Which Hot Toys Civil War Figures Will You Buy?

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Which Civil War Figures Will You Be Adding to Your Collection?

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Looks like it's possible Falcon will be the only Civil War figure I get. I didn't get the WS version, and I am glad I waited for this version. I don't buy a lot of multiples and I try to just have the representations which reminds me most of their comic book versions.

I won't get Cap because I have AOU Cap which is my favorite. I do also have the First Avenger Cap. Two Caps is enough for me.

I won't get the new Iron Man because I have the Die Cast MarkIII and that seems the most classic comic in looks to me. I also have the Silver Centurian, but besides that I haven't collected all the armors so the CW one doesn't tempt me. I might be tempted however if they announced a Diecast MKVI which looks a lot like the comic Extremis version with the triangle reactor. If they did, I might want the CW version, which looks like the Bleeding Edge Armor, to have a comic inspired evolution of the character to go with the figures I have. Even still, if I did, I might be happy with the Power Pose version and save from money. I like the armor, but it's not my favorite and so I wouldn't need all the bells and whistles.

As for Hawkeye, I am happy with my AOU version which I bought after I saw the design work for the CW version.

Black Widow, I am happy with the WS version

Vision, happy with AOU version.

Scarlet Witch- I decided on the New Avenger version and have her pre-ordered.

Ant-Man, I passed on a HT Ant-Man and have a tiny version of Ant-Man dispalyed with my HT's that came with a smaller scaled figure line. If I were to have gotten a HT version of the charachter I would have prefered the one from the Ant-Man movie - that looks beautiful.

War-Machine, The MK3 is tempting because I like the bulkier look of War Machine. I have the MK2, but I am tempted to sell it and pick up the Mk1 or Mk3 instead. Still, selling the MK2 at likely a loss and paying more for one of the other 2 versions isn't an easy choice. I like the other 2 versions better but the question is how much better and which one should I pick?

Black Panther, this one is also tempting, but I am thinking of waiting for the one that will come out with his own movie. My guess is I will prefer that one when it comes out over the one from Civil War.

Spidey, This one will also be tempting once they show us what it will look like I am sure, but I am thinking I may also prefer the one that will come out with his solo movie too. We'll see if I can resist after (if?) they announce it.

Finally Bucky/Winter Soldier. I don't have a Winter Solder figure but I am thinking I may prefer the WS version to this one despite the fact that I think the head sculpt on the CW is better. The WS one just has more stuff and would look good displayed next to my SW Black Widow.
Depending on how the sculpt turns out, I may have to get a Bucky now. His banter with Falcon was hilarious and that bit at the end there, when he was reminiscing with Steve? Awesome.
I honestly am tempted to get the new Bucky despite having the first release. Really liked the character in the film and would like the new version for the clean sculpt. If it were $200 or maybe even $210 I'd probably have already went for it but I feel like by the time shipping is factored in he's a bit high. Maybe I'll use a coupon on him at some point.
I kept hoping Nomad would make a cameo when they were in the VW...
Originally I was aiming to get as few a figures as possible so mainly concentrating on figures which took my interest which I don't yet own, I broke it down to 3 spots; Black Widow, Falcon and War Machine.

However seeing the figures trickle out through various show and Internet debuts over the last 4 months or more things started to change with the usual purchase creep.

So right now I am thinking from my original 3;

  • Black Widow, picking this one up as though I prefer the WS version overall with the SHIELD costume and alternate "Widow Bites" this one has the better HS (personal opinion) and hair, wish it had the WB effects like the AoU figure but I suppose thats a small point. Buy
  • Falcon, loved his suit and portrayal in both Ant-Man and CW so its an easy buy, kinda wish like others had said we had gotten the option to have his wings as a shield (little bit of a nod to the current comic FalconCap maybe?). Buy
  • War Machine, loved him in the film but figure wise the Mk1 is more iconic so a Pass
  • Mark 46, looked great and enjoyed seeing him as both a hero and a bad guy at the same time, always had my head that I would get him. Buy

