrous prices eventually. I think that's the issue that is upsetting. Not that we missed out .
Post by XM Rep over in SF..

XM said:
Originally Posted by shorudan
I'm truly sorry some of you feel upset about not being able to secure one - I fully understand that frustration as I'm a collector myself and I have been through that believe me.

I know what I'm about to say may not make you feel better but this is the nature of the game - if we keep ES low (to keep things rare and protect our collectors) AND we are only allowed to sell in Asia - there WILL be people especially in the other territories that face difficulties in getting our products. This is a reality, not something we do on purpose. Increasing ES isn't the answer, eliminating the under table and friends of friends behind the scenes dealing is also not as easy to manage as one might imagine. We are producers of statues, focusing on QC - distribution isn't our business and we rely on channels, so we really do have limited say in how their businesses are being conducted. Remember, they carry ALOT more of other brand's products, not just ours. It's impossible for us to know if they are keeping it for themselves or did they actually sell it because in our view, they have purchased bulk as distributors.

But I'm not saying this is the best situation - yes there are room for improvement (always will be) and we are brainstorming on ways to see what we can do. We will continue to try all avenues because YOU guys are why we're in business.

For those who scored the Phoenix, congrats! For those who scored more than 1, please be kind to fellow collectors and share - it's a really big piece so you won't have space to display 2 of them anyway .

For those who weren't able to get one, I say to you - don't give up! We raised the ES to our promised limit of 999 and there are still distributors who have not opened up for sale yet - there are still stock out there.

There will always be scalpers - especially more so in our situation where we are only limited to Asia. Be careful of who you deal with and do not budge if the price is exorbitant. Pay for only what you deem reasonable. If you suspect foul play with any of our authorized distributors - TELL US. Write me at [email protected]. We need to know.

Last but not least - I enjoyed the last 24 hours. When was it last you experienced such drama, excitement, happiness, sadness? This is what makes collecting interesting, alive again! The thrill of the hunt, the possibility of not scoring the kill. You'd win some, you'd lose some, but most importantly, all of you went through it together, shared this frustrating but bonding moment and became closer as collectors. That is priceless - we are all in good company here in statue forum!
The policy of allowing friends of the company to order more than 1 is the issue. Imagine if Sideshow, PCS or ARH allowed this. Then the "friends" sell them for a 10-20% mark up even before PO date. I'm sure there would have been a huge outrage. I contacted some of these friends and personally refused to pay full retail for something I had the chance of getting at almost 20% lower. I know it was a chance and unfortunately I missed out on getting it from ST. But I think the point Dhaval and others are making is, XM Studios also has a responsibility here. It they didn't allow more than 1 sale per customer we wouldn't have this problem . Every retailer would get an appropriate allocation (rightly so because they are legitimate businesses not "entrepreneurs") and we legitimate collectors would have a fair chance at obtaining one. You will see a fair amount of these popping up for sale at ludicrous prices eventually. I think that's the issue that is upsetting. Not that we missed out .

I don't think there "friends of XM" as much as mini resellers, and there is no proof or anything just my suspicion, but I think XM gives these "friends" some inventory in order to sell to us collectors in these forums who are outside their licensed areas. And I don't think they get that many as they sold out very quickly, also note that all these "friends" also sold at the same prices as Simple Toys and the other authorized resellers so they were not gouging us.... The people who are posting Phoenix for 2x-3x the price are people who just bought her from other stores in Singapore and are flipping... this happens with every company including SS, well before they decided to do 9000 ES :)
The policy of allowing friends of the company to order more than 1 is the issue. Imagine if Sideshow, PCS or ARH allowed this. Then the "friends" sell them for a 10-20% mark up even before PO date. I'm sure there would have been a huge outrage. I contacted some of these friends and personally refused to pay full retail for something I had the chance of getting at almost 20% lower. I know it was a chance and unfortunately I missed out on getting it from ST. But I think the point Dhaval and others are making is, XM Studios also has a responsibility here. It they didn't allow more than 1 sale per customer we wouldn't have this problem . Every retailer would get an appropriate allocation (rightly so because they are legitimate businesses not "entrepreneurs") and we legitimate collectors would have a fair chance at obtaining one. You will see a fair amount of these popping up for sale at ludicrous prices eventually. I think that's the issue that is upsetting. Not that we missed out .

SS, PCS and ARH don't have a restriction on their license but XM does. So lets say Kenny and Mark were only allotted 1?...how many more of us in the restricted territories would be SOL. If the resellers were not helping us out do you really think the sell out would have been different? I don't think so. There would just be that many more without an order in NA. XM is doing what they can to help us within the limits of their contract.
SS, PCS and ARH don't have a restriction on their license but XM does. So lets say Kenny and Mark were only allotted 1?...how many more of us in the restricted territories would be SOL. If the resellers were not helping us out do you really think the sell out would have been different? I don't think so. There would just be that many more without an order in NA.
Let me clarify, I'm not claiming that everyone out there is trying to make a massive profit. But I personally know of some who are offering the prices I mentioned. Also some of them are allowing more than 1 to be purchased as well. I know a guy locally who bought 2 from one of the aforementioned as well. He's already started asking for a premium. I understand what you guys are saying but IMO the regional restrictions can't be used as justification. Well that's my pov anyway :).

