Vlad the impaler pf !!!!

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Vlad would have to be by far the hardest figure in history to differentiate fact from fiction and truth from propaganda.If Ive said something that is not correct I apologize.The export comment was merely a nod to the fact that I cant think of anything else Romania is really know for.Its much cooler than what Australia's known for,Kangaroos,Koalas and drunk loud people.

Hey I knew about Kangaroos and Koalas but had no idea Australia´s known for drunk loud people, thought that was only Spain :lol ;)
There´s also Sidney with the Opera House, Australia (the movie), Nicole Kidman, Hugh Jackman, the beaches, Mission: Impossible II, Star Wars I and II, Finding Nemo ;)... And hey Sidney will be forever known by us LOST fans as the place where it all began, with the Oceanic 815 leaving the Sidney Airport (even if it wasn´t filmed there) So you see, not only kangaroos and koalas. And don´t complain, we are known for paella, bull fights and sevillanas. I´m okay with the paella but I totally hate bull figts and I couldn´t care less about sevillanas. At least kangaroos and koalas are cool :)

Australia is one of those places I just need to visit before I die, and it´s not because I´m a fan of kangaroos and koalas :)

[Sorry for the offtopic]
I only hope one day Romaniafilm or other romanian movie company to release Vlad Tepes 1979 movie on DVD. You can read some info about it on imdb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0141966/.

The actor playing Vlad the Impaler, Stefan Sileanu:


It can be watched here, too bad it is not translated: https://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3724495652763481978# and on youtube - watch all parts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pp6s4ZcELyA
Vlad Tepes the original Romanian 1979 movie - no subtitles alas:

<embed id=VideoPlayback src=https://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=3724495652763481978&hl=en&fs=true style=width:400px;height:326px allowFullScreen=true allowScriptAccess=always type=application/x-shockwave-flash> </embed>
I'm sure the original Romanian Vlad Tepes movie can be found on some torrents and fan sites even with subtitles.
there is a torrent at the moment on extratorrents.com that has it with subtitles.I'm pretty sure it was English not sure if there was a Spanish version.Also there is a documentary on some American crackpot that was running for the governorship on Minnesota who is supposedly a vampire who hold ancestry to vlad and claims that his family from Romania has been practicing vampirism for centuries.It too funny because he is obviously full of crap.I think it called Impaler documentary or something of the like.:D
Hey I knew about Kangaroos and Koalas but had no idea Australia´s known for drunk loud people, thought that was only Spain :lol ;)
There´s also Sidney with the Opera House, Australia (the movie), Nicole Kidman, Hugh Jackman, the beaches, Mission: Impossible II, Star Wars I and II, Finding Nemo ;)... And hey Sidney will be forever known by us LOST fans as the place where it all began, with the Oceanic 815 leaving the Sidney Airport (even if it wasn´t filmed there) So you see, not only kangaroos and koalas. And don´t complain, we are known for paella, bull fights and sevillanas. I´m okay with the paella but I totally hate bull figts and I couldn´t care less about sevillanas. At least kangaroos and koalas are cool :)

Australia is one of those places I just need to visit before I die, and it´s not because I´m a fan of kangaroos and koalas :)

I know about Spain,its Romania I was referring to:D
I quit like Flamenco,cant play it though I cant grow my finger nails and I dont have time these days to practice a new form of guitar technique.
One thing though,do not judge Australia by the movie of the same name most Australians thought it was terrible.Ill take your word for it on the sevillanas(I have no idea what it is but I trust your judgment):D
Vlad Tepes the original Romanian 1979 movie - no subtitles alas:

<embed id=VideoPlayback src=https://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=3724495652763481978&hl=en&fs=true style=width:400px;height:326px allowFullScreen=true allowScriptAccess=always type=application/x-shockwave-flash> </embed>

I don't always impale my enemies, but when I do, I drink Dos Equis. :)
Well he didn´t say he can speak Italian, but that he can understand it really well. Maybe your gf can understand some too?
I´m a Spanish native speaker and I find a lot of romanian words very similar to the spanish ones but I can´t understand spoken romanian nor speak it. I can´t speak Italian but I can understand some.

The similarity is mainly because, as jkno said, Romanian, French, Spanish and Italian they all share the same origin: Latin. But they are all quite different languages.