Now for the ones I was on the fence for or said an initial no to

  • Cap, since I have the AoU which is so similar I initially said easy pass but the more I have seen of the different costume and enjoying the movie so much he's now a buy (maybe with the promo shield if I can get one). Do wish he didn't come with the Avengers logos but small detail (really considering collecting more Cap, was collecting IM but now selling off the 2 non main armours I have of him and considering possibly scaling down again in the future with new versions coming out... Even considering the STIRKE Cap to join my SHIELD team even if he wan't well received). Buy
  • Hawkeye, like Cap I have the AoU one and just like with that figure I will aim to keep them both (least for now) as I enjoyed his input into the film and the costume has really grown on me, if I can find the space I am going to have an Avengers shelf and an Agents of SHIELD so I can swap over the Hawkeye's between the two (same if I ever get another Widow and didn't want to sell on the CW version), Buy
  • Spiderman, I could wait for the solo film (like I am doing with Black Panther) but loved his introduction and he may be one where I pick up more than one (for the record I loved BP too but not enough to jump on this), Buy

Like I said some creep, still on the fence with Scarlett Witch but she may go onto the list but I have no interest in Cross Bones or Vision right now, I have already ordered more than I thought I would be for 2016 so far and soon attention will be shifting towards Doctor Strange and next years slate of Marvel goodness never mind anything else from Star Wars and none Hot Toys related things.
I'm thinking of selling my AOU Cap to fund a Civil War Version. On top of that, I would probably get

Iron Man
Black Widow
Black Panther
Antman (Maybe)
Spider-Man (if it gets announced)
Civil War is going to hurt my bank account, lol…

Will be picking up the following figures as they release from Secret Base:

- Captain America
- Bucky (Skipped Winter Soldier version… like the head sculpt 100x better here)
- Falcon (Skipped Winter Soldier version… wanted the red and black outfit)
- Scarlet Witch (Will likely sell my AoU version in favor of this one)
- Sharon Carter (If she gets a release)
- Hawkeye
- Black Widow (Love the new head sculpt… fingers crossed for no more "dead eyes")
- Black Panther
- Spider-Man / Tony Stark 2-Pack (If this is released)
- War Machine Mark 3 (Will sell my AoU one to fund this upgrade… like the beefier armor better for him)
- Iron Man Mark 46

Skipping Vision is easy, basically the same as AoU… skipping both "Movie Promo Editions" of Cap and Scarlet Witch, as well.
Really did not care for Ant-Man's costume, and not digging the Rudd head sculpt, so most likely another pass.

If Crossbones had not been a throw-away villain I would have bought him, but as he was… passing on him.
Highly doubt there will be a Zemo figure until he actually gets a costume, so not one to worry about.

Will get Spidey any way they sell him, though the Stark 2-Pack makes the most sense if he has to be in a multi-pack.

So yeah, world of pain over the next 12 months until the line is completed for me.
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Pre-ordered: Iron Man, Black Panther and Winter Soldier :yess: Will also be ordering Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch and Spiderman (if he gets made)

In the unlikely event of a Sharon Carter release I would order her too. Might pick up Ant-Man at some point - love the character but am undecided as to whether to just wait for his next film. Crossbones, Vision, Falcon, WM and BW are all easy passes for me. Won't be getting Cap either as I have the AoU version which I'll use in my display with my IM3 War Machine to even it up. :)

So barring any unexpected surprises (hopefully) that's it for me from this film!! Bring on the next!! :thud:
I'm quite possibly selling my first Cap from First Avenger to fund a new figure(or cut the price down on two figures). I've cut my choices to AOU Vision, Ant-man(from his solo film), Han Solo, Winter Soldier, or Falcon. I may even use the money I get from Cap to pay half on two figures instead. I'm selling my Cap for 200 bucks. His shield is flaking and one of the straps on one of his guns has seen better days. Fair price or am I getting ripped off? Should I make the price higher or, considering the dings I have on his weaponry, is my friend getting a fair shake?

Cap is my fave avenger but with me already having Stealth Cap, Steve Rogers, and Civil War Cap on flexpay right now, I think I can part with him.
I'm quite possibly selling my first Cap from First Avenger to fund a new figure(or cut the price down on two figures). I've cut my choices to AOU Vision, Ant-man(from his solo film), Han Solo, Winter Soldier, or Falcon. I may even use the money I get from Cap to pay half on two figures instead. I'm selling my Cap for 200 bucks. His shield is flaking and one of the straps on one of his guns has seen better days. Fair price or am I getting ripped off? Should I make the price higher or, considering the dings I have on his weaponry, is my friend getting a fair shake?

Cap is my fave avenger but with me already having Stealth Cap, Steve Rogers, and Civil War Cap on flexpay right now, I think I can part with him.

