Well, and now that we all know how much Christopher Reeve's Superman is needed...

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A possible HT Reeves figure gave me some hope for a keaton batman but now i think that is never going to happen.

Dude, HT Keaton Batman is probably in deeper limbos than CR Superman.

You'll turn 80 by the time they announce the licence! :lol


HT are not daft.They know the interest is there,I think they are just waiting for the proper moment to bring on the heat.These figs take a while to make,and judging by the ____storm they're getting over Lee,they aren't going to show Reeve until they've got a 12" clone.And judging by the time of the interview,it may very well be the DX 05,and as others have said,patience is a virtue.
I agree, apart from Reeve himself I can't watch those films. I'm sure they were great at the time but they aren't ageing well IMO. But I wish Reeve was still alive and still young enough to play superman in any future film.

Nah, they were silly and cornball even in 1978.
There was a threat here that someone saw the T2 scans and at the end they had a interview with Howard and he clarified that a reeves was in production

I also read in an article in chinese that said something about HT wanting to release CR Superman and Smooth Criminal, but they didn't know who they were going to release first, but since we got a Smooth Criminal announcement I think CR Supes is pushed to the back burner again.

I so want a CR superman, and I'm not even a Superman fan, I just want a Reeves figure. I think they will release him in time, and maybe he'll be the next DX 05, who knows.
I think what they are trying to do is let other companies bust out their Reeve Superman and learn from the mistakes that the other companies make to make it a figure worth the HT experience.
I actually heard they were releasing one, its somewhere in the petition thread in the DC section (not pics or anything just something a guy typed)
Well, we almost all read the interview where Howard Chan mentioned a CR Superman for 2010. But now, with nothing announced, I'm starting to believe they probably wanted to do it and for some reason, could get the licence or something.

Some have said patience is a virtue! Well I don't care if we get him this year or even if we have to wait five more years to get it. What I hate is this incertainty. If they came out and confirmed it's in the works, patience wouldn't be an issue for me!
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I cannot agree more strongly with this. A Chris Reeve SUPERMAN figure is a total must.

Weren't Mattel supposed to be bringing out a 12" Reeve figure to go with the meiocre ZOD that Mattycollector had on line a while back?

I wouyld have had that as an interim figure...but by goodness an HT CR/SUPERMAN would just ROCK!!!

I have the SUPERMAN RETURNS HT/MM figure and I am very happy with that, autographed by Brandob Routh as it is. But we need a Chris Reeve to go with the Marlon Brando HT properly.

Also, opinion is obviously divided about the fims. It's both strange and fantastic how everyone has different feelings on the same thing. I personally love the movies. Well...one and two actually. Three was a Richard Prior movie that had Superman in it...almost by accident! As for 4, what can you say? Chris, you were a brilliant Superman but they should have never let you get near the type writer labeled "new Superman script".