What is your favorite year for GI Joe ARAH figures?

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What is your favorite year for GI Joe ARAH figures?

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I can't imagine getting a whole year's worth of figures for Christmas. That would have blown my tiny child's mind.

My parents never made a lot of money but came into a little bit that fall. It was the best Christmas ever. I think the Stinger was my favorite item.
My parents never made a lot of money but came into a little bit that fall. It was the best Christmas ever. I think the Stinger was my favorite item.

I would have to say '84 due to the Stinger and Vamp Mark II. To this day, the Mark II is one of the best jeeps ever made. I remember getting 2 of each. Awesome... :yess:

I was old enough to actually enjoy hunting for them.

All the other years I could only beg my parents for them and I would only get what they thought I should have. Hence I often smashed them into pieces or used firecrackers on them with older brothers of friends.

I still had most up until the OJ Simpson trial.... that's the last time I actually valued my small joe stash. Then I destroyed them all for fun. And got in **** for it. :lol

All the other years I could only beg my parents for them and I would only get what they thought I should have. Hence I often smashed them into pieces or used firecrackers on them with older brothers of friends.

They should have bought you jack and **** from the sounds of it. :lecture
Very tough call between '84 & '85, but I think the 85 figures were better quality so I went with them. Either way, I have lots of memories with both years.
Its hard to pick a year, I got started in the begining as a little guy about 4-5 years old. I remember being in genovese drug store back in 82-83 and being draw right to them, I remember seeing them and getting grunt I think, can't be sure. But I think my favorate years were 84-85 with releases like quick kick and firefly got me so hooked.

To be honest after the 3 3/4 joes of the 80's I was stoked when the 12" hall of fame joes came out in the early 90's. It was so cool to be able to change the uniforms and customize them the way I wanted, not that I did'nt take the little ones apart and mix parts. I would end up putting the muscle arms on my snake eyes figures an such:lol

I voted 85 as that was a purely fun time for me as a kid:)
1985 figs as that is when they actually started selling the proper US Gi Joe figs but under the Action Force label.