Its current value is $220 with prices dropping over the past few months. https://www.collectht.com/guide/i/M...605/MMS-174---Captain-America--The-Avengers-/
I currently own Iron Patriot as my first Hot Toys figure. War Machine MK 1 Diecast is my 2nd figure. Just need a definitive Iron Man to complete my collection. So far I'm in love with the Mark 46 the only thing I'm concerned is the articulation for it. The prototype pictures don't give me the impression it has much articulation.

Not to mention the red paint that eventually fades to a light pink on Iron man figures that makes me reconsider whether I should even get a classic red colour scheme.

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I currently own Iron Patriot as my first Hot Toys figure. War Machine MK 1 Diecast is my 2nd figure. Just need a definitive Iron Man to complete my collection. So far I'm in love with the Mark 46 the only thing I'm concerned is the articulation for it. The prototype pictures don't give me the impression it has much articulation.

Not to mention the red paint that eventually fades to a light pink on Iron man figures that makes me reconsider whether I should even get a classic red colour scheme.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The fade happened (past tense) in a couple of the older figures. It is not a "common" problem. Maybe a couple hundred figures out of tens of thousands total figures. And the new ones do not suffer from it(new as in the last 4 or so years)

As for articulation...if you think the 46 doesn't have enough you should not be collecting hot toys. It has more then any human figure. More articulation then all cap figures, all Star Wars figures, all Thor figures and so on.
The fade happened (past tense) in a couple of the older figures. It is not a "common" problem. Maybe a couple hundred figures out of tens of thousands total figures. And the new ones do not suffer from it(new as in the last 4 or so years)

As for articulation...if you think the 46 doesn't have enough you should not be collecting hot toys. It has more then any human figure. More articulation then all cap figures, all Star Wars figures, all Thor figures and so on.

Thanks for the clarification on the red paint issue. With regards to the articulation, I guess I'm was more concerned with it due to the MK3 articulation (not a fan of the interchangeable torso)

Well it's still too early to tell, I will gladly wait for reviewers to give their input before taking the plunge. I'm just glad I don't face the issue where hot toys are sold out from where I stay. It's in fact cheaper to buy them once they are released compared to preordering since most of the collectors in my country horde them and subsequently sell them at a loss.
The mk3 is one out of 20 plus figures and the only one with that feature. And even with it, it's still got more articulation then most human figures.
My thoughts:

Crossbones: Had high hopes as I like the character in comics, was likely going to get. But I didn't like how he was depicted and only showed in the beginning and was killed/thrown away, like Batroc in WS. Was he even a part of the storyline or needed? So pass.

Zemo: Not like his comic version. No costume and he's a Sokovian, not a Hydra leader. Pass.

Sharon Carter: Will buy if she is made and good sculpt, need more female figures.

Captain America: I am a fan of the character, have all the previous except the Star Spangled man. May get him.

Bucky: I am happy with WS version as it depicts him in his element, as a villain. More accessories too. But I like how he was him in this film. Will see final product. Maybe.

Hawkeye: I have original. He was more of a cameo in this. No big parts but was great in his scenes. Pass.

Ant-Man: Don't have original. Although he had great scenes and became... His parts were small compared to the main characters. Pass.

Scarlet Witch: She shines. Awesome parts. Don't have a figure of her yet. This will be my first. And she showcases her powers great and shows great teamwork! She is very powerful.

Falcon: Don't have WS version almost got it because I like the detail but then I realized a colored one with red will be in CW. He was great in the film. Humor with Bucky, whole different moves (defensive) with folding wings, like a bird, more flexible. Not sure if I should wait until Infinity War. Maybe.

Iron-Man: I have Marks 7 and 33. I would get this if it wasn't diecast. Pass

War Machine: I like his original design the best, like the comics, which is the only version I have. Pass

Vision: I don't have the AOU version. For some reason I have no urge to get his character. Maybe if/when a romance with Wanda blossoms.

Black Widow: I have Avengers and WS version. May have to see final production headsculpt. I like hairstyle. Every time I see the Avengers version the more I like it the best even if it looks less like Scarlett.

Spider-Man: He was great in the film his fights with other heroes. I like the costume, although he wasn't a big part of the story. I have no figure of him. He will obviously be produced many times as this is his first appearance in MCU with more future appearances. Will wait for solo film version. Maybe.

Black Panther: He shines. A favorite. Probably will wait for solo film version. That should have more accessories, a Chadwick Boseman sculpt, and hopefully a cape with staff. Although his solo film doesn't come out until 2018. So may get this to hold me over. Also it represents when he was first introduced and played a big role in the film. Maybe.
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