If someone got two like Dan said and is willing to transfer one to other collectors like me please let me. Until then the hunt continues :D
The policy of allowing friends of the company to order more than 1 is the issue. Imagine if Sideshow, PCS or ARH allowed this. Then the "friends" sell them for a 10-20% mark up even before PO date. I'm sure there would have been a huge outrage. I contacted some of these friends and personally refused to pay full retail for something I had the chance of getting at almost 20% lower. I know it was a chance and unfortunately I missed out on getting it from ST. But I think the point Dhaval and others are making is, XM Studios also has a responsibility here. It they didn't allow more than 1 sale per customer we wouldn't have this problem . Every retailer would get an appropriate allocation (rightly so because they are legitimate businesses not "entrepreneurs") and we legitimate collectors would have a fair chance at obtaining one. You will see a fair amount of these popping up for sale at ludicrous prices eventually. I think that's the issue that is upsetting. Not that we missed out .

this was the point im trying to make, why should these friends be allocated more, are they retailers ? no, ! these friends too should be able to secure like everyone else on date of PO,, thats what i find so unprofessional here, XM was granted a license to sell in certain areas, they are using a method to go around it and trying to sell their product, I think if SS could , the can make a strong case to get XM license cancelled, because it certainly is affecting their business
Let me clarify, I'm not claiming that everyone out there is trying to make a massive profit. But I personally know of some who are offering the prices I mentioned. Also some of them are allowing more than 1 to be purchased as well. I know a guy locally who bought 2 from one of the aforementioned as well. He's already started asking for a premium. I understand what you guys are saying but IMO the regional restrictions can't be used as justification. Well that's my pov anyway :).

If someone got two like Dan said and is willing to transfer one to other collectors like me please let me. Until then the hunt continues :D

You will never be able to stop people from doing this. There are those who got two (or who knows more) because maybe they locked one in for someone else and then there are peeps who got one and will be selling it for a premium. XM can't stop it.
Oh yeah I totally agree. XM STUDIOS can't police this. What I'm suggesting though is they restrict individual sales to one. Only companies should be allowed multiple purchases. Possibly once the company becomes more financially able they will start putting in more controls. And like posted above they are very transparent and willing to put in the effort to please their fans. I'm sure they will get there.

You want to laugh, ST messed up my membership status, basically I'm an Elite member after Hulk and was supposed to have this available before. They missed my email to them earlier and never replied. After today's incident I called them and they acknowledged that I'm an elite member. They're trying to help out with Phoenix. Let's see :)
this was the point im trying to make, why should these friends be allocated more, are they retailers ? no, ! these friends too should be able to secure like everyone else on date of PO,, thats what i find so unprofessional here, XM was granted a license to sell in certain areas, they are using a method to go around it and trying to sell their product, I think if SS could , the can make a strong case to get XM license cancelled, because it certainly is affecting their business

It sure helped a lot of collectors here that wouldn't have had a shot otherwise. There are methods to get around things all the time. I don't find it unprofessional at all but rather considerate.

BTW, did you get one?
It sure helped a lot of collectors here that wouldn't have had a shot otherwise. There are methods to get around things all the time. I don't find it unprofessional at all but rather considerate.

BTW, did you get one?

nope , wasnt interested in this ., waiting for Ms Marvel reveal , DD , SPider-Man ,SHe Hulk.. Im not too inclined towards backdoor deals, what if the shipment goes missing, gets damaged real badly, i dont want to keep bothering the person who helped me out,
I would prefer to order from Simply Toys, but I tried to see how it would work out if i was ordering on Simply Toys and I never even got a chance to add it to my cart,
so it looks like my route will be these backdoor deals which i dont wanna do
this was the point im trying to make, why should these friends be allocated more, are they retailers ? no, ! these friends too should be able to secure like everyone else on date of PO,, thats what i find so unprofessional here, XM was granted a license to sell in certain areas, they are using a method to go around it and trying to sell their product, I think if SS could , the can make a strong case to get XM license cancelled, because it certainly is affecting their business

Man, SS business is affected because of their products/QC/and questionable business practices. Leave XM out of this talk.

Kenny and Mark are official XM distributors please don't mix it up with "friends". As for friends, the XM guys been in business for many years, they were small business relying friends repeat business, if those friends who have supported them many years walk in and want a couple Phoenix. I won't fault them for selling it to them. Rather than selling to people who decided oh I want this ONE beautiful statue, if I don't have it I am going to call for your license getting cancelled. What they could possibly improve on is announce the % of the ES that they are allocating for direct sale (ones that their friends/elite members can buy from).

In the end, it really doesn't matter, most of us can't buy direct. I for one am grateful there are ways to get their products.
this was the point im trying to make, why should these friends be allocated more, are they retailers ? no, ! these friends too should be able to secure like everyone else on date of PO,, thats what i find so unprofessional here, XM was granted a license to sell in certain areas, they are using a method to go around it and trying to sell their product, I think if SS could , the can make a strong case to get XM license cancelled, because it certainly is affecting their business

Long as XM only sells to their license areas there is nothing anyone can do.... Just because resellers are selling to us doesn't mean XM is doing anything wrong... The ONLY way XM can get in trouble is if they sold directly to us. I know it sucks to miss out on a statue you want, I originally missed out on Magneto but I was able to secure one few days later, I made a deal with someone to do a group package which included Magneto and this person accepted my offer... note I didn't pay anything over retail for any of the statues in the package so it was a legit and fair deal.