"Why doesn't Sideshow make figures for girls?"

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
May 22, 2006
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Eden Prairie, MN
My wife asked me this last night and I tried to convince her that one or more Queen Amidalas *would* be coming from SS.

But really, a lot of us can afford SS products because of the second income from our wives. I think it'd be nice if they threw our gracious better halves a "girly" figure once in a while. Which for SW really means cranking out some Padmes. Especially those Queen outfits which have an almost China doll appearance.

I'd guess most women didn't latch on to the original OT as little girls like we all did as boys. Then they marry us and are introduced to the movies and get to jump on board with the prequels, which means connecting with Natalie Portman moreso than Carrie Fisher.

My wife agreed to allocate funds to seven Premium format figures: ANH Leia, Dagobah Luke/Yoda, Boba Fett, R2/3PO two-pack, ROTS Anakin, TPM or AOTC Padme, and TPM or ROTS Obi-Wan. But she's really looking forward to the Padme figure (I'm hoping its arena Padme as it would look cool posing her in a white outfit and holding a Battle Droid blaster next to Leia in a white outfit holdiing a Stormtrooper blaster) but she's hoping it'll be a more "girly" Amidala. I just hope she comes out sooner rather than later.

Anyone else have a wife/fiance/girlfriend who wishes that SS would make figures that cater a little more towards them?
Khev said:
Anyone else have a wife/fiance/girlfriend who wishes that SS would make figures that cater a little more towards them?

I have one that wishes Sideshow didn't exist!
My wife would argue that the Anakin figure is for girls. Especially when posed with his shirt open.

My wife's a weird chick. :cool:
My fiance' does not care if they make figure for girls or not. She thinks it's all nerdy.
Khev said:
I'd guess most women didn't latch on to the original OT as little girls like we all did as boys. Then they marry us and are introduced to the movies and get to jump on board with the prequels, which means connecting with Natalie Portman moreso than Carrie Fisher.

Anyone else have a wife/fiance/girlfriend who wishes that SS would make figures that cater a little more towards them?

Customikey said:
My wife would argue that the Anakin figure is for girls. Especially when posed with his shirt open.

My wife's a weird chick. :cool:

King Darkness said:
I have one that wishes Sideshow didn't exist!

My wife would be all of the above actually!! :)

Well, the part about wishing Sideshow didn't exist...that's only when I go on my pre-ordering binges without having the $$ to back it up. That's why I'm glad they make cancelling so painless and without penalty.

My wife is one of those women who never saw SW before we were together, thought fans were nerds/geeks, etc. etc. That only took me a few years to change. Now, it's 5 years later, and she asks me semi-regularly if Sideshow has announced when they might do a 1/6 scale Yoda.

So, I guess she'd be more interested in Yoda figures than Padme/Leia. Which is a mixed blessing/regret for me. Blessing because now she collects SW too on a more limited level (Yoda collection), but regrettable because she claimed my Kotobukiya Yoda!!! And it was her X-Mas present to me last year too!!!

Now I have to walk ten feet to the living room to see it!! Aarrrgghhh!!!!!

:lol :lol :lol
for the most part my wife doesnt care much at all about my collection. It just gets the passing "Yeah, thats cool lookin", and only if asked. haha

she doesnt come out and ask, but I know she worries a little about the cost of them. but as long as the bills are paid we both can do our own thing with our extra $$$. Thank God for separate bank accounts (will never do that joint account thing again)

.. although I will say her interest is growing somewhat now that Ive started trying to sculpt my own stuff. She seemms genuinely interested in that, but she just entertains me with interest in all my SS stuff.

girls have had Barbie's for years. Sideshow is a MAN's doll! ... er .. collectible :confused: (Im only kidding girls)
Interesting topic.
As a girl/woman I enjoy all the 1/6 figures SS creates.
I grew up watching the original SW movies and connect
more with those characters. I like Luke as well as Leia
and would love a 1/6 Lando or Wedge figure. I don't need
girlie figures to pique my interest. But then again I am a geek
from way back.
My husband puts up with my hobby and I put up with his so
no problems there. Just allocating funds when more than one
figure comes out at the same time is a challenge.
Not with a lady at the moment...alas...so I have none of the problems you other fellas seem to have with your's...
But, I do have friends with wives that think I am a NUT for having all this stuff...One buddy's wife had him systematically get rid of his entire Star Wars collection! ALL OF IT! He may have kept a couple of his favorites...
And she asks me, when looking at my extensive 12" SW collection, "Are you keeping all this?" To which I say, "UH, YEAH!....I didn't spend the better part of the last 20 years collecting it all, to just SELL IT OFF!" To which my buddy hangs his head in shame! :D

Alas...I am the great VINDICATOR of all troubled and immasculated male collectors!

