World Box 1:6 "anatomically correct" male body with & without head

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More like, why is still a subject of discussion...
Who cares, the body is good.

Yes, the shaded one is the one with the Shane head. Better body than HT IMHO!

Pretty dumb to have 2 paint apps.
I'm guessing with the Pen Island most pants wouldn't look nice with it. Since real Pens are soft and gets compressed under the pants while this one is a real hard one and will protrude under the pants.

Well unless you dress em up with skirts.
Nope. The teeny peeny looks fine in trousers, more realistic than those poor unfortunates who have nothing in that area, in fact. It is so small that it doesn't get in the way or look obvious.
Great comparison shots mau.
Did’nt think a johnson was necessary but more affordable bodies are always welcome woody an all.
Please post the cycling shorts pics just to see the difference:lol
OK. Here we are. The Cycling Shorts Test. The ultimate test of inappopriate bulginess.

TTM-19. Flat as a pancake.


World Box. Something to fill the front but not so much as to be obscene.


So, even in the most revealing trousers I could find, the teeny peen doesn't look obvious. Is there any point having it? Not really, besides the novelty value.
Yeah dont make much difference but least hes got a package small as it is.
About time someone put one on a figure.
Gotta laugh at the censored pics though.
Not sure I see the point in this "accurate" body.

The point is, it's a TTM-19 without the $100 mark-up.

Not sure I see the point in getting so hung up on a *****.
This is a really great body better than the ttm19 for my use.
I got the version with the head, which has the body painted.
Its pretty annoying that the cheaper headless version is not painted.
The chest part is some hard rubber or plastic hence the neck don't move like the ttm19 do but that's ok.
The shoulder joint are similar to the elbow joint, a ball with pins that go in the chest and in the arm. You lose the back and forward movements that the ttm19 has but again it's ok.
Wonder if it possible to remove them with Hot water?
the one that is not shiny, is painted and comes with Shane head.
but the head is a little on the big sized (especially as bald head) and a little too red for the body
here is the comparison of its original head (shane) and modified Headplay Ryan Reynolds on mine

after posing around with it for few weeks, I think the ankle need to be tightened up, because this body is heavy, and most likely top heavy, so it demands stronger/ tighter ankle than lighter bodies to stay stable without stander. the whole body is hard, but not brittle hard,more like headsculpt material, you can't deform it by pushing it, but it won't crack easily either.
Good point about the body being top heavy. It does need care to position it without toppling, which the lighter bodies don't. However, I didn't find it to be substantially more wobbly than the TTM-19, which is also pretty solid. The ankles on mine are pretty tight and seem to be staying that way, in spite of a lot of positioning and re-positioning. I will watch them, though.

My new observation is that the rubber off the top of one deltoid appears to be rubbing thin, with a lighter colour (the armature?) showing through. I commented before about how tight a fit the arms are to the shoulder sockets and how rigid the material is at the sockets. This seems to be the consequence. It is not horrific (yet) but I will keep an eye on it.