Regarding Romania: you should really go and visit it, specially the Transylvania area. My fav place was Sinaia, loved the forest and mountains there, and you can´t miss the citadel where Vlad was born: Sighisoara, it´s great. Also visit "Bran", for the so called "Dracula´s castle" (where Vlad really didn´t live in, lol, but some say his grandpa did) and if you wanna visit a really AMAZING castle, go to the Hunedoara one, Corvin´s Castle (it´s said Vlad spent some time there as a prisoner) it´s a HUGE castle: https://farm4.static.flickr.com/3036/3015793902_b9e0d9aae0.jpg

I´ve been to Romania twice and can´t wait to go back :)

my girlfriend was born in brasov and lived in Sighisoara until she was 5 and migrated to Australia.Here parent are native to both those areas.her father was a school teacher in Sighisoara.I really want to go there,especially after seeing the hillsides of that region,breathe taking.
I know about Spain,its Romania I was referring to:D

I know you meant Romania, I was just talking about how bad it is that everything people know about some places, like yours or mine, is just a couple things when there is so much more to know :)
But it´s just that I love travelling.

Btw, thanks for the torrent info, will look for it (I don´t need spanish subtitles, it´s enough with the english ones so I should be fine :)
Watching it right now with English subtitles! Enjoying it so far :)

Good to hear that, maybe you should post a link to where you found it with subtitles. People should watch this movie to learn more about the real Vlad Tepes and Wallachia history, since they are getting a statue of him and know just so little about...
Good to hear that, maybe you should post a link to where you found it with subtitles. People should watch this movie to learn more about the real Vlad Tepes and Wallachia history, since they are getting a statue of him and know just so little about...

I´m gonna try to find the link I used. I checked a lot of torrents and most of them didn´t work (not enough people sharing it) so I need to find the one that worked. I will post the link here when I find it :) The subtitles aren´t too good though, because they show too late and it´s hard to follow the dialogue because when the subtitles show another person is already talking saying the next thing and it´s confusing, but it´s ok.
Alright, I´m not sure which one is the one that worked for me but it was one of these links (to download the movie, that is):


https://www.sumotorrent.com/en/details/3138960/Vlad Tepes (1979)(english subs).html


The one I downloaded didn´t have the subtitles but you can easily find them using Google.
I think this is where I got the subtitles from but they appear too slow: https://www.allsubs.org/search-subtitle/Vlad+Tepes+1979/
Thanks again, I'll be really curious who is going to take 2 hours of their life and watch this movie, since many here are so eager to get the statue representing Vlad Tepes... ;)

Not many kings or warriors had the insane courage to go alone into the middle of the huge enemy base at night and try to kill Mehmed II, the sultan who conquered Constantinople a few years ago. Only by bad luck he missed killing him... That is also Vlad Tepes also known as Dracul.
Finished watching the movie yesterday (hadn´t had the time to finish it yet) and loved the way they portrayed Vlad (kinda the way I think he really was).
Specially loved one line that I think summarizes what happened/happens to the character of Vlad Tepes (how people think he is, thank to what his enemies made out of him through propaganda and stories and thank to Bram Stoker´s Dracula).

"I haven´t built monasteries or citadels, my image won´t be in the churches. But I built in the soul of the country, this is the most precious work for a voievod.
I leave the country really clean, everything that was bad in it I took over me and will carry with me."

So true :rolleyes:
Finished watching the movie yesterday (hadn´t had the time to finish it yet) and loved the way they portrayed Vlad (kinda the way I think he really was).
Specially loved one line that I think summarizes what happened/happens to the character of Vlad Tepes (how people think he is, thank to what his enemies made out of him through propaganda and stories and thank to Bram Stoker´s Dracula).

"I haven´t built monasteries or citadels, my image won´t be in the churches. But I built in the soul of the country, this is the most precious work for a voievod.
I leave the country really clean, everything that was bad in it I took over me and will carry with me."

So true :rolleyes:

Indeed, very true, and as I said before too bad other people are not interested in watching this movie to have a glimpse of how the real Vlad Tepes was...
It still a while until Vlad but has anyone bught anything to get the Vlad mouse pad? I use one of my GC's and will have one Wed. Might even use a 2nd card and get another one.