Action Figure World War Z Brad Pitt Head Sculpt

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The Skull

Super Freak
Apr 12, 2011
Reaction score
New York
Hey guys, I was just wondering if any of you seen this sculpt yet




Looks pretty good to me, I'm going to go see the movie tomorrow and have been looking into making a custom if the movie rocks. This looks a like a great option, what do you guys think?
Saw the movie last week, and this looks pretty good, but its not for me.
It looks a bit off... maybe a little too young and doe-eyed. But for the price it's more than sufficient if you were going to bash the character.
Looks better straight-on than from the sides. This guy has a notoriously difficult likeness to capture.

I can agree with that, I've seen a lot of bad pitt likeness's though the years. The only one I actually have is the hot toys aldo raine and that's about the best out there, they captured him there.

As for this sculpt, I think its 80% there, Like you say straight-on its really good, from the side a little less so, but overall its a quality head from what I can tell from the pics. I will have it in hand in a week or two so I will have a better idea then.

I'm going to watch the matinee in a couple of hours, I'm gunna see what outfit he wears in the movie and start ordering later today. I have a few bodys in mind for the bash, i'm thinking the ttm19 or aci christen body should do the trick.
Yeah, he's a tricky one... I've noticed some sculpts also seem to look spot-on in their raw form, but when painted look like a stand-in :huh

Guess when you're that purty it's near impossible to capture all of the majesty in one sculpt :lol

Maybe one day we'll see Trevor take a crack at him, if anyone could do it it's him :lecture
Guess when you're that purty it's near impossible to capture all of the majesty in one sculpt :lol
It's funny, they've done studies that suggest the more "average" a person looks (literally merging images together to make faces look more like an average of multiple faces), the more attractive they are perceived. Based on that premise, I would think one of the more handsome people in movies would be easier to capture than some of the ugly mugs people have a much easier time with. But maybe the problem is just that there aren't many truly distinguishing features for sculptors to focus on.
Ok so I seen the movie now I'm all in for this bash, I want to go with the tan tactical pants and black shirt look. I've be poking around online to find the right stuff, nothing Is perfect for the job so the hunt continues. Anyone got leads on gear for this bash?

Yeah I like this sculpt, but the side is a little off, just ordered it anyway :) wish all heads were at this price. Going to tweak it and bash a Snatch Mickey.