So, to this thread question I say, COLLECT THEM OR NOT, women! All are welcome! They are movie characters open to all!
I hav Barbies products too, where needed....when it applies....so...:monkey5


I am collector! Hear me roar! :monkey4
Figuremaster Les said:
Not with a lady at the moment...alas...so I have none of the problems you other fellas seem to have with your's...
But, I do have friends with wives that think I am a NUT for having all this stuff...One buddy's wife had him systematically get rid of his entire Star Wars collection! ALL OF IT! He may have kept a couple of his favorites...
And she asks me, when looking at my extensive 12" SW collection, "Are you keeping all this?" To which I say, "UH, YEAH!....I didn't spend the better part of the last 20 years collecting it all, to just SELL IT OFF!" To which my buddy hangs his head in shame! :D

Alas...I am the great VINDICATOR of all troubled and immasculated male collectors!

So, to this thread question I say, COLLECT THEM OR NOT, women! All are welcome! They are movie characters open to all!
I hav Barbies products too, where needed....when it applies....so...:monkey5


I am collector! Hear me roar! :monkey4

BOY, that really ticks me off. Why did your buddy let his wife make him sell of his passion? If I were to get married, which probably isn't going to happen, I'd rather sell my soul then my collection. If she really loved me, she would love everything about me and have to put up with it.
My girlfriend thinks its dumb for me to buy any type or toys or collectibles in the first place. She has actually made a comment about my Hasbro slave Leia about how I had a doll that was in a bikini, and I think it would be worse if they were more girls.
She doesnt understand why I buy all of this stuff but she hasnt told me not too and says she wont. She just gets upset if I buy more than one of the same thing. I have yet to let her know I have 2 Lukes and 2 Anakins. She also doesnt understand why I have to sit on a computer at 1 oclock on Friday to order a doll as she calls them thats $50 and want be here for 6 month.
It is very hard to explain to others about collecting figures.
My family thinks I am weird to spend money on dolls (as they call them).
I just tell them at least I end up with something when I spend money
on my figures, unlike their buying cigarettes and spending money on
things that they smoke or drink. I end up with something I consider
valuable, I tell them I could be a drug addict or a sex fiend. I think
collecting is a relatively harmless pursuit.
The only comments my girlfriend has said about my Luke is, "Why are his arms so long?".
Don't the female SS figures qualify as "dolls" which girls might appreciate? e.g. Buffy, Drusilla, Darla, Willow, Scully, Onnatop, Wai Lin, etc.

OK, Padme fashion dress line might be interesting... maybe two versions of Padme as Queen and Senator... then multiple costume accessory packs...
fishyahoo said:
Don't the female SS figures qualify as "dolls" which girls might appreciate? e.g. Buffy, Drusilla, Darla, Willow, Scully, Onnatop, Wai Lin, etc.
Probably, but that does nothing for those of us with no interest in collecting Buffy, X-Files or James Bond figures. :)

fishyahoo said:
OK, Padme fashion dress line might be interesting... maybe two versions of Padme as Queen and Senator... then multiple costume accessory packs...
Now you're talking.
I think Sideshow has a potential untapped market with females.

If they would make PF's of marketable male big stars like Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise in their signature movies, more females will get into the hobby.
I can't wait to see you significant other's reaction when you get that GG Slave Leia! Let the insecurities begin.
Whether a character is more appealing to boys or girls should not be a criterion IMO. And I hope it's not for Sideshow. You don't need to be a girl to see the beauty, and elegancy in Padmé's or Galadriel's dresses. And you don't need to be a man to see the functionality and craftsmanship that's put into the Jedi robes, or Gimli's armor. In the end, I think it comes down to whether you like a character and/or his looks or not. And if you are willing to spend your cash on it or not. I can't wait for Sideshow to release (12") figures in more elegant garments like Padmé, Palpatine, Nute Gunray, or some of the LotR Elves like Elrond, Haldir or Galadriel.
Darth Loki said:
I can't wait to see you significant other's reaction when you get that GG Slave Leia! Let the insecurities begin.

Hmm.... thinking would it be possible to convert bounty hunter Boushh / Leia into Slave Leia... :confused:
Darth Loki said:
I can't wait to see you significant other's reaction when you get that GG Slave Leia! Let the insecurities begin.
By the way when does that go up for order and how much is going to cost. Also how big is it going to be. I might just have to get one it looks amazing. I mean its a really great sculpt. :D