WATCHMEN Movie Discussion (SPOILERS allowed)!

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In fact, I maintain that if he weren't a stubborn SOB and had his druthers, Alan Moore himself might be jealous of the more elegant movie ending, which leans on the story's actual characters instead of an homage to an episode of "The Outer Limits".


To each their own, but the movie's ending is far from elegant. I found both the rewrite and the staging of the destruction and resolution to be clunky.

To each their own, but the movie's ending is far from elegant. I found both the rewrite and the staging of the destruction and resolution to be clunky.

:huh I didn't at all, and always found the book's fake alien squid ending to be a tad too campy for my tastes. :huh

But, no worries. To each his own, right? :duff

That said, I DO think that the film lacks some nice long, holocaustic shots of the death and destruction in the aftermath, ala the book. That's really missing and would have added a bit more emotional weight and relevance. It also makes the moral dilemna that the heroes are confronted with that much more troubling. Hopefully that will be in the Director's Cut.
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:huh I didn't at all, and always found the book's fake alien squid ending to be a tad too pedantic and campy for my tastes. :huh

But, no worries. To each his own, right? :duff

That said, I DO think that the film lacks some nice long, holocaustic shots of the death and destruction in the aftermath, ala the book. That's really missing and would have added a bit more emotional weight and relevance. It also makes the moral dilemna that the heroes are confronted with that much more troubling. Hopefully that will be in the Director's Cut.

I think the campy comicbookiness of the squid is part of it's charm and part of why it works better thematically within the overall narrative than the movie ending.

I am SOO disappointed with the glossed over destruction of millions in the film. No emotional weight whatsoever. The motion comic really nailed this pivotal scene and shows how weak the movie is in this regard. One of the few really big blunders in the film.
I think the campy comicbookiness of the squid is part of it's charm and part of why it works better thematically within the overall narrative than the movie ending.
That's certainly a valid point, but I'm still not convinced the campy squid ending would work in a WATCHMEN movie, unless the entire film flirted with said campiness in many respects.

I am SOO disappointed with the glossed over destruction of millions in the film. No emotional weight whatsoever. The motion comic really nailed this pivotal scene and shows how weak the movie is in this regard.
That's indeed the weakest part of the ending translated to the movie, by far. But I don't think it's a result of the changed plot device so much as an oversight of shooting/editing or perhaps yet another casualty of the theatrical/IMAX run-time. I certainly hope that's a part of the longer cut(s). Like I said, it would add a lot and make the poignancy of the ending even more like the book.
True campiness comes when the source takes itself almost too seriously. If they had done campy throughout it would have been lost. I think if Synder wanted to he could have gone with the squid and that backstory and played it seriously so that it came across in the movie the same way although something else we have seen would have had to have been compromised and the story is truncated as it is. It could have been done but I understand why it wasn't.
True campiness comes when the source takes itself almost too seriously. If they had done campy throughout it would have been lost. I think if Synder wanted to he could have gone with the squid and that backstory and played it seriously so that it came across in the movie the same way although something else we have seen would have had to have been compromised and the story is truncated as it is. It could have been done but I understand why it wasn't.

Perhaps. But if you thought blue members sent the dullards into a frenzy...

That's certainly a valid point, but I'm still not convinced the campy squid ending would work in a WATCHMEN movie, unless the entire film flirted with said campiness in many respects.

I do wish the film embraced the campiness of the comic a bit more. As serious as the book gets, it still maintains the horrific goofiness of a world of costumed heroes. The film starts off strong balancing the two but much of the campy smirk and silly joy of the comic quickly fizzles out. I think the film takes itself far more seriously, in a bad way, than the book does. But to be fair, it carries the weight of the revered source material on it's shoulders that the book never had to deal with.
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you know i do have to say that for all the people saying this sucked or that was awesome, you do have to be pretty impressed with the fact that this movie is being talked about so much.

As i've stated in another thread, that true art is a devisive form that when done right gets people talking......for good or bad, about it. Most films that come out these days get talked about for a few days and then they dissapear, Watchmen is still being discussed everywhere (not just on this board) weeks later.
What I really didn't like about the film ending is that Bubastis was completely just left to flap in the wind. She was just there and no attention paid to why she was different.

Hopefully they cover babstias origins in the DC....
Yeah, like I said earlier, the film is already abbreviated enough as is, if you add the artists and the island and that whole thing you end up having to cut more of the book and it would have really played strangely.
Just finished watching "Under the hood" and , MAN, it was so well made and enjoyable!! I cant remember the last time i saw a piece of suplementry material and liked it so much..Cudos to whosever idea that was....
Ya know, for anyone who hadn't read the book, it might be better to watch UNDER THE HOOD before the actually film!

Probably too late for that sort of test experiment. I'm surprised they didn't release this the week of the film, but then I guess non-readers would have to have someone explain to them how THE BLACK FREIGHTER has anything to do with the film itself.
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I can't wait to pick up Tales of the Black Freighter, which I only want for Under the Hood.

So my best friend just b*tched me out on Facebook because I called Ozymandias a d**che for killing millions of innocent people. It hurt my feelings so much that I had a bit of a cry, she's never thrown an attitude in my face in the entire time I've known her. Crazy what this movie can do to people. But I told her that I've heard far worse about the Comedian than d**che/rapist/murderer and I don't take it personally. I mean, if you're going to have the balls to like a character who does questionable things like attempting to rape someone or murdering millions of people you should be able to handle a little ribbing, am I right?
I can't wait to pick up Tales of the Black Freighter, which I only want for Under the Hood.

So my best friend just b*tched me out on Facebook because I called Ozymandias a d**che for killing millions of innocent people. It hurt my feelings so much that I had a bit of a cry, she's never thrown an attitude in my face in the entire time I've known her. Crazy what this movie can do to people. But I told her that I've heard far worse about the Comedian than d**che/rapist/murderer and I don't take it personally. I mean, if you're going to have the balls to like a character who does questionable things like attempting to rape someone or murdering millions of people you should be able to handle a little ribbing, am I right?

The people who Ozzy killed would have died a horrible death from nuclear war anyway.
As Spock would say 'The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one'
So my best friend just b*tched me out on Facebook because I called Ozymandias a d**che for killing millions of innocent people. It hurt my feelings so much that I had a bit of a cry, she's never thrown an attitude in my face in the entire time I've known her.

Welcome to the internet. That is the whole purpose of Facebook, Myspace, whatever. Their whole existence is to destroy relationships, especially girls. Seen it happen too many times.

I don't even bother with them, there's no point.