What will be the most popular 12"?

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Fritz said:
Your most likely right but wasn't Nazi Kroenen one of the most desired figures at the time (at least to Hellboy collectors) and it was a SDCC exclusive. Now before you tell me to check my head because Star Wars and Hellboy aren't in the same league, I realize that but it's something to think about. :mona

The difference I see between Vader and Nazi Kroenen (very awesome figure BTW) is Vader pretty much looked the same through all films. Kroenen had a few different looks in that one film. I also think the Nazi theme may have something to do with that figure being a exclusive.

Now a sdcc version of Vader could be made with say just his helmet being able to be removed.
The difference I see between Vader and Nazi Kroenen (very awesome figure BTW) is Vader pretty much looked the same through all films. Kroenen had a few different looks in that one film. I also think the Nazi theme may have something to do with that figure being a exclusive.

Now a sdcc version of Vader could be made with say just his helmet being able to be removed.

First of all, I agree that Nazi Kroenen is an AWESOME figure. One if Sideshow's best. But Vader changed just as much from movie to movie as any other character. They're not all obvious changes, but most fanatics (those of us clogging the servers these past Wednesdays) can tell the differences in Vader from film to film. I can provide a list, if you'd like. :wacky
I think we're almost guaranteed Vader will be from ROTJ to go with the Luke figure. That seemed to be the process behind releasing Obi-Wan in his Ep III incarnation.
I think Sideshow realizes that a Collector's Club is necessary and that's what they were hinting at in the last newsletter.

Being a newsletter subscriber is great and all, but as the more elaborate exclusive start to show up the customer rewards programs will work for those that are members and will cut back on the craziness when all the trooper variations are requested.

I anticipate a lot of the commanders and squad leaders being available as collector's club exclusive variants. Those will be the ones people are going to kill each other over. Vader, Boba, Maul, etc will be available with slightly bigger prodction runs even for the exclusive versions.

Meaning that instead of selling out in 1 hour they'll sell out in an hour and a half. :rolleyes:
madden821 said:
Probably Slave Leia

Naww...not slave Leia for a very important reason? Have you seen the doll bodies without clothes? They look like jigsaw puzzles becase of the articulation points. Her soft and supple skin would lose something in the translation I think.

My vote for most popular...

I still think a nice 12" Leia in bespin gown becase it's never been done before. Sure the bad-A** characters like Vader and Fett will be popular...but in 12" scale...they are a dime a dozen. Give us somehting never before seen and it might be different. Just my opinion.
A good looking Bespin Leia would be nice. If they make Slave Leia, they should design a revolutionary body type with the best 'skin' ever made. It would definitely separate Sideshow from the rest of the 1/6 competition.
I have no problem with exposed joints. If I wanted no joints, I'd get a statue. For a toy, I want articulation, and that means joints!
I have a custom Leia on a CY Girl body, and the joints don't bug me a bit.